Authors note <3

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**authors note**

Hey guys, I am SO sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was away on a two week overnight camp in the mountains and there was no cell service for Internet or text/calling (even for smartphones). But I did write a bunch of new chapters which I will be posting shortly. Again, I'm really sorry.

I'm taking ideas! Leave me comments, ill read through them all. I'm also thinking of adding in a NEW character as Emily's friend who moves into the dilaurentis house after maya dies. Use this form and you can post inn the comments, or on my profile, or on yours and just tag me.

The form :

Name (first middle last)



Things they're good at

Things they enjoy doing

Sports (if they play any)

Family (include siblings and parents, along with age and description)



Where they were born and where they moved from (because I'm having them move into Alison's house since maya died and her parents moved out)

Any other details or descriptions you want to add.

Okay guys, thanks! I appreciate all the help and comments and stuff. Oh and on holidays, I will be posting as if its the holiday in the book, too. Just putting that out there.

I also wanted to say thank you for all the reads! They are very much appreciated. Votes are always welcome, and comments too. If you ever get confused or lost or something didn't upload, just let me know! You can also kik me: meganha1234. I may not answer immediately, but just be patient (:

So school starts in 2 weeks for me, and I'm still going to try to do 1 chapter a day. But if I don't post for two days or so it's probably because of my school, or sports or acting (field hockey and the musical for school). So don't get disappointed if there isn't a new chapter up when you expect it. But thanks again! I'm going to let you go on to those chapters now, enjoy!

• • •just keep swimming.• • •

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