Chapter 17- Let's Destroy Things

Start from the beginning

DoranBolt listened, only interrupting on a few occasions to clear up a few details. His reaction to the story did not surprise her, and yet it did.

He was thoroughly shocked, just as the Guild had been, but even then, his shock faded almost instantly. She assumed this was because he must have pieced a few things together himself before asking. Even if it was fading fast, shock was the one emotion she could feel clearly from him. She could only wonder how the Council leaders were going to react once DoranBolt reported the details to them.

She sweatdropped slightly, even if DoranBolt may believe that she had not meant any harm with her Spells, she was sure a few Council leaders were going to react to it in a completely different way. She may be a labeled as a threat, someone they saw had too much Power. She could be arrested, and hated by the Council... Not that any of that would be new, because in all honesty she knew even this newer version of the Magic Council were still wary of her for having been a Demon all those years ago.

"As to why I chose to keep my identity hidden..." She trailed off, she felt as if she should voice her thoughts on not wanting to be labeled a threat, but something told her DoranBolt had already considered that, and that answer would not do. He wanted to know something else, and she was slightly confused by it. "I didn't want to labeled as anything other than who I am. I didn't want Fiore or the Council to see me as a Danger." Frea paused, watching his reaction carefully.

"I understand that." DoranBolt answered calmly, and his eyes dropped to the ground. "I... wish to know, why you thought disclosing your identity to me, would have been even less preferable, than revealing it to the rest of the Council..." His voice trailed off.

Frea stiffened, eyes growing wide in surprise. She blinked a few times, trying to register what he said. He... He was worried about her faith in him? Her ability to trust him? That was... Surprising, to say the least.

She had never grown to know DoranBolt, never bothered to. He didn't even hardly know her, outside of a few sparse encounters and dealings. They had no reason to trust each other...

But what she had written in that note back at Black Chimera had been true. She did trust in him, surprising considering he was a Council Member.

But she didn't trust him because she had gotten to know him, because she had learned things about him, and built a relationship through working together. She trusted him, because she could tell he was a truly honest man, one who would lay down his life for what he believed in. He was someone who would stand up to authority should he need to, and break rules should the need arise. She did not sense evil in him, nor did she sense dishonesty from him.

It was because she could sense what sort of person he really was, she had decided to, and felt she could trust him.

"DoranBolt, you think too much into things." She sighed slightly, and he blinked in confusion. "You're reading the situation wrong, its not a question of whether or not I felt I could really trust you." She gave him a level look, "I do trust you."

He blinked a few times, not really sure what to make of the words. "I can sense that you're honest, I trust you because I feel I truly can. But remember, it wasn't only you and the Council I kept my identity and actions from, I kept it from my Guild as well." She looked away. "My silence wasn't an issue of trust... I was only trying to keep people from worrying... But keeping it secret was the wrong thing to do." She rubbed the back of her neck and smiled a little sheepishly. "That point I actually had someone pound into my head until I understood keeping it a secret was wrong. I hadn't ended up keeping people from worrying, instead I had made them worry more... The Guild, everyone... Including you it would seem." She looked back to him and smiled apologetically.

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