Chapter 6: I Don't Love You, Or Do I?

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*3 weeks later*

*Ryan's pov*

I'm finally home from tour. I can relax at home, hang out with the guys and y/n. Y/n. I felt like complete shit, knowing that I broke her heart. I didn't have to break up with her. I'm sure we could've worked something out but no one gave me a chance to figure something out.

      I slept until about noon, and boy did it feel good. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Brendon. I quickly unlocked my phone and read it

Brendon: could you come over today? i wanna try and fix things between you an y/n

Me: ok... but i don't think it's gonna work

Brendon: be here at 2

Me: ok

      I read the time on my phone and it was 12:13. I placed my phone back on my nightstand before rummaging through my drawers for clothes. I grabbed black skinny jeans and a random t-shirt. I quickly changed into the clothes I had grabbed before walking to the bathroom. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth before walking back to my room. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and went downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetie." My mom smiled as I walked into the kitchen

"Good morning." I repeated back to her

      I walked over to the pantry and grabbed a box of cereal before grabbing the milk from the fridge. I quickly poured cereal and milk into the bowl before putting them away. I grabbed my bowl off the counter and got a spoon from the drawer before sitting down at the kitchen table. I quickly ate my cereal, because I felt I needed to rush.

"What's the rush, sweetie?" My mom asked

"I have to go to Brendon's house." I quickly explained before shoveling more cereal into my mouth

My mom just shrugged

*Your pov*

"Y/n, wake up!" Brendon exclaimed, ripping the covers off of me

I groaned and curled into a ball, shoving my face into my pillow.

"That's it, y/n!" He yelled before scooping me up and into his arms

"Brendon! Put me the fuck down!" I yelled

"If I do will you get dressed and be downstairs in twenty minutes?" He asked

"Fine." I groaned

      Brendon put me down and walked away. I slowly walked over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes. I got changed and padded to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my hair and my teeth before going downstairs and into the living room.

"Wow, that was faster than I thought you would take." Brendon commented

"Shut up." I growled as I sat down onto the couch

      After about ten minutes, someone knocked on the door and Brendon quickly answered it. He walked back into the living room with, no one other than, Ryan mother fucking Ross standing next to him. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from both of them. Ryan sat on the couch next to me but I didn't acknowledge him.

"I'll leave you two alone." Brendon said before going into the other room

I rolled my eyes and continued to look away from Ryan.

"Hey, y/n. I know you hate me and whatever but... but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I still love you. I never stopped loving you. But we can be together again." Ryan said softly

"Ryan, I need to think about this for a while." I stated

I just want to fucking kiss him right now. I want him back now. I still love him. What the fuck do I do? And why is he still sitting here?

"I'll just go, I guess..." He said

I finally looked over at him as he walked out the door. He kept his head down and his hands in his sweatshirt pockets.

"Bye, y/n." He said before he left

      There's a part of me that wants to talk Ryan back, but the other part of me doesn't. Why can't I just decide? Stupid brain. I still love him. I just don't know what to do.


holy fuck im so sorry i took forever to update. i hope to be updating more often. i hope you enjoyed this chapter


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