Chapter 3: What Have I Done?

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~~|3 Months Later|~~

~~|Your POV|~~

The band played about 3 more concerts in the past couple of months. They're going on their first tour in a week or so. All I've been able to hear all day is Brendon frantically pacing around his room muttering inaudible nothings. The doorbell rang so I went and answered it.

"Ry?" I said

"Hey." He said, looking at the ground

I moved out of the way so Ryan could come inside

"C-can I talk to you?" He stuttered

I nodded

He walked over to the couch and sat down as did I

"You know I love you so much, right?" He started

"Yes." I answered

"Well, Pete said no distractions because we're preparing for our first tour right now and..." He paused

"And?" I asked, signaling him to continue

"And the guys all agreed that you're, um, distracting me..." He finished

"Does that mean we have to... break up?" I asked, praying the answer was no

He nodded

Tears pricked my eyes, but I blinked them away. I stayed silent then the tears started rolling down my cheeks

"Baby, I'm really sorry!" He exclaimed, engulfing me into a hug

It's all my fault!

I cried into Ryan's chest. I heard footsteps.

"Did you tell her?" I heard Brendon ask

I felt Ryan nod

I cried even harder and Ryan rubbed my back. I looked up into Ryan's brown eyes, he pressed his lips against mine. This was it. Our, most likely, last kiss. I pulled away.

"I love you, y/n. I'm sorry." Ryan whispered

"I love you, too." I said as Ryan gently wiped away my tears

Ryan stood up and walked out of the door. I'm going to miss his caring personality, warm hugs, soft kisses, him. I just let the love of my life walk right out the door. I started to cry again. Next thing I know, Brendon is hugging me.

"I'm really sorry, y/n." Brendon said

I said nothing, I just cried.

The long, tear filled, day had finally gone by. I was shaking earlier so I decided to take my anxiety medication. I climbed into my bed crawled under my covers and pulled them over my head.

Oh look, I'm crying again.

~~|The Next Morning|~~

I didn't remember going to sleep last night. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at my alarm clock. It read '11:34'.

"Hey." Brendon said, standing in the doorway

I said nothing and he walked over and sat down on my bed

"How're ya holding up?" He asked

"Bren, please don't remind me." I groaned

"Sorry." He apologized

"I'll go get you some breakfast." He stated before walking out of my room

Within about 10 minutes, Brendon came back into my room with a plate that had eggs and bacon.

"Thanks." I said as he handed me the plate and a fork

"You're welcome." He smiled

~~|Ryan's POV|~~

I feel terrible for breaking up with y/n. Why is life so complicated? I sighed as I was sprawled out across my bed. I grabbed my phone and called Brendon. He picked up after 2 rings.

"Hello?" He said

"Hey, Brendon." I said emotionlessly

"Hey, Ry." He said

"How's y/n holding up?" I asked

"I dunno she isn't talking that much." He answered

"Shit. What have I done?" I exclaimed

"Ry, calm down. After the band gets situated, you guys can get back together." He suggested

"But what if she doesn't want me back?" I asked

"I think she will. Just worry about tour for now." He said

"Ok." I replied

"I gotta go, y/n is calling for me." He said

"Ok, bye." I said

"Bye." He repeated before he ended the call

I put my phone on my nightstand and went back to staring at my ceiling.

"Sweetie, are you ok?" My mom asked

"No." I answered

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked

"Sure." I shrugged, sitting up

My mom sat down on my bed

"Ok. What's wrong?" She asked

"Since the band is going on its first tour, I had to break up with y/n because she was a "distraction"." I said, doing air quotes when I said 'distraction'

"I'm sorry, honey. I don't know what to tell you." She said, hugging me

"It's fine. Thanks anyway." I said

"You're welcome." She said before walking out of my room

My phone buzzed with a text

From: Brendon
Y/n is taking her anxiety medication again

What have I done?

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