Chapter 5: I Still Love Him

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~Your POV~

      Brendon was performing right now. He promised me that he would call me after. I had nothing to do. Then I remembered, I promised Skye that we would hang out with her this summer. I haven't talked to her in two weeks, I hope she's not mad at me. I turned on my phone and searched through my contacts until I found Skye's contact. I pressed the green call button and it started to ring.

She picked up at the fourth ring

"Hello?" She said

"Hey, Skye." I said

"Oh, hey, y/n!" She exclaimed

"How are you?" I asked

"Im good. You?" She asked

"I'm, uh... ok." I answered

"Ok... Well, how are things between you and Ryan?" She asked, her question caught me off guard

"We, uh... broke up." I hesitantly explained

"I'm going to beat his ass." She stated, being serious

"You can't. He's on tour with the band." I chuckled

"Well, I'll do it when he gets back." She said

"Whatever, Skye." I laughed and so did she

"Oh! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow." I said

"Yeah! Where and what time?" She asked

"My house and at, uh... twelve? Yeah, twelve." I answered

"Ok, sounds good!" She exclaimed

"I gotta go. See you tomorrow." I said

"See you tomorrow." She said before I ended the call


I opened my Twitter app and the third newest tweet caught my eye

had a great time performing tonight

Not even five minutes later, I got a call from Brendon.

"Hi." I said

"Hey, y/n!" Brendon exclaimed

"How was the show?" I asked

"It was great!" He excitedly answered

"That's good." I chuckled

"So, what have you been doing without me around?" He asked

Oh, nothing. Just being depressed over mine and Ryan's break up, normal stuff.

"Not much. But Skye is coming over tomorrow to hang out." I explained, not saying what I actually wanted to

"Oh that's good. Oh, I'll be home in a few weeks, ok?" He said

"Ok." I replied

"It's kinda late, I'm gonna go to sleep." He yawned

"Ok. Good night, Bren." I said

"Good night." He said before ending the call

I decided that I should go to sleep. I crawled underneath my covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~The Next Morning~

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