Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart

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Author's POV:

"Do I know you?"

Jungkook, whose face was previously filled with joy, was shocked. What did he say again? Did he ask me if he knows me? He must be kidding! Jungkook tried to convince himself that Jimin is only playing with him, so he just smiled and laughed. Jimin only looked more confused.

"Hey, what's funny with my question? Who are you?" Jimin asked again. This time, Jungkook stopped laughing and looked at Jimin with hurt in his eyes. Jimin looked at Tae, who was also looking as shocked as he really was. "Who is this person?" Jimin asked Tae.

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to disappear. He wanted the earth to swallow him right there, on the spot. He stood up, and walked out of the room. No correct me, he RAN out of the room. Jin, seeing Jungkook run to the outside, decided to follow him to make sure he's safe and alright.

Meanwhile, in the hospital room, Jimin kept looking around, scanning the faces of the members around him. All of them looked shocked. Why the hell do they look like that? Jimin asked to himself.

"Hey, guys! Aren't you glad that I'm awake?" Jimin asked. "What's with the shocked face? Aren't you expecting me to wake up?" Jimin continued and smile to the other members.  Finally, Hoseok was able to speak.

"Hey, Jimin, don't you really remember him?" He asked. Jimin paused for a moment as he tried to dig into his memories. After a few moments, Jimin shook his head.

"You mean you don't remember Jungkook?" Tae asked. Jimin sighed.

"I said I don't remember him. I don't remember any person name Jungkook. I don't even remember how I got hospitalized in the first place!" Jimin explained. All the members in the room just stared at him with disbelief.

"Wait here, I'll call the doctor." Namjoon said as he left the room to go to the Jimin's doctor.

"Anyway. Jimin, does anything hurt?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, my legs kinda hurt a little, but it's nothing to worry about. I guess I was asleep for too long that my lack of jogging has gotten into my legs already." Jimin explained. "Really, how long have I've been sleeping?" Jimin asked.

"About a week, hyung." Tae answered. "All of us were so worried. We're glad you're finally awake." He continued. Jimin just smiled at Tae. After a few moments of silence, a loud grumbling sound was heard in the room. The members looked around to find the source, until Jimin spoke.

"Uhmmm guys... I think I need some food. I'm a bit hungry." Jimin admitted, making the other member smile.

Namjoon continued to hurry down the halls of the big building until he found the doctor.

"Doc, Jimin just woke up." Namjoon said while trying to catch his breath.

"Ok, let's go." The doctor suggested. The two of them returned to the hospital room.

When they got inside, the doctor immediately performed a physical check up on Jimin. He first checked his head if he had hemorrhage, then checked for fractures in the arms. He then check the ribs and spinal column. Lastly, he checked Jimin's legs.

"I suggest that when he can, he should do some regular jogging and brisk walking to regain the strength of his legs. Other than that, he's alright. He's lucky he can still perform after about a week of recovery." The doctor explained. He was about to leave when Tae called him.

"Doc, there's also something." Tae said. The members looked at Tae, and then understood what he meant.

"When Jimin woke up, he couldn't remember one of our members – Jungkook. What happened?" Yoongi asked. The doctor looked at them, silent, in deep thought. After a few moments, he invited the group to settle down.

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