Chapter 10

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"I'm sure he likes you." I said to Bunny. "He's got to. Why else would he have kissed you?"

"Yeah well see, that's my concern. He could have someone else he likes who just matches his description of me." Bunny protested.

"Really unlikely. Besides, you said he's very gentlemanly to you."

"That's not a sign of liking he's gentlemanly to you too." She rolled her eyes. "Hey yeah, so anyway, there's this party tonight and Paul sorta invited me-"

"HOLLIE!" I nearly yelled in exasperation. Why won't she take the hint?!

"To go," she eyed me cautiously while frowning. "As friends."

"Did he specify?" I raise my eyebrows at her. She stared at me silently.

"That's irrelevant since he never said it was a date or anything." She blurted out quickly.

"How did he invite you then?"

"Ok." She cleared her throat and began in a rough imitation of Paul's voice which was sort of deep but in an almost bad way which was just how his voice actually was and the accuracy sort of hurt me. "'Hey Hollie, so there's this party tonight which I want you to come with me to as my bud.'"

"As his bud?!" I breathed. "Oh the nerve! What does he think you two are?! Fuckbuddies?!" I frown instantly, slightly annoyed. Bunny just blushed. "Oh... Oh god no. Please tell me you two didn't do it yet?" I begged. Bunny just blushed harder.

"I don't think it counts cause he only lasted a minute!" She blurted out before she could stop herself and we both gasped.

"He what?!" I struggled to contain my laughter.

"It was just the first time..." She said slowly. "He was nervous. He's actually really good at it." She began to play with her fingers.

"How many times have you two actually done it?" I frowned harder.

"Five." She inhaled sharply. "Fifth time was a mistake!"

"Well let's hope this girl he likes is you because he certainly knows you like him and he better not be using you because I will crush his ball sacks if he is."


"They will be sacks once I get through the first round."


"My parents just left for the airport with my sister." Adiel explained as he fell back on his springy and very soft bed. I sat down beside him.

"Why aren't you leaving?" I asked.

"I am. Day after. I can't right now as I've got these tuitions and stuff to finish it's all a very complicated process yada yada." He sat back up. "My parents needed their holiday so they just left as soon as they could really."

"You didn't go to the airport with them because?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No time." He shrugged. "Well... We've got the whole house to ourselves right now. What do you want to do? Cook?" He smiled at me.

"What about all your servants?" I smiled back.

"Well the only one who isn't off is the cook since I'm still here. Everyone else is on holiday as of now. And the cook is home I really don't think she'd drive five blocks to see me." He chuckled.

"Okay okay!" I grinned softly. "Actually... I was hoping we could do something more... Exciting." I got on the bed on my knees. The entire room was only lit by his bedside lamp and it was quite dim.

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