Chapter Thirteen. Searching for someone.

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Did I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year? Well: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR (super late, I know!)

So this is a different POV and I hope you like it!

At the moment I am trying to finish this story, it's just that... I don't know... the book is already 312 pages in Word and I am losing my patience here, guess that's why it's taking me so long finishing writing... 

Anyway! Enjoy!



I talked to Tom before leaving LA, he said he was just doing this thing with some American producer to get it out of the way before continuing to work with the band but he had been so distant lately... he just worked a lot and even if he didn't mean for it to look like it, it really looked like he didn't care.

I told him about Mark the second I felt something for him, for Tom it had never been a secret or a problem knowing that I didn't care what the person I dated was - man or woman -, but now that I was back in Germany and spent a little time with Angie my thoughts had been shaken and I woke up to a weird feeling the morning after Günther's birthday.

The house was silent and I was sure it was late because I always found a way to sleep through half the day whenever the band was not on tour. I ran a hand through my hair, it had been a while since I had dyed it and I felt a little like bringing back the dark hair, it would also be nice to forget about the awful smell of the hairdye for a few weeks. 

There was a mirror near my closet to the right, I grabbed my phone and snapped a quick picture for the fans, they loved my shirtless pictures and sometimes their comments made my day that little bit brighter.

Once I was out of bed and wearing something decent I went into the kitchen to see if there was anything for me to eat, the thing about being in Germany was that we didn't get much Starbucks - which I became sort of addicted to in the past few years - so almost all the time I just rang someone up and we met at a restaurant to eat, sometimes I crashed on Jo's breakfast party with the kids but today I wasn't that hungry.

I got a text message from Angie. As I poured some milk on my coffee I read her text about my picture.

"Got any space in there for one more?" She wrote. "Kidding, wanna go out? You, me, and probably a lot of pie."

There was a huge smile on my face, larger than my usual smile, I just felt so dumb about feeling like this over nothing else than a text message from a girl I had met two years before, a girl who had admitted that she was very into Tokio Hotel.

"Where?" I texted her and immediately got a response.

"I'll take a bus, be there in twenty." She said.

"No! Pick you up, see you in a bit." I texted her and without hesitation went back upstairs to take a quick shower and get changed.

When I arrived at her place I had a white shirt on and a pair of grey jeans on with Dr. Martens on my feet; to my surprise she opened the door as soon as I knocked. 

The building in which she lived was not that bad but it was sort of small, not that it mattered at all because she looked great on a short black dress that kind of distracted me.

"Hey!" She kissed my cheek and put her arms around me when she received me in pure joy. "Do you wanna come in or what?" She smiled at me, today she was wearing no makeup and on her face the little nose ring she had sparkled.

"Yeah, thanks." I said and stepped in, my hair was messy under a cap but she always jumped to grab it and messed with my hair; she did it then and I just let out a sigh. "Why?"

"Because you know you like it, Bill!" She giggled and put the cap on her head, it fell over her eyes, too big for her. "How do I look?"

"Silly." I smiled.

"Rimes with Billy, huh?" I chuckled as she pulled my cap up on her head.

"Are you trying to tell me something, Angie?" My eyes narrowed and she smiled a wide smile that made a couple of dimples appear on her cheeks.

"Of course not!" She put the cap back on my head and grabbed my arm. "I am just happy to see you." She changed the subject when we reached her kitchen. It smelled like apples with something else, I looked around and realized she had something on the oven. Pie, I told myself. "How'd it go yesterday?"

I let out a tired grunt.

"That well?"

"Don't get me wrong, Günther is a weird kid but in a good way and I love watching Jo with Lena but... I am not a good babysitter, I know that for sure." I told her, I had never wanted to have kids and when Tom had his own I wasn't grumpy or skeptical about how that would work for them because those kids made sense, they were also really special to me, they belonged to the family and although I didn't know very well how to handle myself around them they seemed to like me and with time I'd learn a thing or two about hanging out with them.

