Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung

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Jimin's POV:

Should I go jogging or not? I found myself asking this question to myself when I woke up to a rather hot feeling. It has become significantly hotter and more humid since summer started. I can already feel that my legs have become much better now, I think even better than they used to be before the accident happened. After thinking it out thoroughly and considering the temperature of the environment, I decided not to jog, even just for today.

After washing my face with cold water, I went down from the room to the kitchen, and headed to the refrigerator. The cold coming from the machine was very comforting, especially now that even the mornings have become considerably hotter. I reached for the pitcher with water and filled my glass to the brim. If I'm not going to jog this morning, what should I do then? I asked myself as I drank the glass of water. After setting my glass down on the counter, I headed back to the room to find Jungkook already awake.

"Good morning, hyung!" Jungkook greeted me with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Jungkook!" I greeted him back, returning the smile on his face with a smile as well.

Jungkook paused for a while before speaking again. "Hyung, I'm going with you." Jungkook said as he reached down to tie his shoes. Go with me? Where?

"Going with me to where?" I asked him as I gave him a confused look. Jungkook returned that look with an even more confused look.

"Hyung, quit fooling around with me. You go jogging every morning, right? That's what I am talking about." Jungkook explained. Oh right, that.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot that. Unfortunately, I won't be jogging today. I found the weather too hot to do so. And besides, I only jogged to get my legs back to their original strength. Now that they're back on track, I think I could tone down on the jogging." I explained to Jungkook. Jungkook looked sad for a while, but he looked up again and talked.

"But hyung, don't you wanna look at the sunrise this morning?" Jungkook asked. Then suddenly, I remembered. I actually regularly looked at the sunrise every morning. I forgot that in order for me to do that, I should go out from the house and go to the cliff, which I do by jogging every morning.

"Oh yeah, I actually forgot that I was watching the sunrise every morning! Thanks for reminding me." I said to Jungkook, who was looking down at his already-tied shoes. What is he looking at?

After getting ready by wearing my jogging gear, Jungkook and I headed to the living room to find Tae already sitting there in his jogging attire and waiting for me to come down.

When he heard our footsteps, Tae looked up. "Good morning, hyung and Jungkook." Tae said to us in a low, weak voice. What's wrong with him again?

"Good morning, hyung!" Jungkook greeted him energetically. Tae nodded at him and smiled. At least he is smiling.

"Good morning, Tae. So, you ready?" I asked Tae. He looked at me and nodded before he stood up and headed to the front door of the house.

"Since when am I not ready to, jog, hyung?" Tae chuckled. I know he was trying to look like he's fine, but it was very clear that he isn't.

Jungkook and I looked at each other and laughed. Tae only looked at us, confused by why would Jungkook and I are laughing. After being able to stop, I explained to Tae what was about to happen.

"Actually, Tae, were not going out to jog." I said to him. Tae's eyes widened as if I said something wrong.

"You and Jungkook are going out?" Tae asked. Oh god, this guy really.

Turning Tables (Jikook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora