A/N: Sorry for the delay

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Hey, guys! I promise that I'll do my best to update this week! My school literally just threw a bunch of work at my classmates and I. And we're all just like, "Hey, we literally just got back from winter break last week! Give us a break!" I was planning on updating last weekend, but then I got a bunch of homework AND my whole entire grade has to do this HUGE energy projects where we have to research and make models of different types of power plants(my group is doing wind btw) that we will be doing in all of our subjects(but mostly science and language arts). And we didn't get to pick our partners and somehow, all of my best friends got teamed up together(lucky ducks), while my other best friend(I was so relieved that she was in my group because I was about to get super jealous of my other friends) and I got partnered up with three other people. They're having us do the project in parts so the part of it that we were working on was due today so I was working on it Sunday night. The rest of Sunday and my weekend, I was working on my regular homework. I'm just so upset with my school right now. My best friend(same one who's doing this project with me) and I LITERALLY just got over doing a project for Language Arts and now they're giving us this. The only good part of this is that each group had to have a leader and my group members all asked me if I could be the leader(which I had a feeling that they would. As soon as my language arts teacher said that each group would have to select a leader, I was like, "My group's gonna make me be the leader, aren't they?" But they didn't force me or anything. They were all like, "You don't have to if you don't want to." But I agreed anyway since I secretly wanted to be the leader and thought I would be good at it) since they felt that I am the most responsible, so I get to boss them around and tell them what to do(just kidding. I just have to make sure that everyone is doing their fair share of work and that everything gets done. Also, I have to hand in our work to the teachers.) OH, AND HERE'S THE BEST PART: we have to present to a group of PROFESSIONALS!!! Since I'm the leader, I'll probably have to do something special for the presentation! (Presenting gives me more anxiety than anything else, so I'm NOT looking forward to it.)

But actually, my group has been doing pretty good so far because of me. We had to write reasons why we chose the energy source that we chose and only three groups had enough valid information to move into the next part today. So I ended up being the one who wrote a lengthy paragraph(none of my partners were not slacking off. I just chose to do it myself.) And in one part of the project, they asked us what kind of plant we'd like to live near, and I said a wind plant and said how they're more eco friendly than the other plants and used examples. So, I just copied and pasted that into the area where we had to have our reasons(I'm often very lazy lol). And on Saturday, me, who has always secretly been interested in science(when I was younger, I used to love interested in astronomy. My teachers gave me a book about our solar system when I was five, which I must have read a billion times. Then I got my first ever telescope when I was six. I got an even better one that came with a sky wheel that shows you when you will be able to see which constellation either last year for Christmas or the year before that. And then two years ago, I got this shirt that has the cycles of the moon on it, which I still wear because I love it and I still fit into it since I'm almost done growing. But ever since last year when I learned biology, I have pretty much been interested in any kind of science. If you watched Girl Meets Stem, then you definitely know that I wouldn't of been one of the ones who would have wanted to drop the sludge ball!), was watching educational science videos while I was taking a break from doing my homework because I was bored(Gosh, I can be such a nerd at times...). All of the sudden, I found a video on one of the science channels that I am subscribed to that was about energy. So I was like, "I should probably watch this since I'm learning this right now!" And, the video did mention wind turbines and had some great facts about them, so I was like, "this is great!" And then, I found another video made by the same people that was solely about them going to a wind power plant in another country. So I was like, "Ooh, this might help me out with my project, so I should probably should watch this!" Turns out this video had even MORE good information! Keep in mind I wasn't even looking for anymore research for our project. I was just watching these videos because I was bored and I love science. So on Sunday, I re-watched the videos and ended up putting info from both of them into the thing that I was writing. And since what I wrote was approved my my teachers, I felt like saying to my team members, "Y'all better be thankful that I get bored easily and occasionally watch educational science videos on YouTube that none of y'all probably watch."(I mean, most of my classmates probably don't like science that much since our teacher has a deep, monotone voice. But she's still nice though, as I have mentioned before. All I can say is that I'm glad she doesn't teach social studies because even though I do extremely well in that class(not to be selfish, but I do good in every class) since I have a good memory when it comes to studying, I'm not good at paying attention in it when the teacher teaching it is boring or what we are learning is boring. Oh my gosh, the teacher I had last year for it was nice, but he has the most monotonous voice I have ever heard, so I've had to have yawned at least five times per class.)

But I am not even kidding about any of this homework or this project! I swear I must have sensed it or something because just as I decided to ditch my updating schedule just in case something like this did ever happen, all of my teachers just threw this huge project at me... Sometimes I think I may be psychic(even tho I'm definitely not one. Everyone has coincidental moments.)

Anyways, all of my teachers gave me thank you cards for getting them Christmas gifts, except for my home room teacher(but he doesn't teach me, so I honestly don't care), and my math teacher literally just made copies of a template off of Google Images and wrote of all of our names on them and signed them. It's literally was a plain white piece of folded paper with a smiley face on it that said, "your gesture made me smile," inside. And I was like, "this is so nice of her, but I feel like she didn't really put any effort into this." Because I mean, all of my other teachers actually wrote me nice little letters where they said I was thoughtful and thanked me for getting them hot chocolate, saying it was delicious. In my math teacher's card, that was just referenced to as a "gesture". But at least she was thinking of us because I got all of my teachers the same thing last year and I didn't get any thank you cards. (However, I did get one from my science teacher last year for getting her a movie gift card at the end of the year).

Anyways, sorry this is so long! This is basically like another life update lol! Today, I got a good chunk of my homework out of the way, so promise that I will do my best to update either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thursday at the latest. Enjoy the rest of your day! :)

P.S. Shoutout to my social studies teacher for showing us two videos that showed the highlights of 2015 on the first day back to school. If you haven't guessed it already, both videos showed Caitlyn Jenner and the thing about gay marriage now being legal everywhere in the USA. In one of the videos, the same sex couples kissed, so I was like, "Dang, my social studies teacher has GUTS!!!"(I think that my social studies teacher supports gay rights because she has mentioned the gay marriage thing a few times, which is something that none of my other teachers have ever done probably because they don't have the guts. I mean, she wouldn't of showed those videos if she didn't support transgender people or gay people. Lol, there is hardly anyone who is completely against that kind of stuff in my area. In fact, there's even kids who have came out in my school. As far as I know, there's 7 LGBT kids in my school, all of them being girls. However, one boy who used to go to my school came out as gay in 5th grade, which I didn't find out about until one of my friends told me this summer. Also, there's three boys in my school who I think may not be straight. And then there's one girl who I think may not be straight because I overhead her saying that she liked one of her friends that's a girl, but I didn't hear the whole convo so idk.) The videos also mentioned the terrorist attacks that occurred in France that happened on 11/13/15, which I thought was nice because I really do feel sorry for all of those innocent people who were killed and their friends and family who have to go through the fact that they lost them.

Again, enjoy the rest of your day! :)


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