Chapter Seven. What We Got Left Is Just Me And You.

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So, children: enjoy the gif (and tonight's chapter too)!


Tom was in the bathroom while I applied the body lotion on my stomach and legs; it was weird how after two kids my body was giving up staying thin just because, now it needed an incentive: exercise and a healthier diet, and I hated it. In addition I was paranoid about stretchmarks and now I applied body lotion religiously at night.

I closed the robe over my waist with a knot as he walked out of the bathroom and I turned to go in, he put his arm in front of me and shook his head, humming a "no, no"

"Don't go in there just yet." I heard him and my eyes wandered around the ceiling for a few seconds before I understood and my mouth made an O shape. I nodded and went to the bathroom in the hall.

"Thanks," I said then came back into the room "you know? It's moments like this when I realize how much you really love me." He smiled and pointed at the door so I would close it.

"Which is a stupid lot." I turned to him and gave only one step. "Push the button, close it properly!"

I went back to the door and closed it "properly" before sitting across from Tom in the bed as he was already in there with his back pressed against the headboard.

"I don't think I should be getting into this...but Bill texted me like ten times today after lunch...what happened?" Tom asked me. I sighed.

"You seriously don't want to get into that." I told him and got up; he grabbed my hand and made me turn around. Things with Bill were different to what they were with anyone else, we rarely fought and when we did we just sort of made up without really apologizing, we didn't rush into fighting or talking, after a little time we'd realize what had happened and we just got down to promising it wouldn't happen again...and it never did.

Tom undid the knot on my robe and gave me a pleading look.

"Why would you ruin the mood like this?" I complained and took a step back and away from his hands. My eyes wandered up and I stared at the ceiling. "He didn't tell me anything about Mark ...and you knew about him too!" I turned back to him with my hands on my hips and caught him checking me out with his mouth open and his tongue out liking his lip absentmindedly.

"Tom!" He didn't even pretend, his eyes just looked up at my face. "Are you listening?"

"I am, but you were right, it's your thing and..." He pointed a finger at me. "That is my thing." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Are you naked under there?" I narrowed my eyes at him; he shrugged and reached out to me. "I am talking to you!" I gave him a little smile; he ignored me and pulled me into his lap.

"Okay, keep talking." He said once I was straddling him. "But let's get your panties off while you do so, okay?" I blinked and grabbed his hands as they tried to get to the edge of my underwear. "Why?" He closed his eyes and let his head fall back on the headboard for a second.

"I am not angry at Bill." Tom took a deep breath and I watched his Adam's apple move. At some point that afternoon he got the top bit of his hair onto a bun, leaving the rest down. I liked how it looked but I never got to tell him I liked his long hair, although he had always had it long. "I am not angry at you. But I am a little hurt because he didn't tell me about Mark."

"Is that so?" He still didn't move.

"Yeah, I guess I will have to talk to him... I know you hate to be in the middle, but you are not. And it is so nice of you to ask." I smiled and squeezed his hands, getting no response. I let go of his hands. "I am done talking..." I tried but he didn't move. I pouted and got the robe off, throwing it on the chair of shame in the corner - the one in which we both threw clothes every now and then and they just pilled up... - ; I ran my hands up from his stomach to his neck and kissed his Adam's apple very softly.

"You really are done talkin'?" I smirked up at him, nodding. Tom's eyes narrowed.

"I will get a lip ring so you know what that feels like..." I told him right before kissing him, I pulled away a little and he was still just sitting there. I kissed him again and looked at him, same thing again. So now Tom was playing hard to get... I reached down and kissed him as I slowly ran my hands over his torso until I had my hands under the covers, somewhere near his hips. "Come on, Tom!" I whispered and kissed him again, pulling away just barely but he leaned forward and pulled me closer as he kissed me for real this time.


On the morning I woke up with Tom's heavy arms over my waist and my head on his chest; the covers were a mess that covered only me, because of course, Tom never had a problem showing me his naked body. I still blushed sometimes though it wasn't his body what made me do it... but even then it was something I could tell Tom enjoyed seeing: that awkward and embarrassing blush on my cheeks anytime my bra came off. It was just ridiculous at this point but I couldn't help it, as I couldn't help but to feel so perfectly fine right now in that bed. I moved a little bit, stretching my legs tangled with Tom's and decided to sleep some more because it was only Saturday now and Günther wouldn't be awake soon, hopefully... It was Lena the one that would wake us up on Saturdays... she was Daddy's #1 fan at the weirdest hours.

I felt one of Tom's hands move; it ran up and down my back a couple times before I moved my own hand and softly touched Tom's skin.

"Good morning." He said with that husky morning voice I'd loved from day one.