Lily was my favorite, but of course, Tom couldn't know or he would probably be very mad. She was a wonderful girl, since the first time I saw her, when she was still a baby I thought she was a cute girl and the fact that she was always so crazy about me made it easy for me to like her that little bit more.

After what happened in Mexico with Jo's dad, I had spent a lot of time with Lily in that hospital where they treated her small burns, she was worried about the stains on her clothes and I had told little Lily that there was nothing to worry about. She liked me because I was myself and she didn't realize it, she started singing because that's what I did and as time went on she decided she liked music. If there was one thing I couldn't resist was the strange beauty in a person who didn't care about what people thought, and that was Lily.

"And Tom didn't make it." I told her. Angie's face twisted as she pouted, her expression reading the question: why? "He got stuck in New York, there was a storm... made Günther angry and sort of sad and... It's not cool for them right now."

"When I was little my dad missed my birthday a few times." She told me. "And I'm still calling him every couple of days, joking, worrying about him, loving him..." She shrugged. "He must be too little to understand."

I nodded.

"Yeah, when are those done?" I pointed at the oven and she smiled at me, her eyes became smaller as that smile spread around her whole face.

"In a few minutes, do you want coffee or tea...or maybe milk?"

"I will take the coffee, thanks." She went to put the coffee machine going. "What did you do yesterday?"

"Boring stuff." She replied. "I fixed a logo." Angie was a graphic designer. "I kinda want to meet your friend Jo; she must be awesome if she got Tom to marry her!"

"Oh, that's not how it happened!" I danced a little in my seat knowing full well how everything had happened when Tom got the ring for Jo.

"How then?" She told me and sat opposite from me on her kitchen table.

"Well, he looked everywhere for the right ring and then he practically begged her." I made the story very short because I knew I could extend it long enough to make three movies or something. "He got her into marrying him."

"Even more impressive!" She said. "Help me out, alright?"

I helped her take the pies out of the oven and we waited impatiently for them to cool down.

"Can we rub ice on them?" I asked her and she laughed at the random sudden comment.

"No!" She laughed some more. "No, we can't!" We laughed together a few seconds and then she surprised me a little bit too. "When will you introduce me to that Jo, huh?"

I smiled at her without knowing why they hadn't met before; it was probably because they hadn't had a chance.

"I... I don't know, maybe later today?" She nodded.

"I like that. Should I wear something less...?" She pointed at her dress.

I looked down at her outfit, she was barefoot just like me, I watched her standing on her heel, moving her toes in a funny way, which made me smile.

"It's totally fine, Angie." I placed my hand on her shoulder and rubbed on her skin with my thumb. "You can be yourself." She sighed.

Angie smiled and nodded before wrapping an arm around my middle, hitting me lightly with her hip.

"You know, Mark is super lucky!"

"Ugh, da!" I laughed. "Of course he is!" She put her other hand on my chest, over the little implant.

"Why isn't he here?" I rolled my eyes; it was something I didn't want to tell anyone. "No, wait... I am sorry, it's not... you don't have to tell me, I am just being nosy!"

I turned to the pies on the kitchen table and told her about Mark's stupid fear of meeting my parents.

"But your mother's so sweet! What's he scared of?" She asked me as she went to get a knife for one of the pies. I grabbed a couple of plates from the cupboard and forks prom a drawer as she started cutting down a piece.

"And I'll tell her you said that." She nodded with a smirk on her face. Mom had met her last year during Christmas and I had the idea that they kept in touch behind my back. "I think he's being a baby."

"He is." She handed me a plate with a pretty big piece of pie on it.

"Thanks." She pushed away some residues from the knife with her finger and then licked it, winking at me as she did so.

We hanged out the rest of the morning once we finished our pie we put on our shoes and went out. We walked Pumbi and the crazy Timon. Although she was petting the youngest dog most of the time.

"Aw, this little guy is so cute!" She said as she knelt on the grass petting the dog, Pumba snorted as he went to examine her. "Ow, you too! You are even cuter!" Pumba licked her chin as she pulled away in time to avoid a lick on the lips. "Thanks man, I'm kinda saving myself for someone human-nothing personal!"

