"No, we're not gonna do that," Lamson told her.

"Do you want to die?" Shepherd spat.

"No. I just need you to shut up right now. You can make this work. But you've got to be able to talk to her," he said.

"Noah told us all about her," Sasha remarked.

"I've known her for eight years, ma'am. I know this woman. And my only interest is a peaceful resolution, not dying, and sleeping in my bed tonight. So, please, let me help you. Please," Lamson said calmly.

"Hey, Rick. You're gonna want to hear this."


The Officer had gotten out of Sasha's sight, and we were all gathered in a warehouse when Rick walked in. Rick had killed him, and Daryl pulled him to the side. They were talking, but I couldn't quite hear them. They walked back over, and Shepherd spoke up.

"He was a good man. He was attacked by rotters. Saw it go down."

"Huh. You're a damn good liar," Rick observed.

"We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters. That's the story," Shepherd confirmed.

"You said the trade was a bad idea. What changed?" Daryl interrogated.

"Lamson was our shot.
So it's this, or you go in guns blazing, right? You don't want that," Shepherd asked.

"If this is some bullshit, you're spinning, and things go south--" Daryl began but was interrupted by Shepherd.

"I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you."

"What about you? You wanna live? How much?" Rick asked the bald man.

"Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us. Thinks it'll tip things against her. Hell, it will. She'll see this trade as a rip-off if she thinks you took out one of our guys. So it's a good thing Lamson got aced by rotters."

We were all in position. I was on the roof with everyone except Rick. He was on another roof, going to negotiate. Two officers pulled up to Rick, and he laid down his weapon. They thought Rick was alone. My gun pointed at one of the officers, tracing every move he made. This has to work. We need Carol and Beth.

A walker was dragging along behind the officers, and I shot it down perfectly.


We were now in the hospital with our hostages. We followed the two officers through endless hallways and flights of stairs. Through the glass of a door, I could see Carol in a wheelchair and Beth pushing her.

They were both okay. I hadn't seen Beth since the prison, and I was so worried about both of them. I just wanted to burst through the doors and hug them both, but I kept calm, and Daryl reassuringly squeezed my shoulder.

"Holster your weapons," Dawn ordered through the walkie talkie.

I did, slowly. We walked through the doors, and I was one step closer to Beth.

"They haven't been harmed," Rick told Dawn.

"Where's Lamson?" She asked.

"Rotters got him," Shepherd easily lied.

"We saw it go down," the bald man confirmed.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys."

"One of yours for one of mine," she ordered, and Daryl shoved the officer forward.

Carol was wheeled to us, and I squeezed her hand as she nodded to me reassuringly. Beth walked over to us, and we hugged each other tightly.

"You're okay," I gently smiled at her.

She nodded and hugged me once more.

"I missed you," she whispered to me in the accent I loved so much.

"Glad we could work things out," Dawn said.

We were walking through the doors when she spoke up.

"Now I just need Noah."

We stopped in our tracks and turned to her. Everyone's eyes flashed with anger.

"That wasn't part of the deal," Rick growled.

"Noah was my ward. Beth took his place, and I'm losing her, so I need him back," she defended.

I was so tempted to punch her face in, but I contained myself and let Rick do the talking.

"I-it's okay," Noah muttered.

"No. No," Rick growled.

"I got to do it," Noah said and handed his gun to Rick.

"It's not okay," Beth fumed.

"It's settled," Dawn sighed in satisfaction.

"Wait!" Beth said and hugged Noah tightly. Beth walked up to Dawn.

"I get it now."

Beth stabbed Dawn in the shoulder with a pair of scissors, and I let out a sharp breath.

Then, a bullet was shot, right through Beth's fragile head. My mouth dropped, and I couldn't breathe. No one could move or think. I felt my limbs grow heavy as my body racked with quiet sobs.

Dawn looked up with pure fear in her eyes and shook her head.

"I didn't mean to."

Daryl pulled out his gun with no hesitation and sent a bullet flying into Dawn's skull. Two lifeless bodies lay on the floor.

Beth's pure, fragile, sweet body. I couldn't move, but everyone else pulled out their guns.

"No! Hold your fire! It's over. It was just about her," Shepherd yelled.

I was frozen. Time was frozen. Carol held me in her frail arms as I shook.

We all had red puffy eyes and shaking bodies as Daryl carried Beth out of the hospital. I bit my lip to hold in my loud sobs. The only thing I let escape my body were the tears down my face. A fire truck pulled up with everyone, even Maggie, Glenn, and Tara.

Maggie was ready to see her healthy sister, but I shook my head while walking out with Carol. Her face slowly started to drop, not having seen her sister yet. Then she saw Beth's body, and she screamed. It broke everyone's heart as well as mine. She dropped to the ground and wailed, and we all stood in silence.

Complete and utter silence.

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