Chapter 5

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"Hey." Adiel smiled at me as he sat down beside me on the park bench. I was dressed in my white thick shirt and mini shorts and it was quite chilly out. I smiled at him slowly.

"Hey." I dragged the word. "Sorry I couldn't go over today. I was thinking we could discuss deep things you know. Personal private things." I didn't hesitate.

"Oh yeah. Sure, why not." I was slightly glad he considered me close enough. We had been meeting up daily for nearly a month now. "So... Did you confess to the guy yet?"

"Not really. That aside, what about that girl you like? How's she like?" I turned to him and gave him an eager look. He looked up at the sky and I could tell he was thinking.

"She's... Funny..." He began. Ok. I'm funny. Sort of. Maybe. "Nice." Am I nice? I'd like to think so... "Cute, she's very cute." Ok maybe I'm not so cute. "Really pretty."

Ok this is not me.

"Oh... Oh wow." I nervously grinned. "You must really like her."

"I do." He said shyly.

"Does she know?" I leaned in a little closer.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure she knows." He winked at me and it left me slightly shocked. He winked at me often. He winked at a lot of people often so I naturally assumed it was a thing he did but this wasn't the right time was it?

"Oh..." I gulped softly. "And how does she feel about you?" My voice went softer and I tried to hide my slight disappointment.

"I feel that she likes me. But I'm not sure. I'd like to know, but I don't want to ask her." He looked over at the trees and sighed. "You know what I like?" He paused. "Cars." He turned to me and started describing a huge line of cars enthusiastically and I knew I had to say it. It was now or never.

"I like you." I blurted out before I realised what I had done. My eyes grew wide and my cheeks started to flame up. I did the only thing I could.

I got up and started to run away. Technically speed walk but that's how I felt like.

"He-Hey! No wait! Wait!" I heard him call so I froze. I wasn't that far away from him so I could hear him and he was grinning. "Hey, come back." I don't know why but I gave the sky one look, sighed and turned back to him, hiding my face with my sleeved hands-which is basically just my hands hidden under the sleeves-as I walked back towards him. I sat down slowly and knew he was still smiling. Maybe he found this amusing. Or maybe he was just used to it. He's attractive as hell, I was pretty sure he received confessions on a near daily basis. Maybe he found it funny that I would fall for him. Maybe he's laughing at me.

I blushed harder.

"Hey." He grinned as he scooted over closer to me. I didn't move and I was slightly upset. I sighed but froze when he put his head on my shoulder, which was hard to do on his part since he was 8 whole inches taller than me."It's okay." He let out a small laugh. "Cause I think I like you too."

We sat in silence and I tried to breath in what he had said. We went over to his house after the sun had set and we cooked together. It wasn't different really. Except now, I didn't have to hide my feelings.

While on our way to his place, we passed by Tiana, who gave us a weird look and teased us. I stepped away awkwardly, hoping she wouldn't know. Because as much as we wanted to deny it, the both of us, Tiana and I, knew she still liked him.


"Mmm... Blue or Red?" I asked while I shoved a forkful of spaghetti into my mouth. His parents had gotten home a while ago and he decided he didn't want to eat with me at the dining table so we brought the plates upstairs and sat on the carpet. Now we were in a middle of a preference game where we ask each other to choose between two options that we provide.

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