"Morning." I replied and turned to look at him, expecting him to be facing up at the ceiling with his eyes closed; instead, he was looking down at me. "Do you know you have really happy, beautiful eyes?" He smiled, making me smile.

"You told me." He muttered.

"Did I?" I whispered. His hand cupped my cheek and we both reached to each other and kissed.

"The first time we slept together." He whispered. "But you were kinda drunk." I giggled at the sight of him scrunching up his nose. "You only say nice stuff to me when you're drunk..." He complained playfully and I smiled. "Where are you going?" He reached out and pulled me back to the bed with one arm as I began to sit up.

"Hey!" I was going to complain but I couldn't because I liked it.

"Hey, let's throw Günther a party." He said completely out of the blue. I turned to look at him. "What?" I was speechless. "He has no friends his age in Germany; he should be able to have a party here, with that asshole Jimmy-boy and the premature crushy-crushy girl!" I laughed.

"Harper?" He nodded. "Okay, I think that's good... You see? You are a great young dad!" I put my hand on his chest and kissed him for a few seconds. "You worry about your boy, take good care of your baby girl and..."

"And I fuck you how you like?" He asked. I blinked a couple times.

"And... you make me happy..." I concluded. "What is wrong with you?" I frowned and complained but let it slide because it was too early in the morning.

Tom laughed and I got some clothes on, last night had been a great night, as Lena didn't cry once.

"So how do you think we should plan Gün's little party?" I asked him with a pair of sweatpants on and a white t-shirt on my hands.

Tom picked up his phone from one of the nightstands without worrying on putting some clothes on. I put the shirt on and took a deep breath; did I have to fall for the chilliest guy ever?

I picked out a pair of boxers from his underwear drawer and rolled them into a sort of ball before throwing it at his head; he caught them in the air without taking a glance up, which kind of infuriated me.

"Ask him." Was his brilliant answer.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Put that on, please, I will make some breakfast."

I went down to the kitchen and served food to the dogs first, after that I grabbed the scrambled eggs from the  fridge, fruit and some toast. Tom was ready soon enough and he decided to play with the dogs while I cut a couple of apples into little pieces.

The ball Tom was throwing somehow got to my feet and it was Rize the one who ran the fastest to get it. I didn't complain because my dogs couldn't jump too high and Scotty was in no shape to run around.

The truth was that I was a little concerned about that dog, it was a loyal little thing and it wasn't until recently that I noticed he was feeling the weight of the years taking their toll. Its legs didn't move as fast and the way he snuggled up to Tom seemed a little tired, a little bit like he tried to tell his owner "I can't do this anymore" but Tom didn't listen, I guess he didn't want to see that his boy had been getting old...

I heard the loud cry of Lena, she had some powerful longs in her, I dropped what I was doing and Tom turned to me when I wiped my hands on a cloth and ran upstairs. I walked into my girl's room and she reached out for me as soon as she saw me.

"Oh, baby girl!" I squealed and pulled her out of the crib, she instantly got quiet when I had her in my arms. "You were scared, weren't you?" I ran a hand through her soft thin hair. I kissed her forehead and got her changed; her diaper was loaded after a whole night of deep sleep.

I walked downstairs and put Lena on her high chair, telling Tom to keep an eye on her while I washed my hands.

Tom forgot what he was doing and sat in front of our baby daughter who reached out and put her little hands on his beard, probably amused by the sensation of the hair under her soft hands.

I went to the bathroom and quickly washed my hands to finish making breakfast. I walked back into the kitchen just in time to see Lena give Tom a high five. I laughed at them and got to cut a pineapple before getting started on the scrambled eggs.

"What are you laughing of, huh?" Tom asked me and I chuckled.

"Of you two! You are beautiful." I stated.

"Mommy!" I sighed; of course, Günther was up now and needed me to go upstairs to help him go downstairs because the little door at the top of the staircase was closed.

"I think I can keep this from burning, you go." Tom smiled up at me from his seat. I put my hands together and bowed to him with a smile. "Yeah,'re welcome..."

I ran upstairs and saw Günther holding his blanket and his teddy bear to his chest. I smiled and put my hands on my hips as he rubbed one of his eyes while he yawned. Could he be any cuter? No, he couldn't, of course not!

"Good morning, sweetie! You ready for the day?" He smiled at me looking a little bit confused, but he nodded and extended his hand toward me. "What did you dream of last night?" I pushed the little door open and held his hand.

"I dreamed of a big fish and a big horse." I proposedly opened my mouth in surprise. "Yes mommy!" He said and then he made his face look just like mine.

"How awesome!" I exclaimed. "What colour was the fish?" He didn't jump the last steps because he was still a little too tired for it.

"It was a goldfish, mommy! It was so so so so so cool!" He said as we went into the kitchen. "I will draw it for you!"

