How it Started-ch1

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How it all started

My name is Scott Vine and this is how my story started

Scott’s point of view

Today it’s been officially 5 years since I started my acting/modeling career and so much has happened since then.  I’ve already been in 6 big Hollywood movies, guest starred on some TV shows, and doing modeling print jobs around the world.  Currently I’m working on my newest film, it’s a high action pack movie but more about that later.  Tonight Jason (my personal manager) is throwing a party for me, but I’m not that excited for it.  Since my career started I haven’t kept in contact with my friends from back home at all, I literally haven’t had time and plus Jason “accidentally” deleted all of their contacts so I couldn’t just text them.  And I don’t have any spare time to hang out with my other co-stars after the movies we film together are done with.  So I pretty much have no friends….

The people at the party are all pretty much old people from my management (Peak Agency) and the rest are just socialites there for the cameras… So much fun right?!?  Nope, but since it was my party I put on an act and pretended like it was another one of my movies.  I think I actually pretend I’m in more movies than I face reality in sometimes.

As I arrive fashionably late to my own party (that just so happens to be advertising my new movie) I was welcomed with a blindingly amount of flashes from the paparazzi and people screaming questions at me.  “What’s your new movie about?” “Are you really dating Jennifer Lawrence?” “When’s your next modeling shoot?”

I just smile and wave till I was safely in the sanctuary of the building the party was being hosted at.  Again when I enter the main room I was met with more flashes and some very convincing smiles and some not so convincing.  Everyone came up to me shaking my hand making sure they put in a good word with whatever company they were associated with and then just left before I could actually have a conversation with them.  I eventually found someone I could say was an actual friend of mine, Jennifer Lawrence. 

I remember the first time I met her I was literally the biggest fanny ever!  She really is one of the nicest girls in the show biz world and we bonded while doing our last movie together.

I snuck up behind her and put my arm around her waist “How do you do Ms. Lawrence?” I say in a British accent

“Quite well if you must know Sir Vine” She said replying in a British accent.  She said it back so fast as if in character already… of course she’s an amazing actress.  “Quite a lovely ball you have for yourself here” she continued with the act

“Ahhh yes indeed.  Jason has surely outdone himself this time” 

“O yes almost forgot about the devil assistant.” She is the only person who knows how wicked Jason is.  “How has he been recently?” she says dropping the act now

I just roll my eyes.  I pick up one of the bottles of champagne while saying “Same as usual, slave driver”.  I’m about to take a sip when it get ripped out of my hands.

“Scott your not of age!” …Jason  “plus that’s extra calories you don’t need in you system, plus you have a shoot in two days so you’ll need to go for a run later tonight”

“After MY party you mean?” I say emphasizing the my part

“Please Scott you know this is just another publicity stunt for your new movie” he says condescendingly

That’s at least one thing I can count Jason on.. being blunt and honest

“Ahhh you mean this isn’t to celebrate my 5 years being dragged everywhere around the world with you?” I say in my usual sarcastic tone

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