Off to Neverland (13)

Start from the beginning

I stayed silent, pretending as if I hadn't even heard him. The only person at this school who knew why I always wore the necklace was Jack... If Eli knew, I knew he was going to do something to damage or steal it so I would be angry and fight him. But that bad part was, if he did do anything to it, I would have fought him. Because I wouldn't have cared anymore.

So that necklace was my weakness, and I couldn't let anyone know that.

"Do I really?" I asked, trying to sound uncaring and sly as I continued to copy down notes from the board. "I guess I've never noticed it before."

Eli rolled his eyes at me now, obviously knowing that I was lying to him. But as long as he didn't know why the necklace was so special to me, everything was good. That was all that mattered...

The rest of the day went by smoothly, and I couldn't wait to go back to my dorm so I could do my homework and relax for the rest of the day. Boy, did that idea sound nice...

As I walked down the hall to my dorm, I stopped a few feet away when something caught my eye. Right there in front of the door was a vase full of roses, a stuffed teddy bear leaning gently against it. I had the strong urge to kick the vase down the hallway, but chose against it as I leaned down and plucked the card from the flowers.


                This is Jack. Really. If you don't think it is, then you can ask me tomorrow in biology. I know I screwed up and I was to apologize for it. Since we didn't really make up when we were dissecting the frog and everything... But I'd understand if you're still angry with me.


I smiled down at the card, not believing what I was reading. Jack was apologizing by giving me roses! And a stuffed animal! I couldn't help but smile even more as I scooped up the flowers and the bear after unlocking the door and opening it just a little.

"Oh, man," Chloe sighed from the bottom bunk once I placed the items down on the coffee tables. She flipped through another page of the book she was reading, not looking very amused by the gifts I was bringing in. "Is someone trying to apologize?"


"Are you sure they're from him?"

I shrugged, looking down at the card that had come with the flowers. He said that I could ask him the next day if he had given them to me... So it had to be him.

"I'm sure it's him," I nodded now, placing the card down next to the vase carefully. I now looked over to see what Chloe was doing. "What are you reading?"

"I'm studying every Disney movie that's ever been created," she told me, as if that was a completely normal thing to do. Obviously sensing my confusion, she finally looked up from the book and smiled at me. "The school's play's coming up. All they told us was that it was going to be something from Disney. But they didn't really have to surprise us because it's always from Disney... So I have to study to make sure I get a part..."

"Do you want to main role?" I asked, throwing my backpack onto my bed on the top bunk, where I would be doing my homework later. "I bet you'd get it."

"Nah, I like getting the main role's sidekick," she told me with a grin, still flipping through the book that I now saw contained Disney songs. "I don't really like being the center of attention when it comes to plays. Everything else is fine, but not on stage..."

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