"Oh my! Would you do that?" I pretended to be flattered. He nodded with big pride. "Uh...well, I'd love that!" I grabbed him and put him on a chair, kissing his mane of blonde hair. "Can't wait to see it!"

"Morning, Daddy!" He practically yelled at Tom, who struggled to keep the breakfast from burning and turning into carbon... "You want to see a goldfish too?" Tom turned to Gün as soon as I stepped in front of the pan.

"Of course, man! Wow, a goldfish! Jo, did you hear that?" I gave Tom a look with my back to Gün, the little boy didn't understand sarcasm, but Tom and I did. Tom chuckled. "So Günther, man... we think you deserve a little party with your friends from school, what'cha say 'bout that?"

"You said no party until Germany." Gün said with confusion.

"Yeah, yeah... but I heard you've been a good boy... We want to let you have two birthday parties!" Tom explained and I smiled as he handed me the plates, his eyes were still glued to Gün.

"Can Jimmy come?" I put a plate with smaller portions for him on the table and Tom put it in front of Gün.

"Yeah, of course! Anyone you want!"

"Everyone but Harper!" Günther belted. I put Tom's plate on the table and noticed from the corner of my eye that he was frowning in confusion. I kept a straight face as I put a little bit of fruit on a plate to see how Lena reacted to that.

"Harper is your friend, Günther." I told him but he gave me that "I don't think so" smug little expression that Tom gave me so often, with his mouth twisted to the side and his brows furrowed. "Oh, not that face, Günther!" I put my hand on his chin softly, cupping his face. "What is it that you don't like about her?"

"She needy!"

Tom laughed out loud, not helping me a lot.

"Aren't they all, man?"

"Try to feed her, okay?" I told Tom and he kept laughing but did what I told him to do. "Gün, not everyone has what you have. She wants to be your friend, why don't you give it a shot!"

"Because she is weird." Gün explained.

"Well, I find her adorable." I said. "And I think you should invite her and see what you think after that party." Gün pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, he looked as if he was about to scream no and I begged the heavens that he wouldn't. When he took a second too long to speak I pleaded. "Please, sweetie? Do this for mommy?" Tom snorted, he had never been a fan of my manipulation and I rarely used it until I noticed that it worked like a charm with our kid.

"Fine." He said still sitting in the same position.

"Thank you, love!" I kissed him over and over until he let his arms fall and he started giggling. "Now let's eat!"


We had a bit of a lazy day but Günther had enjoyed walking the dogs, every weekend we did it all together and it was probably one of the boy's favorite parts of every week. He talked nonstop and helped walk Bora while I walked Rize, Bill was probably bussy with Mark his perfect and secret boyfriend... But in the meantime Tom was holding Lena in his arms, trying to keep his sunglasses on his face as she kept trying to grab them.

"Oh, god...just let her have them!" I told him and Günther looked up to smile at Tom.

"Why is Scotty not walking?" Gün asked us. The dog was tired and it decided not to stand up at the sight of his leash.

Tom and I shared a look, but I didn't think Tom was thinking what I was thinking.

"He wasn't in the mood, love." I told him and messed his hair up a little.

"Yesterday he wasn't in the mood either, is he okay?" Günther asked with worry and I grabbed his hand.

"Yeah, he's just... you know, tired." Tom said and talking to Günther distracted him just enough time for Lena to get a hold on his sunglasses. "No, girl! Lena... no, don't..." He surrendered and put the sunglasses on her tiny face. "There, superstar, are you happy?"

"She is ready for her close-up!"

"I am ready for my far-down!" Gün said excitedly and Tom and I laughed, Tom gave him a high five while I tried to regain composure.

"I bet, man!"

The next couple of days went by incredibly fast; we couldn't believe how sooner than later we found ourselves receiving a big bunch of kids and their parents in a small restaurant we had to rent for the occasion (there simply was no way we would be receiving all that people at our house.) Tom hanged out with the dads, which proved to have him completely out of his comfort zone and I had to deal with the moms.

Bill brought Mark with him and I saw Günther having a laugh with them, I hadn't talked to my friend since the last time I he went home with Tom; lately he was just too busy with his boyfriend... Pissing me off...

I had Lena with me, the girl just wanted to walk all over the place but her legs were still a little weak for that, she fell after a few minutes and I was holding on with all my might to that little time we had left with a tiny baby girl that didn't know how to walk and was too lazy to crawl. I just started to share that feeling with Tom... now the two of us were wishing she could stay a baby forever, even if she cried her heart out in the middle of the night and interrupted whatever plans we had for the night (which she did terribly often in the past week).

"Oh, look at that!" Sarah said and pointed at something by the door to the kids' games' sets. "Poor man, someone's got to teach him how to style that little cutie's hair!"

