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Scott’s point of view

I still can’t believe what was happening.  When we pulled away we just stood there looking at each other.  “Breakfast?” I asked not knowing what else to do.

“If your cooking”  he said to me smirking

I splashed him and climbed back onto the dock.  We didn’t say anything while walking back.  Just walked in sync till we got back inside.  Before I knew what was happening I was being smothered by someone.  After a minute of shaking me the person or should I say people stepped back.  Kyle and Big.  I wasn’t that shocked to see them, since Harry was here I knew they wouldn’t leave him.  “Hungry?” I asked them.  They both laughed a little.  I could tell Kyle was about to tear up.  They really were worried about me.

Everyone sat in silence while I cooked eggs.  It wasn’t that awkward I was just waiting for the rapid fire questions to come.  Sometimes I would look up and see Harry staring at me but he wouldn’t look away when I noticed him.  He would just smile a little as if he was trying to hide it.

When the eggs were done I sat it in front of all of them while I started to eat mine.  “Ok I’m just going to get it over with.”  They all looked up at me.  “How’d you find me?”

“Harry was the one who actually figured it out.”  Big said.

I looked over at him as he smiled down at his plate.  I raised my eyebrows gesturing for him to explain.  “In your letter you said where it all started.  I’m actually surprised I didn’t pick that out earlier.” 

“Impressive Styles” I said while going back to my eggs.  It stayed quiet for awhile. 

“Ok I’m just going to say it.”  I look up at Kyle.  Here it comes.  “What were you doing?  You didn’t tell anyone where you’re going and you just leave a note like you did?  Did you know how worried we all were?”  He sounded like he was my father.  He was waiting for a response but I just stayed quiet.  “And on top of that were you going to tell us about your little kick ass scene?  I thought you were going to tell us if anything happened with those creeps!”

“Well I took care of that” I said back sort of bitchy.  “Plus you would have left Harry and I didn’t want that.”  I tried avoiding looking at Harry.  “And if you weren’t with him he would have gotten abducted or something.”

“You don’t have to protect me all the time Scott!” Harry yelled surprising everyone.

“Well I’m sorry I don’t want you to get hurt because of some pervy stalkers of mine see you as a threat.” I yelled back.  This wasn’t how I wanted this conversation to go.

“Come on Scott we both know that’s not the only reason you left.”  I just looked at him.  “Do you know how much shit every celebrity gets on a day to day basis, not everyone is going to like us but we all put up with it.  You have to face it instead of running.”  I stayed quiet.  He put me in my place.  Now his tone was lighter.  “I get you don’t get that much bad publicity because you are such a great person so when these paps get this kind of footage it’s going to be worse.”  I felt so crappy about myself, I mean I was about to end my life last night over something like this? 

“I don’t know if you saw the VMA’s last night or not but you have a lot of people who care about you.  They all stood on stage led by Harry to stick up for you.”  Big said. 

“Yea they all took the risk of ruining their publicity because they knew you would never do that to a fan.”  Gosh I was being laid down on the guilt trip now.  “Mark and Jason have been non stop worrying about you.  Mark even is hiring private eyes to track you down as we speak.”  Kyle explained.

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