Chapter 7: I Regret My Past Actions

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****trigger warning, stay safe****

*a few days later*

*Ryan's pov*

      I had been working on some new music so Brendon asked me to come over to work on some more with him. Once I was outside I sent a quick text to Brendon.

To: Brendon
im here

From: Brendon
it's open just come in

I opened the door and walked inside. I walked up the stairs and heard sniffling and mumbling coming from the bathroom. The door was open so I looked in. The sight was terrible. Y/n sat on the floor shaking and her knees pulled to her chest, leaning against the wall. I noticed blood streaming down her left arm and a blade in her right hand. I rushed to her side and took the blade from her and placed it on the bathroom counter. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

I shouldn't have broken up with her. This is my fault for listening to Pete, even though he's the band's manager.

"Y/n, why?" I asked, tears pricking my eyes

"I'm s-sorry, Ryan!" Y/n cried

"No, baby, this is my fault." I said, placing a kiss on her forehead

"When did you start doing this?" I asked

She sniffled, "Y-yesterday." She mumbled into my chest

"But, y/n, why did you do this?" I softly asked

"I don't know, Ryan! I haven't been able to think straight!" She cried

"Baby, it's ok now. I got you." I cooed in her ear

"Let's get you cleaned up." I said

I pulled away from our embrace and scooped y/n into my arms. I sat her on the bathroom counter and grabbed the blade and wrapped it in some paper towels before throwing it away. I grabbed a few more paper towels and turned on the faucet. I wet the paper towels under the water and gently wiped the blood from y/n's fresh cuts.

"Ow, fuck." She grumbled

"Sorry." I apologized

"It's fine." She said

Once I cleaned the blood from her wrist I examined the cuts. There was thirteen of them and they weren't very deep. I opened a couple drawers, attempting to find some band aids. I had found a box of band aids for larger open wounds. I put three of the band aids on y/n's wrist, over her cuts.

"Y/n, please promise me you won't do this again. I can't live knowing you're hurting yourself because of me." I said

"I won't, I promise." She said

I placed a kiss on her wrist, "Does that feel better?" I asked, smiling as a small smile formed across y/n's lips

"Mhm." She nodded

"Good." I smiled before pressing my lips against hers

It felt amazing to kiss her again. I missed her so much. We pulled away from the kiss and we both smiled.

"I love you." She whispered

"I love you, too." I whispered back before kissing her cheek and lifting her off of the counter and placing her in the floor

We walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. Brendon was seated on the couch and he was writing something in a notebook. He looked up at us as we walked into the room.

"Hey, guys!" Brendon said, jumping up from the couch

"Hey." I said and y/n just smiled

"Y/n, what happened to your wrist?" Brendon questioned, raising an eyebrow

Y/n looked up at me. I assumed she wanted me to explain.

"She, um, uh, kinda  c-cu-" I started to explain before Brendon's eyes widened and he cut me off

"Y/n! Why would you do that?" He exclaimed

Y/n looked down at the ground and I wrapped my arm around her and she shoved her face into my chest.

"Bren, please just... just calm down." I said

"Don't tell me what to do, Ryan! I just care about my sister, ok?" He yelled

"She's fine." I stated, rubbing y/n's back

"Can you just let me deal with my sister?" Brendon exclaimed

"Brendon, it doesn't matter! She's fine!" I yelled as y/n grabbed the fabric of my t-shirt

"Forget it! C'mon y/n." I said

I started to walk back upstairs, y/n latched to my side. We walked into y/n's room and I closed the door behind us. I sat down on her bed and leaned against the headboard and y/n curled up by my side. She silently cried and I placed a kiss on her forehead and rubbed her back, attempting to soothe her.

"Hey. It's ok. Brendon just needs to calm his balls." I said

"Oh fuck. I'm sorry." Y/n apologized, looking at my tear stained shirt

"It's ok, don't worry about it." I said

"I missed this." She sighed

"I did too." I agreed with her


im sorry for over-using time skips

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