I smiled as I watched Harper and her dad walk in; Harper's pony tail was a little bit twisted to the side.

The redhead ran up to Günther as soon as she spotted him, she opened her arms to him and I guessed she was saying happy birthday but my boy turned to his father, Tom however, was distracted talking to Jimmy's father, and that was when he searched for me. I waved at him and signaled for him to hug his little friend. Günther sighed and awkwardly opened his arms for the slightly shorter redhead to hug him.

"Aw, that's cute!" Another mother said and I nodded without taking my eyes off them.

After that, Gün pointed at a sort of tree house and Harper jumped up before following him. Jimmy joined them and I turned back to Lena who was now playing and desperately bitting a rubber monkey.

"She's still growing her teeth, isn't she?" Sarah asked me.

"Yes," I fixed Lena's hairband "it's been bothering her so much she can't sleep or let us sleep..."

"That's better than what I've got..." One of the oldest moms said. I tilted my head to the side, not following. "My two oldest are fourteen and twelve...oh, God... I don't know which one worries me the most!"

"Oh, my boy Alex is fourteen but I guess boys do take more time to blossom... he's very easygoing, only he's into that dark stuff... you know, the other day he was like "mom, can I go to a black veiled bride concert?" and I was so confused, what do these people think when they name their bands?!" I turned to Sarah when she finished talking and felt a little uncomfortable about the comment.

"You mean black veil brides?" I asked her, I was a fan, I couldn't play guitar for my life but Jinxx was an amazing guitarist to me... this made me consider friend Alex on Facebook.

Sarah looked at me as if I was crazy. "That's what I said, right?"

I nodded and let it slide before the rest of the mothers started judging me in silence, I knew they would do it once I was out of their sight but I didn't want to see them be "oddly quiet" the rest of the afternoon.

"I'm going to check on the cake! Excuse me..." I went inside and saw a couple of tables where other moms were sitting, most of all there were couples trying not to panic over their little ones wanting them to go play with them.

I stumbled upon Alex, it was funny, I had never noticed he was a pretty punk kid. Although he didn't wear eyeliner, or have lots of piercings, he was a tall kid with lots of bracelets on his wrists and he reminded me of punk when I was young: cargos and a tee. Although he was wearing skinny jeans, very Gerard Way-like.

"Hey, Alex!" I waved at the boy and he pulled his earbuds out and nodded in my direction.

"Hey, Mrs. Jo." I smiled at that. "Need any help?" He offered and I thought about it for a second.

"Have you ever dropped a baby?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"No, ma'am." He said.

"Good!" I handed him Lena, she didn't appreciated it very much but since she was already too busy dealing with her sore gums she let it slide that she was on foreign arms. "Look at that, you're a pro!"

The boy smiled at me and kept holding her with both arms. I told him to follow me into the kitchen, I was just checking on the cake. We just waited by the little bar between the kitchen and the restaurant, the place where the waiters and waitresses had to go to to pick up the plates.

"So, your mom says you want to go to this concert..." He sighed. I chuckled. "What's the deal there-between you and me-?"

The boy pushed his pair of glasses up on his nose and looked around.

"I went to warp once, you know? During college." His brows raised and I smiled at him as we waited for the cake. "Your mom is calling this band... back veiled bride." He rolled his eyes. "I know, my mom is Spanish, believe me: she got every band name wrong, even Tom's-my husband's."

"Well...I'm not going." He said in defeat. "My parents said I would have to pay the ticket and I don't have a job so..." I pouted.

"So bad..." I said. "You really know how to hold a baby, though..." I pointed out, he didn't catch my drift. "Oh, boy... Alex, you are sitting on a golden mine!" He didn't understand; the cake was put on the bar behind me and I thanked the lady who brought it and probably made it. "I will pay you twelve bucks an hour if you babysit for us next Friday, how's that?"

"How many hours would I be babysitting?" He asked me right away.

I smiled at him and picked up the cake. "It's probably gonna be worth it, Alex." I laughed. "And I'll make sure to tell every other mom how awesome you are as a babysitter!"

"That would be cool, Mrs. Jo!" I smiled at the boy and we made our way outside. "So... what was your husband's band's name?"

"It's Tokio Hotel." I told him and his eyes widened a little.

"You are... Tom..." He got quiet for a moment. "You are married to Tom Kaulitz? How?"

I laughed. "Are you a fan?" I asked him, he tilted his head to the side and shrugged.

"They have some good tunes..." I chuckled and we stepped outside, there was cheering at the sight of the cake and the kids came to round the table where I put it. Alex handed me Lena back and he looked at me with a different eye. "That explains why you're so cool." He pulled his earbuds and iPod out of his jeans' pocket and went back to listening music.


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3. Can You Hear Me Calling? (Tom Kaulitz/Tokio Hotel Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt