Chapter Thirty-Two. Heaven Is In Sight.

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I told you I would update! 

This song sounds a hell lot like sixteen year old Jo! So if you hate it, I do take notes and you can give me your Jo songs on the comments if you'd like ;) 

Happy Monday, Merry Reading!


I woke up and took a deep breath, there was still some pressure on my chest. I noticed I was alone in the room; my arms were not as heavy as the day before but I felt a lot better. A nurse came in and greeted me with joy, maybe she was well rested.

"Good morning." She said and pointed at the chair as she put more medicines on the IV's.

"Morning." I tried to sit up.

"Oh, here." She helped me out. "A couple of broken ribs, darling... should give it a rest." She explained.

"Is that so?" I asked. "No one really told me what happened." I said once she put the pillow in place for me to be sitting. Everyone was so worried with helping me remember that they all forgot to explain to me what had happened.

"A car crash, you don't need details; but your husband never left your side." She nodded her head toward the chair behind her. "Call if you need anything, I will get you some breakfast, it's time you start eating on your own again."

I didn't even have time to nod when the nurse rushed out, a few minutes later I was caught up listening to the heart monitor.

I had dreamed of school. I had dreamed of my first couple of days going to school in Germany, I almost couldn't remember anything, but the dream felt real.

The guys I had been hanging out with... could they be Tom and Bill? The twins, in my class... I guessed that was it. I heard a knock on the door and then the nurse was back with a tray of food on it.

She put it on a table by the side and then I saw the small wheels underneath it. She rolled the table to me and watched me while I saw the food.

"Do I have to finish it all?" I asked her.

"That's the idea, maybe you want to start with the jelly, move on to the bread, and if you feel well enough then try the meat." I nodded. "Eat what you can."

"Why do I have an extra glass?" I pointed at the small plastic glass on the blue tray.

The nurse grabbed a smaller plastic glass from behind the orange juice and put it in front of me, it contained a couple of pills.

"We're getting you off the morphine so you will need another medication for the headaches." She pointed at the jar filled to the top with water. "Drink all you want; we'll get you off the catheter this afternoon. Can you hold the spoon?"

I turned to the tray in front of me and grabbed the spoon and the red jelly. The nurse watched me while I had the first bite and then left saying she would be back in an hour.

I felt weird eating, my mouth had been dry and although I had been awake the day before they hadn't given me any time to eat, there must have been things on the tubes that provided with the calories or something but it didn't matter because sleeping on meds did not mean resting.

The jelly wasn't exactly tasty, but I had to try to finish it before moving on to the bread. I had slept through a whole month, it was too long and I needed to eat now if I wanted things to get back to normal. Whatever that normal was.

"Hey, morning!" Tom walked in followed by another stranger.

"Hey..." I said with a mouthful of jelly, I stared at his friend and he waved.

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