Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders

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Taehyung's POV:

"Ok guys, time to go!" Namjoon shouted as he opened the door of the house. We are going to the dance studio to practice the new dance that the choreographer made. We loaded the van that will bring us to the dance studio. While travelling, the members became so noisy, as they are all talking about random things. Namjoon was ranting about the chair in his room that he broke last night, while Yoongi was complaining about how noisy Hoseok was when he is sleeping. Hoseok was only laughing at the two rappers, because he thought they things that they are getting noisy about are very... pointless.

When we reached the dance studio, I tried to talk to Jungkook who was sitting beside me. "Hey, Jungkook, how are you feelings?" Jungkook gave me confused face as I tried to slide closer to him to whisper "I mean, how are you and Jimin-hyung doing? What's your status?"

Jungkook, after hearing my question, stood up from his seat and headed for the door of the van. "We're fine." Jungkook said right before he stepped out of the van. What's wrong with him?

After ignoring what Jungkook just did, I stepped out of the van and spotted Jin, who was fixing his bag on his WIDE shoulders. I went to him to talk.

"Hyung, have you noticed what's happening to Jungkook? He's seems to... moody today." I asked Jin, who didn't even turn his head to face me. Instead of answering me, he went on walking to the dance studio.

"Hyung, did you?" I asked Jin again as I tried to keep up with his steps. He stopped, and turned around to face me.

"No." Jin answered as he turned again and headed inside the dance studio.

What the hell is happening to these guys? Did they not sleep last night? Why are they so moody? I asked myself, watching as the other members disappear inside the building. What are these guys up to? It surely isn't my birthday today, so it's unlikely that this is just a prank on me to surprise me. I thought as I recalled the last time, when Yoongi had his birthday and everyone ignored him the whole day only to surprise him in the evening. After a few moments of just standing there, trying to think of a reason as to why they are acting like that, I decided to get inside to practice as well.

When we started practicing, I felt the effect of the situation on me. It is very unusual that I am not able to concentrate on the rehearsals, because I was usually one of the members who don't need too much help on the choreography. Today was different. I couldn't get the steps right on point, because I was being bothered by the behavior of the Jungkook and Jin. I don't get it. Why are they like that so suddenly? Did I do anything wrong to them? I asked myself. I was sure I didn't do anything that could offend them. I was in good terms with everyone in the group, well, anyone is in good terms with everyone. And Jin-hyung, really? He was usually the most pleasant to me among all the members, sometimes even kinder than Jimin-hyung. But what's happening to him? Did he just try to ignore me? What's happening? I didn't do anything wrong! I am innoce –

"TAE!" Jimin shouted at me, waving his hand in front of my face. I was shocked by his shout, making me return back to my senses after my analysis on the situation.

"Oh... Hyung. Sorry. I was just thinking about something." I said to him.

"Yeah, I see that, in the way you are not focused on the rehearsals. What's wrong?" Jimin asked. At least Jimin-hyung is still in his normal state.

"Hyung, Jungkook and Jin-hyung are ignoring me." I said to him. "I tried talking to them a while ago. Jungkook answered my with a dry 'We're fine', while Jin-hyung even tried to totally ignore me and act as if he didn't hear me. I don't get it hyung. Are they mad at me?" I asked. I looked at Jimin, who was now smiling after I narrated the reason behind my loss of focus.

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