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This is still ongoing ofc

Liam made his way down the hallway towards Michaels room after an hour of being alone. He was very upset with Michael, but he wanted to be able to understand what happened

Liam twisted the door knob, peeking inside to see Zayn talking quietly with his five year old on the floor. He knocked a little before entering, "I come in now?" He asks

Zayn nods as his boyfriend closes the door behind him. Michael sniffs a little moving closer to Zayn

"Now I just want to talk buddy" Liam says, taking his place next to Zayn. "You mad?" Michael asks rubbing his eyes. "I'm not mad, just disappointed"

(a/n: I feel like all parents say this all the time, it's annoyingaf)

"Can yell tell me why you hit Eric?" "Eric wouldn't leave meh alone, and he kept sayin how he and Becca are gonna get marry. Then I say, that I didn't care. So he pushed me, and I pushed him back. Then I dunno, I punch him"

"Punched him?" "Yeah, he gots a big bwuise on his eye" Liam raises an eyebrow, "Well nice hit, that's my boy" he says making Zayn glare

Liam's smile drops making him clear his throat, "I'm glad you defended yourself, but I don't want you to attack people like that buddy"

"He wouldn't leave meh alone, that why I hit him" "Well why couldn't you tell Ms. E?" "Cause she was cleanin Hannah dwess, cause she fell in da mud"

Zayn coos, "Aw poor Hannah" "It was actwually pwetty funneh" Michael says with a small grin.

Liam shook his head fondly, "Alright promise me you won't fight. I don't ever want to hear anyone calling me from school saying you're in trouble, you understand? I swear to god Michael, you're supposed to be a good boy. Right?"

Michael nods, "Ahuh" "Alright, I want you to write Eric an apology letter right now. And if it's bad I'll make you write it again" he says sternly.

Michael gets up looking for paper, "Okay" he says rushing around. "That's it?" Zayn asks. "Yeah, what you thought he was going to be on timeout?"

"He got suspended" "Yeah but this is the last time, isn't it Mike?" Michael nods setting the paper on the table, then grabbing his crayons

Liam rubs his temples, "I'll have to work longer hours tomorrow" "Why?" "I had to leave early, you'll be okay with him right?"

Zayn nods, "Of course, you know I always do well" "I'm happy to have you" Liam says leaning in to kiss his temple. "Same for you" Zayn says smiling slightly

Liam stands up nodding, "M'gonna go lay down, Zayn make sure that apology is good please" "I promise"

"Don't try helping him either" Zayn frowns, "What?" "I know you, you're going to end up helping him" Liam says placing his hands on his hips

Zayn blushes furiously, "Okay fine, go take a nap grumpy" Liam rolls his eyes fondly leaving the room

"I made daddy sick" Michael says frowning to himself. "No no, daddy is just tired" "B-but now he have to work longer"

"I know buddy, but daddy'll be okay" Michael frowns folding the piece of paper, "I dunno papa"

"Well you can make him a card, it might make him feel better" Zayn says with a smile. "Yeah, and I not be bad. M'good boy"

"That's right honey, want me to help?" Michael shakes his head, "I gots it" "Okay hun" Zayn says crawling over to see what he's writing

"Daddy, wakey wakey" Michael says poking at his father's nose, the older man passed out on his shared bed with Zayn.

Zayn covers his mouth giggling when Liam wiggles his button nose slightly. Michael takes a seat on his stomach, "Wakey wakey or you no get bakey" Michael repeats patting Liam's chest

Liam moves slightly making Michael fall on the spot beside him, "Go away" he grumbles cuddling Zayn's pillow

"I made card, so you feel better dad" Michael says, placing the bright blue card beside Liam.

Liam opens in slits staring at the card, "I'll read it later" Zayn pinches the back of Liam's leg making his boyfriend kick at his leg slightly

"Liam, Michael worked hard. He didn't need my help or anything" Zayn says, running his hands through the five year old's hair

Liam picks up the card opening it, glitter falling out. Liam stares at the card before looking at the glitter on Zayn's pillow, "Was all this glitter necessary?"

"More glitta, more love" Michael says nodding, Zayn wincing slightly. Now he has to put a new case on his pillow

Liam sits up, wiping half the glitter on the floor. He squints slightly reading it quietly, Michael leans back on Zayn waiting for a response

"Thank you Michael, this was very thoughtful" Liam says sitting up, opening his arms. Michael quickly crawls over tackling Liam into a hug, "You no sick no more?"

Liam rubs his back, "Who told you I was sick?" "Well you look terrible" Michael says making Liam frown

"Thanks son" "Was keeping real wif you, I still love you" Michael says hugging him tighter

Liam smiles tickling his side, "I love you too" he says ruffling his hair. Zayn gets up, "Now I have to find a new pillow case" he says grabbing the pillow, glitter piled on top of it

"Sowwy papa" Michael says blowing him a kiss. Zayn puckers his lips a little, since he couldn't blow it back holding onto his pillow carefully

He already has to clean the glitter Liam swept on the floor, he doesn't want Seven to wander in here and try to eat it

"Dad?" "Yes?" "I wan allowan" "An allowance?" "Yesh" "You just got suspended for two days and you want an allowance?"

Michael makes a face, "When I not in twouble" "You don't do chores" "I clean ma woom!"

"You're supposed to clean your room, or else it'll have animals coming out of it" Michael pouts, "Nuh uh, you have animals in ya beard" he says poking at Liam's beard

"It's clean" Liam says, running his hands through it. "Papa say he like it, and I gwow one too" Liam smiles, "Well you have a clean face, no hair growing on here for a long long time" he says patting Michael's smooth face

"No, I gonna have beard like Santa. But blue" "A blue beard?" "Yesh" "That's crazy" "Nuh uh, uncwle Niall says I could do it"

"Stop listening to Niall" "Why?" "Because uncle Niall is an idiot" Michael gasps, "That not nice" "You punching Eric wasn't nice"

Michael glares sliding off the bed carefully, "I done! It in da past!" "Mike, it was four hours ago"

"I know"///ziam auWhere stories live. Discover now