The Runway-ch15

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Harry’s point of view

We got in the car and started driving.  Scott was in the back as I drove with mom in the passenger seat.  I looked over and she was pretty dressed up.  She was wearing a black dress that she wore to more formal events, this one I’m pretty sure she wore to the final episode of the X-Factor.

I could tell she cared about Scott.  I think after he told us his past and especially after him being in the hospital she feels protective over him.  I still catch her tucking him on every night when he falls asleep.  I would be lying if I didn’t feel protective over him either.  I mean if I wasn’t following him running then he might have just laid out there as the paps took more and more photos of him.

I look back and see Scott rubbing his head, he looked like he was still in some pain.  He saw me looking at him and smiled, just like that he looks like he wasn’t in the hospital just the other day.  “So what should we be expecting at this runway” I ask curiously.

“Well a lot of them are different from each other.  This one is themed, it’s a winter wonderland so everything is going to be all white and pretty classy.”

“I’m sort of nervous! I’ve never been to anything like this” my mom said squirming in her seat next to me.  “I’ve been to some of Harry’s award ceremonies but I doubt it’s anything like this.”

‘Yea it’ll be a little different” he said chuckling looking out the window.

We sat in silence for the rest of the way.  It was a pretty long ride because it was in London but it was convenient because since Louis birthday party is the next day and it’s at the flat we share right by London.

We were getting close to London “You didn’t forget about Louis party did you?” I said looking in the review mirror.

“Are you kidding?! Of course not I’m so excited!” he said moving around in his seat.  “By the way what did you get him for his birthday?”

“It’s being delivered to our flat so it should be there by the time the party starts.  Did you get him anything?”

“I want to get him something, but I have no clue.  I was going to walk around after the show and see if anything draws my attention.”

“Well you don’t have to.  I’m sure he’s happy you’re just coming”

We finally got into the city and was pulling up to what looked like a hotel.  It was as if there was a premiere of a big movie happening.  As I drove up there was a carpet going up the stairs into the hotel.  I parked the car letting Scott get out and was about to drive away.

“Wait where do you think your going?” he said before closing the door

“Going to go park somewhere.” I said simply

“No your my guests now.  You both have to come in with me!” he turned around and was looking for someone.  “Hey! Vincent come here!!” he yelled.

A guy who looked about our age came running over.  “What can I do for you Mr. Vine”

“How many times do I have to tell you, just call me Scott.  Can you please park our car for us.”

“Of course Scott anything for you”  he ran over to my door and opened it for me.  He glared at me sort of giving me a dirty look.  That’s weird.  Scott was helping my mom out of the car, he gave her an arm to walk with.  I joined them walking to the other side of Scott and we started walking. 

The flashes all turned to us.  Scott seemed a little uneasy and grabbed his head.  I quickly put my hand around his shoulder.  He looked at me and smiled.  My mom tightened her grip on his other arm and smiled at him.  He just nodded his head.

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