Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch

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Taehyung's POV:

"Hyung, can't we like stay for a bit longer? Let's start the practice before lunch!" I said to Hoseok, who was busy tying the lace of his left shoe. We are going to hold some concerts soon, and Namjoon already told us that we are going to be busy, practicing for the performances. I understood every word of that. But no... not now.

"No, Tae. We are going to practice this morning. We are expecting you guys to be there on or before 8:30 am." Hoseok said. He was one of the group's funny guys, but when it comes to rehearsals and stuff like that, he becomes serious.

"No, hyung! I have to watch the new episode if the anime that I am watching! It's going to be on air today at 9 am! Please, hyung." I begged Hoseok. He looked at me and smiled. I thought I finally convinced him. I thought wrong.

"No. Tae, we need all the time we could use to prepare for the concerts that we are going to have soon. And you're not going to be able to watch that this morning, because you, and the rest of the group, are going to the dance studio at 8:30. No bargains." Hoseok said as he stood up. "Guys! Yoongi-hyung and I are going now! We are going to tha studio to get it ready for practice!" Hoseok shouted. Then, without another word with me, he left.

Why? Why do we have to practice now? Why not later? Why not tomorrow? One day won't have that much of an effect. I ranted to myself as I headed to the kitchen to drink cold water. I need cold water now to relieve the frustration that's beginning to eat me.

When I got to the kitchen, I headed straight to the refrigerator and got the pitcher of cold water that was in it. After having a drink, I noticed that Jin was watching me. I felt my ears feel warmer when I realized this, forcing me to drink even more water than I actually wanted. Then, Jin walked closer to me.

"Tae, is there something bothering you?" he asked me. Woah... how did he know there was something bothering me?

I swallowed hard before I finally got to answer him, because it felt like something was blocking my throat. "Oh... h-hyung" Oh god Tae stop stuttering you're busting your chance. "How did you know?" I continued. Jin smiled his cute smile to me and ruffled my hair. I felt my cheeks and ears getting hotter and hotter with each contact I was making with him. Any contact, actually.

Jin laughed and looked away. "I... I have ways of knowing things." Jin answered. "So... what is it that's making you sad this early in the morning?" he continued. He's always very caring with the other members. That's one of the things that I like about him, and he continued to show that every single day. It almost makes me think that he knows that I like him for it, but of course there's no way he would know that. Jimin will surely not tell him about it.

"Hyung, you see, this particular anime that I was watching, it will air a new episode today. The time slot is 9 am, but Hoseok-hyung insists that we should start practicing at 8:30. How am I supposed to watch it?" I complained to Jin, who was listening to me the whole time. When I finished talking, he smiled and patted my back.

"Tae, we should learn how to prioritize things. We have upcoming shows, and we have to rehearse. We should follow what Hoseok said." Jin said to. I expected that he was going to be with me on this, but I was wrong. I couldn't help it but just pout at the situation.

"But... I really want to watch it." I whined as I sat down on the chair. Jin looked at me and sighed.

"Tae, you can watch it later after the practice. That's why we have internet in the house." Jin said to me. After feeling better because of the realization that he was right, I looked up to him, but still with the pout that was on my lips. Jin smiled and spoke again. "I know... tell me if you are going to watch. I'll join you." Jin said to me, making my body temperature rise again and my heart beat faster. What did he just say? He's going to join me watching the anime? I asked myself as I smiled to him and jumped up in excitement.

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