Chapter 19

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I never told Adiel about having met his dad. His dad informed me that his mother would never know either. I left the restaurant alone, was escorted home in a car and the media never found out whether the minister dined alone or not. Or if they had, they just hadn't published that yet.

Adiel sat on my bed. School had re-opened just the other day and Adiel was spending the evening with me after school. We were alone at home and it hadn't ended up... Uneventful.

However, both of us had forgotten of another person being in the house and as I pulled on my large shirt, I heard the faint knocks.


I hurried off and opened the door slowly. Neither of us were undressed anymore so I didn't hesitate to open it all the way. Claire peeked in, cheeks red.

"I'm sorry." She muttered.

"For?" I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"Nothing." She shook her head violently. "I just wanted to ask if... Um... You could help me out with something." She didn't look at my face.

"Yes?" I asked.

"So my band got a chance to perform at this inter-school talent festival kind of thing and... We don't have a singer."

"I don't-I can't sing." I gave out an embarrassed laugh before turning to Adiel to give him a glance.

"I've heard you sing. Just give it a try please. For me. There's only one week till the performance and a talent agent will be there." She held her hands together.

"How come I've never heard of this band?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"We're sort of on the low since our singer left..."

"What? What kind of songs do you even play?"

"Slow." She gave me a pleading smile. I gave her a questioning look. "Please! We've been practicing this for weeks and she just left out of the blue."


"Just one shot. I'll give it a try. Only for you." I sighed.


I'm surrounded by over 7, 15 year olds. I'm silently regretting this as I stand here in the garage of one of the members. There are weird orchestral instruments mashed up with other instruments I've never seen. The surround system looks quite new and I'm just wondering who is the sugar daddy funding this group before I remembered these are only 15 year olds. There's a tall boy standing at the bass drum. He looks surprisingly familiar for some reason and I'm confused. Claire distracts me before I go up to him.

"Hi guys. This is my cousin Lia. I brought her here to give a shot at singing our song." Claire spoke turning the whole group silent.

"What's the song?" I try asking quietly.

"Hi could you come stand here please?" A girl said to me and dragged me to the mic, away from Claire. I'm confused and still wondering what this is all about until someone calls out for the band to start and they actually start playing. I noticed that to my side were three girls sharing the other mic. When the song properly began I was quite in shock at what it was. I had sung this in the bathroom a couple of times but I didn't remember the lyrics to actually pull this off in front of these many kids. I was freaking out when this girl pushed a stand at me and smiled reassuringly. The lyrics were on an open book on it and I just went with the flow. This was one of my current favourite songs and it wasn't that hard. I did lose the beat at some little part where the back up singers joined in but I caught up soon.

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