Chapter Twentytwo-

Start from the beginning

“Replaced?” he repeated shaking his head.

“Taylor, no one could ever replace you and Jessica. Sure I have a family now but in no way do they replace you.  I grew up and fell in love and decided to have a family of my own, and one day you will too.  That doesn’t make us not brother and sister; it just makes our family grow.  You and Jessica are very much part of my family.  Whether we are two minutes away or a universe away you are always my family.  No one could ever replace that,” Caden tells me as tears flow down my face. I get up from my seat and walk over to Caden collapsing my head on his lap as Jessica walks over doing the same, while Rachael with Tessa, and Niall back off to the other side of the room.

Caden puts his hands on the back of our heads soothingly.

“I’m never leaving again, the three of us will be together forever.” He tells us and all three of us cry.  Our love had almost been completely lost but now the love feels bigger then it was before.

“Jessica, I’m sorry I made you grow up faster than you ever needed to, but you did a great job.  You and Taylor turned out to be beautiful young ladies that have grown into women that I barely recognize.  And Taylor, you have been really brave; you have had to deal with so much more than anyone your age should have to deal with. Lastly Niall, you are the perfect man I could ever ask to have my sister’s heart.  The love in your guys’ eyes is almost fairy tale like, but if you hurt her, your pretty boy face won’t be so pretty anymore.” Caden tells us all causing laughter around the room.

“Caden…” I look at him in disapproval.

“Hey I’ve missed out on the guy threatening for quite awhile, I say I have some catching up to do.” He teases me and I lightly shove his shoulder.  We all laugh and start to catch up on all the things we have missed out in life.

Soon I find myself back in Niall’s arms and I start to find it harder and harder to keep my eyes open, and as they finally close I feel a light kiss on my forehead then the whispers of sweet words that make my stomach flutter.  The only person, who has that control over me, is mine, and I am his. And I have never been this happy in my entire life.

Without Niall, I would have been lost.  Without Niall, my life wouldn’t have much meaning.  And without Niall, I would still be that broken girl.


One year later-

“Thank you New York!  You are always such a lovely crowd.  We wouldn’t be anywhere without you fans, we love you!” Harry’s voice sounds out from on the stage.  Soon the crowd goes wild, obviously not wanting the concert to end.  I smile watching the crazy boys goof around on stage. 

“But before we leave, I have something I need to do!”  Niall yells into his microphone as the room grows quiet waiting for exactly what he has planned.

“What is he doing?” I turn to ask Jess, but she just smirks at me with a knowing smile.

“Taylor Winters, will you please get your cute little butt here on this stage.” He says into the microphone and I freeze feeling my face heating up immediately.  Somehow I get my feet to move in the direction of the stage, and once I’m on it the crowd goes absolutely crazy.

Niall starts walking towards me and then grabs my hand sitting me down on a stool in the middle of the stage.  Soon Niall is standing right in front of me with the boys all standing behind him with huge smiles covering all of their faces.  Niall is the only one with a microphone when a familiar beat that everyone knows comes on, and Niall starts singing, by himself, to me.

“I've tried playing it cool

But when I'm looking at you

I can’t ever be brave

'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep making me weak

Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Something’s gotta give now

'Cause I’m dying just to make you see

That I need you here with me now

'Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

Now I'm climbing the walls

But you don't notice at all

That I'm going out of my mind

All day and all night

Something’s gotta give now

'Cause I'm dying just to know your name

And I need you here with me now

'Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my mind

And come on, come into my life

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing




You've got that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my mind (out of my mind)

And come on, come into my life

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

Yeah, you've got that one thing”

Niall finishes the song totally out of breath. Tears fall from my eyes as the crowd screams and cheers.  Then Niall does something I was completely not expecting, he gets down on one knee pulling out a box with a diamond ring in it.

“Taylor Winters, will you do me the absolute pleasure of marrying me?” Niall asks me with his bright cheeky smile.  I nod eagerly.

“Yes!” I scream and jump into his arms as the crowd jumps up and down screaming along with the rest of the boys in the band.

I smiled brightly down at Niall tears still gathering in my eyes.

“I love you,” I tell him as I give him a kiss.

And to think this night is just the start of our future together.



Sorry if spacing is weird, but this is it!  The story has come to an end, its been along time coming and I'm grateful to everyone who hung in there with me through everything, especially my long months of writers block.  Don't think this is the end of me though!  I'm happy to announce I have started one short story for each of the boys in one direction, all I need to know is which one you guys would like to read first, so pleaseeeee let me know! Love you all.


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