Chapter 2

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I held the cheesecake bag to my face as we approached the front gates of the district. His house was set inside a concrete paved courtyard and it was the first of many elegant buildings, all urban and apartment complexes. The cars I stared at as I walked past was something I could never afford.


"Just so you know, if his house doesn't have an elevator, I'm not going in." I muttered to Tiana. We spotted a handsome guy in a light blue polo shirt and shorts waving at us.


"Hey! Glad you made it." The guy said to us as we approached him. Oh god... His smile. What is this. I was now confused. Whoever this guy was, he was certainly really good looking.

"Hi." Tiana laughed nervously before shaking his hand. He turned to me expectantly but I refused to move my paper bag away from my face. I knew they'd notice me blushing. I had no idea why I was blushing.

"Shall we go in?" He motioned towards the lobby of the building behind him and we began to follow him in. When we stepped into the elevator, I noticed how tall he actually was compared to short little me-I was 5'3". We got off the elevator in silence and he opened his door. There was a golden name plate beside the door on the wall engraved with the words, REIDS RESIDENCE. Reids... Why did that name sound familiar?

"Adiel, could you-" a woman began before freezing as we stepped into the apartment.

"Yes mum?" The guy asked. So his name was Adiel... Adiel Reids, if I'm right. What a girly name though...

"You didn't tell me you'd have... people over." His mother emphasized the word in an almost disgusted tone.

Aristocratic behaviour. Much expected from a woman like her who was clearly showering in riches and luxury. Tiana and I were obviously of a lower class and status to what she deemed proper to be her son's 'friends'.

"Oh yes mum. I mentioned last night before dinner?" He said slowly. His mother didn't look at us.

"Oh... Why yes. I... I had expected it to be one of your friends or classmates." His mother seemed concerned now.

"These are my friends mum." He answered after some silence. His mother laughed to herself a little as if it was some private joke.

"New friends?" She questioned when she calmed down to which he nodded. "Well... Who are they?" She began. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" Adiel shifted his feet a bit.

"This is... Tiana Becker. I met her at the last school fair we held. I'm helping her with a mix for a performance." He motioned to Tiana who let out a small smile. His mother didn't smile back.

"Hm..." She glanced at me. "And her?" She raised an eyebrow at her son. I only realised then that he hardly knew anything about me.

"She's... Tiana's friend." He muttered. His mother was about to say something when her phone began to ring and she answered it. After a moment of conversing, she stood up and picked up her little clutch.

"My break is over, it seems." She walked over to Adiel and put a hand on his arm before leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Take care Adiel. I expect you would be responsible enough in my absence."

"Yes mum." Adiel didn't turn as his mother walked out, closing the door behind her. "Oh, follow me." He said calmly as if the encounter had never happened and it wasn't awkward at all. We followed him up the wooden steps onto the second floor. There were three rooms. He led us to the furthest one from the stairs and closed the door when we stepped in. I marveled at how gorgeous the room was. The theme was on greyscale and I was a huge fan of interior decoration, which is what I was aiming to reach as a career. The room has a white large bed, tossed on top were fluffy white pillows, white sheeting and duvets with a bolster kept neatly at the head of the bed. The closet was to the side and the bathroom door was opposite the windows, which was partially a balcony and partially full length floor to ceiling glass and oh my... The view... It had stripped curtains which were neatly drawn open and the light cascading into the room gave it a light finish as the polished wood floors shone with it.

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