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Double update bc I'm a bum for starting out the chapters then forgetting about them, I promise I'll update this more !!!!

Zayn smiles at Michael swinging his feet in the chair of the waiting room, "You excited pumpkin?"

Michael nods, "My beauty needs to be shown" he says flipping his hair. Zayn chuckles fixing his hair

Today was the first meeting Michael has with MaryAnn and her associates so Michael could pose for the forever 21 clothes.

"You think they gon like me?" "Oh they'll love you bubby, they love kids with personalities" Zayn says kissing his forehead

"Michael Payne?"

Zayn stands up holding Michael's hand, "Ready bub?" Michael nods following behind the woman leading them into a large room

"Hello, it's nice seeing you again. I'm glad you made it" MaryAnn says with a smile. "Michael's dad couldn't be here because of work so you'll probably meet him next time"

"Of course, so my associates just want to ask Michael a few questions. Check him out, that's all" Zayn nods sitting down.

"Okay Michael, can you come with me?" MaryAnn asks. Michael nods, "Be wight back" he says following the woman across the room over to the people sitting across a table

"Name?" Michael frowns, "That not how you ask" he says crossing his arms. "Fiesty? I like it" a man with red hair says, writing in his book.

"What's your name then" "My name Michael but ma friens call me Mike" he says fiddling with his shirt

"How old are you Michael?" "Five year old" he says proudly. "Do you like school?" "Sometime, people there aw annoying"

"Yeah? What's your favorite subject?"

"Math" "Oh really? Can I ask you a problem?" Michael nods, "Yup, I good at math" "Okay, what's 5+5?"

"10" Michael says easily. "What's 12+12?" "24, these are baby questions" Michael says making the table erupt with laughter

"Okay, let's give you a hard one. What's 315+360?" The woman with a tight bun says, jokingly.

"675" Michael says counting on his fingers slightly. "Somebody check that please?" "It's wight, I did it in ma head"

"Oh he's right, it's correct" They all make approving noises making Michael smile at Zayn who gives him a thumbs up.

"Do you like wearing clothes?" "Of course, if I don I be nakey" Michael says. "Well I like what you have on, the overalls are cute. Who helped dressed you?"

"My papa" Michael says motioning to Zayn in the bag. "Alright, well Michael we all like you. We all think you're cute, would you like to work for us?"

Michael nods, "Yes pwease" "Alright, well it's settled. MaryAnn, make sure to tell Michael's dad about his first shoot on Saturday"

MaryAnn nods, "Okay, let's go Michael" Michael gives the people a wave before following he over to Zayn

"They like meh!" He says making Zayn squeal. "They love him actually, they like his sassiness"

Zayn smiles brightly, he knew it would come in handy. "So his first shoot is on Saturday, I'll send an email explaining everything"

Zayn gets up, "Okay, thank you" he says grabbing Michaels hand. "Thank you for coming!"

Zayn waves before exiting it with Michael, "Are you excited?" He asks making the five year old grin. "Yeah, I get to be all ova da place"

Zayn ruffles his hair, "When we get home we'll call daddy and tell him the news" Michael nods grinning proudly, "I gon get money"

"Money?" "Yeah? We gon get money, and be wich" Zayn chuckles, "I hope so" he says opening the back door for him


"He's modeling? Already?" Niall asks sitting on Liam's desk. "Yup, crazy isn't it? I knew these looks would come in handy some day

"That's awesome, congrads" Liam smiles nodding, "How's Darcy?" Liam asks, missing the one year old.

"Oh she's great, she runs like flash I swear. The other day she ran into the screen door from the backyard"

"Ouch, was she okay?" "Oh she was fine, she giggled it off. She still has a large bruise on her forehead though"

"Well I'm happy for you" "Yeah, Harry is talking about having another baby" Liam grins, "Dude that's great" 

"Yeah, but I want to wait a bit yknow? Until Darcy is atleast potty trained, how about you? When are you and Zayn going to get on the baby making train?"

Liam cheeks turn red, "Until we're married" "Seriously? Cmon now, I mean Harry has told me Zayn talked with him about it"

"Really?" "Oh yeah, he said that he would love to have a baby with you" Liam grins, "Seriously?" "Yeah, but Harry told me that he said that he wants to wait for a bit, it's only been a year and he isn't sure Michael would want that yet"

"He's been asking about a baby brother or sister since Zayn moved in" Niall shrugs, "You should talk to him about it" "I will" Liam says with a sigh, leaning back in his chair


"So what do you think of babies?" Michael gasps, "Babies are awesome!" He says from the back seat of the car. Zayn raises an eyebrow looking at Liam, "What?"

"Babies, I mean. Would you want to have a baby?" "Of course, but it's been a year. I wanna wait for a bit" "That's fine, I was just asking y'know?"

"I want a baby sister or brother" Michael says from the back seat. "Yeah we here you buddy" "I want a brother so he can have ma good looks"

"Ahuh" "And I want a sister because I can protect her from meanies" Zayn smiles, "That's sweet bub" "I know, but you con't have a baby without a wing"

"Who told you that?" "Tv" "Well I had ty and I wasn't married" Liam says looking back at Michael.

"Oh," he says frowning. "Well order a baby!" "Order a baby?" Zayn asks, giggling.

"Ahuh the magic bird gets da baby and drop it off at the door" Michael says making Liam raise an eyebrow.

"Who told you this? Niall?" "No Lukey, say that you order the baby online" Zayn facepalms, "This boy is surrounded by idiots"

"Nuh uh, it twue. That's how I got here" Liam scratches the back of his neck, "Okay buddy, just don't go telling people around school that"

"Why?" "Because their parents tell them different things" Michael frowns, "What sex?"

"it's nothing" "Nuh uh, gwown ups have sex. You and papa have sex" Liam parks the car infront of the diner, "Don't say that word"

"Why?" "Because it's a bad word" Michael covers his mouth, "Weally?" Liam nods, "So you can't say or learn about it until you're older"

"Okay" "alright" Liam says glancing at Zayn whose face was red from laughing. "That's not funny" Zayn lays his head against the window, his shoulders shaking from laughter

Michael giggles, "It funny!"

"I know"///ziam auWhere stories live. Discover now