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Zayn caresses Liam's cheek, "I seriously don't want you to meet my family" "You've met mine! I'm sure they aren't that bad"

"Liam I'm warning you, their nuts and embarrassing too" Zayn says with a pout as he glanced at his family's front door.

"Well I can handle it" he says kissing him. Zayn smiles into the kiss wrapping his arms around his neck

"Excuse meh? Wing da doorbell" a little voice says out of nowhere.

They both pulled away noticing Michael staring at them with a scowl. "Sorry mike" "Yeah no more kisses, you lost you're pwivileges"

"Don't be like that Mikey" "Nope shut it," he starts out before pointing to the door. "Now let go, it hot out here"

Liam raises an eyebrow when Zayn starts to laugh taking out his keys, "Watch that mouth bud, it's getting smarter and smarter" Michael smiles shyly shrugging

As soon as Zayn gets his parents door open, the sound of music and loud chattering hit them. Michael clings onto Zayn's hand as they walk in

"Mum I'm here!" Zayn shouts taking off his jacket. Trisha rushes in opening her arms, "Oh my babies" Zayn opens his arms but Trisha walks past him to hug Liam and Michael,

Zayn scoffs crossing his arms, "Wow mom" "I see you everyday Zayn, how're my boys? Everyone is excited to meet you" Trisha says pinching Liam's cheek.

Michael notice some kids in doorway waving at him, he smiles waving back. "Oh Michael, lemme introduce you to the kids so you can play with them"

Liam smiles watching Michael take her hand taking him over, "This place is so homey" Zayn grins, "Thank you, mind you everyone is gonna love you" "Yeah?" "Oh yeah, my mom called you her baby so she's already hooked"

Liam chuckles as Zayn takes his hand walking to the kitchen. "Hi everyone" Zayn says waving to the group of people in the kitchen. He gets a chorus of greetings and it's almost as if they swarm around Liam introducing themselves

After 20 minutes he finally figured everyone's name, but he's still not sure which of Zayn's cousin ran into the kitchen, or into the living room

"So Liam, how do you like being with our Zaynie here" Zayn's grandmother asks. They were around the table eating, some of the kids still playing outside, some in the living watching tv. He's not sure where Michael is, he wonders if the little lad is hungry

"He's great, best boyfriend in the world" Liam says with a smile making Zayn blush under everyone's gaze.

"Aw" they all chorus making Zayn wave them off. "Stop it" he mumbles sipping his water.

"You two going steady?" One of Zayn's uncles ask. "Yes sir" "Had sex yet?" He hears Zayn's cousin ask, his name began with a j but he forgot. He has curly dark hair and blue eyes, Liam heard Zayn starts choking on his water.

Liam pats his back hard making Yaser laugh behind his hand. Zayn clears his throat glaring, "That's an inappropriate question!"

"What? It's not that inappropriate" "Liam don't answer that" Zayn says glaring at his cousin Jawadd who shrugs with a cheeky grin.

"Well you have a son right?" "Yes, his name is Michael. He's playing right now" "Aw how old is he?" "He's five" Zayn nods, "And he's very smart for his age" "Oh is that so?"

Liam nods smiling proudly, "He's at a 2nd grade level" Suddenly Michael in comes from the backyard with his ninja turtle muscle tee all wrinkled. He stands by Zayn's chair waving shyly at everyone as they start cooing

"Hey handsome you hungry?" Zayn asks rubbing his back. Michael nods, "Yeah" Zayn gets up from the table going into the kitchen, Liam helps Michael into Zayn's seat.

"Hi Michael, aren't you a cutie pie" Zayn grandmother coos making Michael smile shyly. "Thank you" "You like ninja turtles?"

Michael nods glancing down at his shirt. "Whose you're favorite?" "Michelangelo, cause he likes pizza like meh" Zayn comes in putting the plate infront of the five year old, he takes the empty seat on the left side of Liam smiling

"So we've heard you're a smart kid" Michael nods wiping his mouth, "I don't like to bwag, but yes" he says making everyone erupt with laughter.

"I heard you've made a deal with your dad about kiss" "Ahuh, only five caz they do it all the time" Michael exaggerates saying all. "That's not true"

"Ahuh, you were doing it before we got in!" He says Liam pinch the bridge of his nose blushing, Zayn's face already a red. "You're airing out all the dirty laundry huh" "yup, I gots load"

"So What else do you like?" "I like dogs and making desserts wiff Papa" he says giving Zayn a bright smile.

Zayn smiles at him fondly hearing everyone coo at them. Zayn just really loved when Michael calls him Papa, made him feel so warm inside knowing that Mike sees him as a father figure.

After dinner Michael ran out to the backyard after hearing the kids beckoning him to come out and play tag. Liam was in the kitchen surrounded by Zayn's uncles and father which made him very uncomfortable for some reason

"So Liam, you know what's happening yes?" Liam tries to avoid their eyes looking at the ceiling, then to the window, then to the door. "I-uh no sir"

"We're gonna have a man to man talk yeah?" Liam nods finally looking at them all, "I-um okay"

"You're gonna take good care of our boy yes? Love him, care for him, all that good stuff" Liam nods, "Of course, I'll do anything to make him happy"

"Promise?" "Yes, cross my heart" They all exchange looks before breaking out into smiles. "See, I told you he was a good guy. Fixed my car and everything" Yaser says patting his back.

"You a mechanic?" "Yes sir" "Well you should come with us to watch the car show, we go every year" "Really?" "Oh yeah, as our new addition why not"

Liam smiles at them nodding, "I'd love to go, thank you"

Throughout the night, Liam and Michael had fun. Michael made a bunch of new friends and he was currently watching Madagascar 2 with them all in the living room

Liam glances a few times to see Michael laughing along with his friends making him smile. Zayn's family really accepted Liam and treated him like he was already apart of the family

He's heard multiple jokes about him getting a ring and proposing which made Zayn blush hiding his face in Liam's chest. You could say life was going pretty well for the older man

But he was still getting texts form Sophia, and Michael has been asking to talk with her. He's glad being with Zayn's family could keep his mind off this while situation, caz he doesn't know what to do

"I know"///ziam auWhere stories live. Discover now