My ears seemed to perk up at the sound of that. Saving herself for someone? Who? I had been in contact with her even from America and she hadn't said a word about a crush or dating anyone, this was new and I didn't like it very much.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her with a smile on my face, it felt sick: smiling as I asked her that.

"I..." She looked like a deer caught in headlights. "I just..." She began pulling herself up and once she did and she was sort of leveled up to me -she was a couple of inches shorter- she smiled as normally as ever. "Let's go to your brother's place, I am dying to meet your niece and nephew!"

She pulled Timon's leash and he began walking, I felt her hand grab mine and something changed in my chest, something that felt a lot like when Mark did that too... but this was... different?

"C'mon Bill! You are the one who knows the way!"

"It's still pretty far from here, let's go back to mine and take the car, please?" I said, I wasn't a fan of such long walks especially in Germany after that incident with fans...

She rolled her eyes at me and nodded before turning back around. We walked the rest of the way to my house; we were walking so close to one another that our hands kept brushing every now and again. I smiled down at her as she went on telling me about a new store she had found last month in Stuttgart.

"... and they had these beautiful watches! I only got my hands on a bright pink one but they had them in every color and oh, the shoes' section!" She sighed and looked away from the sky to fix her eyes on me. "Bill, I have to take you. It's heaven."

"Let's go then." I shrugged and she leaned her head on my shoulder, reaching for my hand she intertwined our fingers.

"If only you were single." She whispered.

The funny thing was that... I was thinking the same thing.

We knocked on Tom and Jo's front door a while later, the sky had started getting darker and darker so we could only figure it was going to start raining soon.

"Hey, come in!" Jo opened the door for us; Bora was standing at her feet as Lena nibbled a cookie, dropping crumbs all over the place for which Bora was following them. "Oh, hello..." Jo's brown eyes darted to Angie and she turned to me almost as fast. "Angie, right?"

"Yeah!" Angie leaned closer to Jo and kissed her cheek effusively. "I have been telling Bill to introduce us for AGES!" She laughed and then turned to Lena. "You are cuter than I heard!" Angie kissed Lena's forehead and Jo took a few steps back to let us both in.

I was about to ask if Tom was home and that was when Jo let me grab Lena, my niece was never too fond of anyone's arms but her parent's - and even so, she liked Tom's care more than Jo's - so I held her in front of me, not too close to my ear just in case she decided to cry. Angie looked at me as if I was a horrible person and grabbed the little girl.

"Hey cutie!" She held her as best as she could; making it obvious that she had never held a baby before. Lena stared at her with her mouth wide open and the cookie in her hand. Angie smiled at her and we sat on a couch in the living room.

"So, did Tom...?" I didn't get to finish my question, Tom stormed in looking rather pissed, and he didn't even seem to notice us.

"Why would you say that?" Tom asked Jo.

"Well, because you are!" She told him, Jo's hands were on her hips and her eyebrows had shot up. "Maybe that's why."

"I am doing this because there is no more time!" Tom said a little bit angrier than before. "I can't believe you now! You said you had my back!"

"And I do!" Jo said and she put her hands up as if that would prevent my brother from speaking over her, which he did.

"Oh, you can't handle it, can you? You can't handle it!" He raised his voice; Jo pursed her lips and waited for him to be done speaking.

"What can't I handle? Günther wanting you here? No, I can't. I can't handle that Tom." I turned to Angie, she was trying to act distracted with Lena on her lap, our eyes met and we both seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"...Is this a bad time?" I asked loudly enough for both of them to turn their heads to me, ending their little staring contest.


"Yes!" Tom yelled over Jo's voice.

"No," Jo turned to my brother and gave him a harsh look "it's a perfect time." She threw her hair over her shoulder, hitting Tom in the chest with it and went to sit with us. "So, Angie, how did you two know each other?"

Angie didn't even take a glimpse of me; she straightforward answered and started talking to Jo in her usual manner. For a few seconds Tom stood there staring without knowing what to do.

