Chapter 7

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America looked in England's eyes after he asked that question. Looking in those peridot eyes, he saw a mixture of emotions in them. Confusion, sadness, desolation, worry, hopelessness...he didn't want to see those emotions in there. He kept a firm grip on England's wrist, refusing to let go of it. He didn't want to lose England again. A wave of an unknown feeling washed over him, but he pushed it away. Now was not the time to figure out what he was feeling.

"Let go of me," England said flatly, tugging harshly to try and get away.

Usually England would have spat that out at America, having emotion in his tone. But the way England had just said it, there was no emotion in it.

"England. Why'd run away? We're all worried," America said softly, his usual exuberance gone from his voice.

Moments passed by as England kept tugging to try and get free.

"I'm not letting you go until you answer my question," America said forcefully.

"Why should I explain myself to you!" England suddenly shouted.

"Englan—" America started.

"Why! Why do you care?! Why do any of you care?! Why would you want to worry about someone as worthless as me?! Why on earth are you trying to keep me there?! No country likes me or cares about me! Especially you! You hate me! You should all be cheering that I'm gone! I can't keep this going on anymore! I'm not going back!" England yelled, tears welling up in his eyes, making them glassy.

A green glow started to surround the both of them as England shouted at America.

American felt a surge of magic run through his body as the scenery around them changed as the green light flashed. England teleported them to a random place.

America looked at the scenery around them and quickly recognized where they were. They'd been sent to America, his own country!

His grip on England's wrist had only loosened a bit as they suddenly teleported again. America didn't even get the time to ask what England was doing. The surge of magic ran through him again as his surroundings disappeared and reappeared. This time, America didn't get a chance to figure out where they had gone.

England kept on teleporting them to random places as America's grip on him slowly loosened more and more. Finally with one last teleport, America fully let go of England from the shock and dizziness of being teleported constantly. He was wobbling around for a bit, before quickly regaining his balance. He looked up to try and catch England's wrist.

But England already ran a distance away after feeling the hand disappear from his wrist. He turned back to look at America for a few seconds, and then disappeared with a faint flash of green light. Before he had teleported off, he looked America in the eyes, as if he wanted to say something. But he swiftly disappeared again.

"England!" America shouted, panic coursing through his shout.

But it was too late. England had already teleported away. He lost England again.

"Dammit!" America yelled to himself angrily.


Looking closer at his surroundings, he found himself surrounded by snow.

"Umm, America? Why are you here? Why couldn't I sense England on my land? And how did he just disappear from my land?" a voice questioned behind him.

He turned around to see soft violet eyes staring at him behind glasses. The person was holding a polar bear in their arms.

"England's been running away from all of us. I'll explain more when we get to your house," America paused before jumping around from the cold.

He started shivering and huddling more into his jacket as he stared at the country in front of him accusingly.

"Why the heck is your country so cold, Canada!"

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