I didn’t know what to do.  Why is he doing this?  Everything was going to work out.  I would drift away from the public and no one would ever have to be in danger because of me.  “Scott if your out there we all want you to know you have people to rely on.  So come home please.”  The camera was closing in on people’s faces.  Everyone seemed to be touched.  I didn’t think I meant that much to them, just thought we were just familiar with each other.  Then the camera showed Jason, Mark, Big and Kyle.  They were all there.

Then the camera shown on the crowd.  They were applauding and nodding their heads agreeing.  This is too much, I don’t know what to do anymore.  I turned off the tv and went outside.  What am I supposed to do now?  I looked out on the lake and saw the moon shining in the water.  I’m not going back, I just can’t.  It’s better this way…

Harry’s point of view

Standing on stage I felt like I was on top of the world.  I didn’t know how people would react to my speech.  But I didn’t really care, all these people on stage with me agree that Scott is one of the kindest people they’ve met.  After I spread the word I was surprised by how many people agreed with my idea.  After walking off stage I felt like Scott should be there waiting for me.

The rest of the award show went by fast and before I knew it I was back in my hotel room reading the letter Scott left.  There had to be a clue to where he went.  Then there was a knock on my door.  I opened it and saw Big and Blade.

“That was great what you did for him.”  Blade said.

“I just wish I knew where he went.”  I said throwing my hand in the air.

“Let me see the letter again.”  Blade said.  I went over and got it.

“There has to be some key about where he went in there.”  I said.  I watched as he read it furrowing his eyebrows from thinking.

Where could he have gone?  No one really knew him that well he had a lot of secrets.  He doesn’t even talk to his friends from back home.  Then it hit me.  “Let me see that again.”  I said grabbing the paper.

“I’m going to where it all started.  That’s it!” I yelled.  “He went back home!”  they both looked at me with realization.  I looked at the clock.  It was about 2am.  “Let’s go to the airport.” I said grabbing some clothes and throwing them in a bag.

They both jumped up and followed me as we headed for the door.  I hope he hasn’t done anything too drastic.

The whole trip there went by pretty fast.  I kept thinking about what I would say.  I don’t even know if he’ll listen but I have to try. 

Blade got a rental car and was driving us to Scott’s family’s old lake house.  The car was quiet other than the occasional remark Blade would make about the town.  That’s when I realized that he grew up with Scott.  No wonder he was so protective of him.  We finally pull into a driveway.  There were no houses around, it was sitting by itself with trees all around.  The sun was just rising, we’ve been traveling the whole night.

The car stops and I jump out.  I ran to the house and didn’t even knock just ran in.  “Scott?!” I kept yelling running through the house.  Maybe I was wrong.  I was standing in his kitchen thinking where else he could be.  Then I realized that there was trash in the waste bin, he must be here!  I looked outside and saw someone standing out on the deck.  It was him I could tell.  I opened the back door and bolted for him.  I don’t know what I was going to do I was just happy to see him.

I was on the dock now running out when he heard me.  He turned around and his face was priceless.  It was if he saw a ghost.  He took a step back as if he didn’t believe his eyes.  Then I started to see him flail his arms in the air as he was on the edge of the dock.  I was still about ten feet away when he fell backward not being able to keep his balance anymore into the water.  I didn’t even break my stride as I dove in after him.

We both resurfaced next to each other.  We were looking into each others eyes like we used to.  I missed it so much, his eyes were just so calming and full of care.  I didn’t want it to stop.  Then I leaned in and kissed him.  It was just like the night in his pool.  I missed his lips, I missed his eyes, I missed his laugh, I even missed the way he talks really fast when he’s nervous, I just missed him altogether. 

Scott’s point of view

After I turned off the tv my mind was racing.  I kept trying to clam down but it wasn’t working.  I went to the master bathroom and looked through the cupboards.  My dad used to have problems sleeping and knew he had sleeping pills in here.  I found them and tried getting the lid off, my hands were shaking from everything going on through my mind.  The bottle opened and the pills all went flying over the counter.

I just looked down at them and then grabbed them all and put them all in my mouth.  I can’t live like this, I need to end it now before it gets worse.  Now that I was thinking about this my mind actually slowed down.  I had visions of my family all together having fun, there was Mark and Jason standing next to each other smiling at me, there was Kyle and my brother with their arms around each other.  I could see everyone in my life all standing in a row smiling at me.  There was Jen, my parents, Mark, Jason, Nana, Gustaavo, Kyle, my brother, and then in the front was Harry.

I then realized the pills were in my mouth and spit them all out in the sink.  I washed my mouth out and looked at myself in the reflection.  What happened to me?  How did I end up like this?  How could I leave all these people who love me?  I’m stronger than this.  I don’t have to be famous, just being me is enough. That’s when I realized I’ve been running away from all my fears instead of facing them.

I smiled at my reflection and felt better about myself.  Probably better than I’ve ever felt for a long time.  I left the bathroom a changed person.  I must have been in there a long time because it was really late now.  It was about 6am so close to the sunrise.  Well might as well start my new life with a sunrise. 

Walking out to the dock I noticed how beautiful this place really was.  The trees seemed greener, the water clearer, just everything is enhanced.  I walked out on the dock waiting for the sun to come.  It felt nice not having to worry about anything, just being carefree.  Then the sun came. It was beautiful.  It came over the trees in the distance.  I wish I had a camera to capture all the beauty.

It was almost perfect.  I just watched the sun rise slowly when I heard something behind me.  I turned around and saw someone running at me.  For a second I thought it was some crazy fan but then recognized his hair bouncing around.  It was Harry.  I thought for a second I was seeing a ghost or just a really vivid dream.  I took a step back and then felt myself start to fall.  He was almost to me when I went underwater.  How was he here?  How did he find me?  Still underwater I heard a splash next to me.  When I resurfaced Harry was right there.  We just looked into each other’s eyes.  It was just like we used too.  Then before I knew what was happening he leaned in and kissed me.  Our lips moved together, I missed him so much.  It was filled with so much passion as if he didn’t want to stop and I didn’t want him too either.  We pulled away from each other.  He was giving me a little smile and felt myself smiling even wider.

Now it was perfect.

One Direction to the Rescueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें