Chapter 17

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I couldn't go back now.

Well fuck.

He ended up roughly kissing me after the huge argument and then pushing me into the bed. It was pretty heated and he got the condom on in the middle of it.

Now he was attempting to... Um... Go in... And I'm wincing in pain and slightly resisting him.

Why even am I so so stupid.

I wanted to do this. But really, this is no firework involved amazing mind blowing ecstatic love making or anything we read about. This is excruciatingly painful and slow and again, very painful.

"Babe, relax." He tried but that pressured me even harder. "Ok um... Do you want me to just push in in one go-?"

"No?!" I frowned, realising I had been holding my breath this whole time.

"Does it hurt really bad?"

"No?!" I lied.

"You sure?"

"Yes?!" I nearly shrieked. I could slowly feel him go in a bit more and-

Oh my god.

Oh fuck.

"Okay, you know, maybe you should, just... Um... Start the thing, a bit faster???" I managed to whimper out in a high pitched tone.

"Okay babe, I can see your face. You; are in a lot of pain."

"I can manage-oh fuck ok stop. Stop moving oh my god."

"I'm not..." He said slowly.

"I can do this."

"Okay I'm pulling out." He warned before he started moving.


More pain, and this time, I literally moaned.

And then blushed.

"Jesus Lia, you're like, clamping down on me I can't move you look like you're in enough pain already." He huffed at me. I panted and we waited in silence, him slightly inside and hanging above me.

Well what a nice position to be in though...

"Let's try distracting you." He said softly, leaning in.

"Wha-" my sentence was cut off when he pulled me into a french kiss-WHILE ACTUALLY MOVING IN. I found myself pushing him away but he somehow managed to thrust enough for the pain to slowly fade out and then it felt pretty good.

I'm quite confused and I don't even realise I'm making the most embarrassing sounds possible. Not like I can help it right now.

It's slipping out of me. I try to clamp my hand down on my mouth to calm it down but he pulls it away and smirks at me.

He legit smirks at me.

Oh my god.

You dominant little fuck.


I open my eyes as the warm light hits my face.

Sun light?

I try sitting up but notice the arm thrown around me and turn to see Adiel sleeping beside me.

Oh what?

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