I just sigh in defeat as I see that Kurama is now looking over at me.

"Yeah, yeah I'll just pay for all expense, because I'm just made of money!" I mutter under my breath with wild hand gestures

Silver laughs softly as she walks over to stand next to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks big bro you have the most money out of all of us and Kurama did ask for are help." she says calmly and with a smile

I smile back at my little sister and she removes her hand.

"Now Naruto from you I need not just your money but your support. Also I need you to deliver a letter I'm going to write in just a minute to Mira." Kurama says looking at me

"Alright I'll go withdraw some money from my safe. How much do you think we'll need?"

"Let's just go with a lot..." Cana speaks up and trails off before adding "Dinner reservations will be costly especially at a fancy restaurant. Why not go for a picnic instead?"

Kurama gets a thoughtful look as he paces back and forth.

"This would change my plans up quite a bit.. Would she like a picnic better though? Where would I take her anyways.." He says while pacing

"Yeah, she'd like a picnic more if you're making a letter you could also send flowers with them and I'm sure you can think of a place!" Silver says encouragingly

"Alright then Silver I need you to go buy a single rose instead of fancy attire then hurry back so Naruto can deliver it with the letter. After that Silver and Cana I'll need you guys to help me with getting stuff together for a picnic that's if of course I'm not totally rejected." Kurama says with a grin.

Silver gives Kurama a salute before dashing off and yelling over her shoulder.

"I'm taking some money out of the safe big bro!"

Oh I forgot that a had told her where the safe was and how to open it. I feel like we're missing someone right now but who.. Natsu and Happy! I wonder what they're up to. I had told them they could come live with all of us I'd just have to add on to the house so there is more room.

I then notice that Kurama is sitting down and writing what I believe is the letter I have to deliver to Mirajane. While it looks like Cana has left the room. I grab a book reading through its contents as I wait for Kurama to finish writing. 

"Done." Kurama says calmly with a slight smile then puts it in an envelope after folding the letter in half.

I walk over and Kurama hands the letter over to me.

"Make sure to find Silver and get the single rose from her before delivering it." 

"Got it!" I say with a grin

With letter in hand I pump chakra to my legs and break off into a sprint out of the house and off the property. Halfway to the guild I find Silver walking in the direction towards the house with a rose in hand. I plant my feet down firmly and screech to a stop right in front of my little sister with a smile. Silver rolls her eyes and smiles back handing the rose over to me then continues her walk back to the house. Still smiling holding the letter and rose in one hand I take off towards the guild. At the same speed I open the doors to the guild make my way towards the bar where Mira is standing with a smile cleaning a glass. Slowing down I walk the rest of the way towards her. Mira looks up seeing me approach and sets down the glass she was cleaning. 

"Oh hey Naruto!" Mira greets with a friendly smile

Smiling back I hold the letter and rose out for her to take. Mira looks down at the rose and letter with a raised brow in question before taking both. Opening the envelope she takes out the letter with a serious look she reads the contents of the letter. After reading the whole letter she breaks out into a slight smile and looks up.

"Tell Kurama I'll be waiting."

Then without another word she puts the letter away and walking over to serve a guild member. I smile and dash off to tell Kurama the news. Arriving at the house I dash to the kitchen which I'm certain the others are. Entering I see Kurama has his long hair in a ponytail and is helping the girls prepare food for a picnic. After hearing the door swing open Kurama and the girls look up expectantly. 

"She said she'll be waiting." I say with a grin




~~~~~~~~~ A/N ~~~~~~~~~

Where does Kurama plan on taking Mira you may ask? I guess you'll never know until I feel like updating again, huh? 

Oh and sorry for the long wait I wasn't really planning on updating anytime soon since I've kind of lost interest in this crossover.. I'll just have to read a few Fairy Tail and Naruto crossovers and hopefully it'll spark my interest again. Also I haven't looked for any errors in this update so sorry for anything that seems off I'll deal with it later. 

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