Chapter 33: Jikook

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Jungkook's POV:

I was also a bit surprised with myself, because surprisingly, I woke up ahead of Jimin... actually ahead of other members. There's only one possible reason – today is a special day. I can already feel the butterflies in my stomach starting to wake up early along with me and beginning to flutter. I reached for my phone to check the time – 4:30 am. God... I think I should go back to sleep. I settled myself back onto the bed to get some sleep.

"Aghhhh" I sat up from bed again after tossing around the bed for what seemed like hours. I looked at the phone again to check the time – 5 am. "What? Seriously?" I carefully stood up and went to the kitchen to get some drink. After putting the glass down on the table, I went to back to our shared room and went back to bed. Jimin was still sleeping when I got back to our room. Unfortunately, sleep still hasn't gotten its way to me, so just laid there, on the bed, beside Jimin. I had nothing to do, so I decided to take the opportunity to just drown myself with Jimin's charms.

First of all... cute eyes. Very cute eyes. Then he's got this strong jawline... just looks so sexy and hot. Nose... very small and cute. And those lips... those lips... I just stared at the features of the beautiful creature sleeping next to me. I can barely stop myself from touching him. After some time of staring at Jimin, I finally felt my eyelids drop and I closed my eyes...

"Jimin, Jungkook, time to prepare!" Namjoon knocked at our door, instantly driving the sleep that was starting to take over me. I looked at my phone and again and looked at the time – 6:30 am. What? That was just fast! How unfair time is...

"Ok, hyung! I'll be there in a few minutes!" I answered to him. I stubbornly sat up, irritated by the disturbance. I turned to Jimin and went closer to him to wake him up. "Hyung, we need to get ready now. Get up." I said to him. He suddenly lifted his head and opened his eyes. Our eyes locked on each other for a while before he scrambled backwards. I was still awestruck by how close our faces were to each other just a few seconds ago. It felt just like before he collapsed into me when we were alone in the amusement park. Our faces were just very close to each other...

"Oh... H-Hi... G-Good morning, Jungkook." Jimin said.

"Good morning, hyung." I replied. "We should get ready now, hyung." I continued. Jimin bolted up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

"Yeah... wait for me here." Jimin said before he closed the door of the bathroom. I just looked at the bathroom door and sighed. There's really something going on with Jimin. He's beginning to become awkward around me now. He used to be alright with everything that we do, but lately, he's been trying to avoid really close contacts. He's just beginning to scare me.

"Yah, Jungkook, don't you want to come down just yet?" Jimin asked as he opened the door leading to the stairs. I just nodded and followed him to the living room. We headed straight to the living room, where Namjoon, Hosoek and Yoongi were already waiting for us.

"Good morning, Jimin and Jungkook." Yoongi greeted us. We just returned the greeting and went to settle with them.

"Hyung, where's Tae and Jin-hyung?" Jimin asked. Namjoon scratched his head before answering.

"I don't know. I knocked at their door a few minutes ago and told them to go down. Jin answered, of course. But I actually did that before going to your room and telling you to go down." Namjoon explained. Then, all of a sudden, the door of their room banged open, emerging from it a Jin carrying a giggling Tae on his back.

"Jinnie! Faster! We're running late!" Tae shouted while still giggling, while Jin, who was carrying him, was having a hard time climbing down the stairs.

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