Chapter 6: Its for the fans

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Jimin's POV:

It's been months since our debut. We didn't expect that much people in our first day. We were very thankful that despite being the industry's 'babies', we are receiving too much support from the people. Since that day, we started having a very busy schedule. We don't even have time to relax and go to amusement parks. It's really tough being an idol, but I enjoy every part of it.

Especially the parts with Jungkook.

"Team, today, we are going to have a fan meeting." Namjoon informs us while we were eating.

"What happens in a fan meeting, Namjoon-hyung?" Tae asked. I almost spit all the water I was drinking at our food when Tae asked the stupid question.

"Tae, you call it fan meeting because you meet your fans there." Jin explained to Tae. Tae is totally in the mood today to be an alien.

"So, hyung, got any plans for the fan meeting?" Jungkook, who was busy cutting his slice of bacon beside me, asked.

"Nothing in particular, let's just be ourselves out there. I really think they will like us even without acting it all out." Namjoon answered.

"Ok. So guys, why not stand now and prepare? You see, it's already 8:00, the fan meeting will start in an hour." Yoongi said. With him saying that, everyone hurriedly headed to their own rooms to get ready.

"Hey, Jimin – " Jungkook started

"It's Jimin-hyung" I sneaked in. After all these months that we've known each other, you can count with your fingers the times that he addressed me the proper way.

"Ok, whatever. What are you planning to show the fans today?" Jungkook continued. This guy, really refuses calling me hyung.

"Nothing, really. All I have in my mind is to have fun and make our fans happy." I chuckled.

He just nodded and continued styling his hair in front of the mirror. You don't need to do that... you already look...

"HEY GUYS!!! GO DOWNSTAIRS, WE'RE LEAVING!" Hoseok's voice resounded inside the whole house, cutting my trail of thoughts.

"Common, Jungkook. They're waiting for us." Jungkook followed me downstairs.

Inside the van that we rode to the event, I sat beside Jungkook. He was still looking at himself at the tinted glass, still styling his hair.

"Jungkook, you don't have to look perfect out there, ok? Just be yourself! You already look good!" I said while slapping his hand away from his hair. You're already perfect, you don't need to put too much effort.

"Thanks, Jimin!" He said, smiling at me. Oh my god keep doing that and I'll melt right here right now.

I already felt my cheeks heating up after that smile he gave me. To relieve myself, I talked to Tae, who was seated on my other side.

"Hey, Tae. Do you have anything to surprise the fans later?" I asked him.

"Huh? I thought we don't have to prepare?! I'm not prepared!" Tae panicked, sending everyone to a fit of laughter. Tae really becomes funny and annoying at times like this, when his inner alien takes over his personality.

"Ok, we're here." Namjoon announced as he opened the door of the van, revealing us to the fans that are waiting outside.

Screaming everywhere. People going crazy. Girls fangirling. The whole place is full of excitement. I feel so welcome in this place.  I don't know about the other members, but I really like it when people are getting noisy and excited because of us. In moments like this I can feel being an idol.

Turning Tables (Jikook)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें