Chapter 34- On We Go

Start from the beginning

"There's just no way!" Lucy replied immediatley as she turned toward Michelle defensively, and Frea found herself agreeing. Unless some dumb-ass at the Guild got drunk and started blabbing, there really wasn't a way in hell any of their members would start giving out information on something like this for no reason. They were too smart to slip up and do that, Frea couldn't believe any if the Guild's Members would talk... Her eyes narrowed at Michelle as a feeling of further distrust seeped into her stomach.

"Its really not for me to say, since I don't know everyone that well!" Michelle added in quickly, looking a bit panicked at how Lucy had reacted. Frea shut her eyes as the boat rocked and her stomach flipped- though she could hear Moon mutter some things beside her in a slightly disgusted tone.

"... Not for you to say is right, there is no way anyone in the guild said anything... Tch..." Moon hissed lowly so only Frea could hear her, and she could feel those emotions of distrust and contempt she felt start to come off her Partner in waves. At least she and Moon were on the same page when it came to Michelle.

"I feel sick..." Natsu moaned.

"You should be worrying about other things!" Lucy snapped at the pinkette in a fit of annoyance. "In fact, you get sick too much from riding on transportation!"

Romeo smiled nervously at the furious blonde and turned to the 'Archeological Society' as they waited before them. "Uh.. You were saying?"

"Actually, we would like you to cease your quest to collect the pieces of the clock, actually." The first of the men went on. Frea blinked,

"Why?" Lucy asked.

"You say 'actually' too much!" Happy shot in.

"We've heard that the components have been dispersed and hidden in ruins and churches." The second man took over, suddenly lifting the telescope in his hand to peer at the group. "You intend to collect the pieces all together don't you?"

"How do you know all of that?" Lucy asked quietly, looking very perturbed by how much information these men knew. Frea would feel the same way, but she was hardly focusing- the wind picked up as the boat was rocking harder, which did nothing to help with her motion-sickness.

The first and tallest of the men stepped up right into Lucy's face, lifting a finger and causing the blonde to lean back. "Actually, we believe that from an archeological standpoint "Key of the Starty Heavens" is extremely significant, actually."

Moon's ears twitched, "They know about the story too..?"

Lucy sweatdropped, "What do you mean?"

"Actually, its thought that story identifies important places from an archeological standpoint, such as ancient ruins and churches. Actually, there's a hypothesis that the places the girl in the book looks for are modeled in real locations." The man leaned in closer, "Actually, we in the Archeological Society wish to identify those places and protect them as part of our cultural heritage."

Wait, don't we already know where these places are?

"Searching for the pieces of the clock would do damage to the ruins you see," the second man put in.

"Therefore, we would like you to forget about the clock." The third man finished.

"Forget about it?" Lucy echoed with a nervous smile. "From the book, I quickly figured out about the ruins..." She smiled a little more and sweatdropped. ".. And that's when I was only a small girl.."

"Huh?!" The Archeological Society stiffened in utter shock as they stared at Lucy with wide eyes- looking as if they couldn't believe Lucy had figured everything out so easily.

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