Moments Are Like Memories

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It has been a week since the entrance examination. I wasn't quite confident of what I answered however, the uncertainty made me think otherwise of being melodramatic about it. Mother has been telling me not to fret about it because she was certain all my efforts of studying would be paid off. However the possibility may be quite low. I wasn't just sure. 

Instead of worrying about it, I decided to read books to entertain myself and not the result of the exam. Although I know my future will depend on it. I didn't care about the fortune my parents may have, I just wanted to achieve something from my own hard work. I guessed, taking up the entrance examination was something I had taken seriously. Though I knew I found myself quite satisfied from my former school. 


I looked up in the midst of reading such riveting book. It was my mother. 

"Are you busy?" she asked. 

"No." I shook my head. "Not at all, what is it?"

A smile crept on the corner of her lips as she said without further ado, "They called and they said that you have to go back tomorrow for the interview and then they would announce if you got accepted."

"Or not?" I asked. "What if I won't be attending classes at Avery Academy for the next school year?"

She shook her head in disbelief.

 "You should be confident about yourself, Adelaine."

I nodded and offered her a small smile. Although I knew I won't ever be confident enough to face everything. Mother patted my shoulder. She shook her head once again with a bemused look on her face.

"We'll be having dinner out tonight, 8 PM, with your brother and father," she said. "So, don't be late."

"Alright, mother," I said, "notā bene."

She nodded as she got out of my room. I let out a sigh. Mother have always been making me flabbergasted recently by her unexpected arrival in my room and then suddenly dragging me out of my room to go shopping, eat elsewhere, and whatever floats her boat that could actually satisfy herself. She found it quite absurd for me to stay in the house all day, reading and writing. Thus, she have no choice but to drag me out of the house. Nevertheless, I was rather exhilarated when she asked me to go shopping for books with her and then we'd go to coffee shops to read the books we've purchased. I'd admit, it was somehow fun, not unless I'd consider all those tiresome long walks and mother's dillydallying to almost buy everything what every store she walked in has. 

I let out a sigh again and resumed reading the book. After what seemed like a lifetime, I finished reading the book and checked for the time on my wristwatch. It was 7:55 PM. I have five minutes to prepare for the dinner! I immediately moved and picked a black dress, reaching an inch below my knee, and a white blazer. After I changed, I wasn't quite thinking what shoes to match with so I immediately grabbed a pair of sneakers and then ran down the stairs with another book to be read with me. 

There were already there probably waiting for me. They seemed to be looking bemused of my situation right now - quite haggard enough to look as though I was in a marathon, earning for the first place. I checked the time and it read, 8:01 PM. Just one minute late. 

"Well," Aaron said, quite obvious he was stifling his laughter, "shall we go now?"

"We shall," father said. 

We headed out of our house and got into father's car. The ride to the restaurant seemed to be comfortable because of its silence. When we have finally arrived at what seemed like a prestigious restaurant, we got out of the car and entered there. As we gave our orders, mother seemed to be famished that she'd given a lot. After a few minutes, they've served the foods we ordered and then we ate in silence. I wasn't really eating much since I've been reading the book I brought under the table. 


I immediately closed the book and looked at mother. 

"Eat, dear," she said, "reading can wait."

I didn't utter any word and only followed what mother said. It would be quite disrespectful to talk back to my parents especially if they thought I have an unreasonable thing to say. Thus, I only stayed silent and finished eating my food so I could read again. Mother didn't said I couldn't read after eating my dinner anyhow. 

I was back to reading the book again while the rest of my family talked about business matters. After awhile, they decided to head back and go home. I trailed behind them. The ride back home was also silent yet comforting. When we arrived, I immediately thanked them for taking me with them and headed upstairs to resume what I've been reading. 

Suddenly, there was this line I've read that said, "Moments are like memories, they are made and meant to be remembered forever."

Then I thought of him. 

How can you forget someone who has been the very first one you thought of as you read something that, of all the things you could relate, you've recalled him again in a memory you couldn't ever forget?

I felt quite clueless, unknown of who could he be. The thought of him have always bothered me. The thought of reliving the moment as though I could still can. I thought of the impossibility that would never bound to happen, the contradictory of the inevitable. I thought of meeting him once again and that itself was the impossibility. 

I let out an exasperated sigh. 

"How can I forget you?" I asked myself.

 I buried my face on the book and thereupon let myself be drowned by an ocean of distraction and curiosities. 

* * * 

I jolted up from the suddenness of my mother's voice practically yelling at me. I thought I was just  resting my head on the desk for a few minutes. Unfortunately, I've fallen asleep, probably, for a short period of time. Nevertheless, standing before me was my exasperated mother telling me to get ready because we'll be going back at school for the interview. I immediately took a bathe and done the things I have to do for hygienic purposes. Then, I wore a white button-down shirt and a pair of trousers with a pair of sneakers. After that, I ran downstairs with my shoulder bag with me. I only drank a cup of coffee and then we were heading to the school. 

Mother came with me inside the school. We were waiting for my turn for the interview. Juliana wasn't in sight, probably she has been on her interview and got accepted. After the guy named Eric Anderson's interview, I was called next. Mother squeezed my arm in reassurance before I walked in the office. It was the principal of the school who'd be interviewing me. I sat on the chair opposite of her and then I felt an arousing nervousness just as she uttered a word. It was a question, why I wanted to transfer in Avery Academy. I answered without any second-thoughts - despite of the fact that it wasn't my own choice to transfer. The principal only nodded at my response and after a few moments, she congratulated me with an announcement that I got accepted in their school. 

Before I got out of the office, I expressed my gratitude towards her by thanking her a couple of times. Then, I got out with happiness etched in my face. Mother congratulated me and then we left the school quite pleased of the result. 

* * *


HEYY! I really am sorry for the short update but don't worry, there may be something in the next chapter! AND, I'll be posting it soon! ANYWAY, I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER!

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