"I'll be right back." I said and felt like I was being ignored by my two friends, I pushed at Tom's arm and we went to the kitchen. "What the hell?"

"It doesn't matter." He said sourly.

"Of course it does, you two have horrible fights." I told him and leaned on his kitchen island. "What happened this time?"

"She was kinda mad I didn't make it for Günther's birthday... it's not my fault! I mean I-I... there was a fucking storm! How was I supposed to know?!" Tom was still mad.

"She is angry because Günther cried yesterday." I admitted and Tom looked away, the one thing none of us wanted was to be like our biological father, he was never too good at being a father, sometimes he missed birthdays, he broke promises and mom grew tired of it long before we did. Tom hated missing Günther's birthday, Jo had to be able to see, but she was also very heartbroken whenever the boy cried.

"...I try my best, Bill. I swear I do! ...I fucking try, but I just can't get it right." Tom sat in the tall chair by the kitchen island. He put his phone down and brushed his beard with his hand. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Wait and apologize." I recommended him. "Let things cool down a bit."

Tom nodded and we were in silence for a few seconds before I opened my mouth to tell him about Mark and Angie.


"I'm calling dad, Gün wants a guitar and I know Gordon will love to help out. Günther should spend more time with him too." Tom grabbed his iPhone and looked for the number in his agenda.

I nodded and went back to the living room, maybe some other time I could tell him. I found Jo sitting with Günther on her lap and Lena crawling on the floor with Bora following her as she went around the coffee table.

I chuckled and leaned down to pet the dog.

"Uncle Bill! Hello!" Günther jumped from Jo's lap and went to give me a high five. "You've seen daddy? He said he was taking me out for a surprise!" I shrugged and he did the same with a little side smile that reminded me of the first time I saw Jo.

"He's somewhere around here." I said, thinking he would probably prefer to leave Gordon's company as a surprise too.

"Is that your friend?" He pointed at Angie with his head, nodding towards her in what he thought was a very discreet gesture.

I smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "Yes, her name's Angie, what do you think?"

"She is pretty." He made me lean down to listen to what he said next, although he said it pretty loud. "But mommy is still prettier." I nodded and chuckled.

"I bet she is." I put my hand on his head and told him to go sit with them.

I heard them talk about fashion, Angie and Jo thought very differently but they seemed to be connecting very well.

"And I have designed all this patterns... but I don't have a clue of how to turn them into anything." Angie told us.

"Oh, like... you could turn them into shirts or skirts, even pants!" Jo turned to me. "Bill and I love patterns on pants." I nodded.

"Why hadn't I heard about this before?" I asked her. Angie blushed and shrugged.

"I just... I don't know... it never came up!" She smiled with a bit of a shy smile.

"Guess who's on his way here!" Tom said and pulled at his jeans a little to kneel in front of Günther as he sat comfortably on Jo's lap.

Günther put a rebel lock of wavy hair behind his ear and shrugged.

"Opa!" Tom put his hands on Günther's knees; the boy raised his eyebrows and smiled without showing his teeth.

"Do you know why he's coming, love?" Jo brushed Gün's long hair away from his face and leaned to look at him, somewhat avoiding Tom's stare.

"No," Gün looked up at Jo "why?"

"He is the one who taught me how to play guitar." Tom said. "Now we're gonna teach you." Tom pointed at Gün with his index finger and poked his chest lightly too. Günther jumped up and got unbelievably excited.

Jo laughed and managed to kiss Güns cheek as Tom smiled at the excited smile on his kid's face. Angie and I stared at the three of them; it was a big difference to the fighting from a few minutes ago.

"Dah! Dah!" Lena started yelling loudly and Angie didn't seem to know what to do, Tom turned to the little girl quickly, she also demanded his attention. "Daaaah!"

She reached out to Tom and he extended his arms to pick her up, she grabbed a handful of his shirt as he held her and she put her other hand on his beard, recognizing the sensation.

"What's up, girl?" He pulled her little hand away from his face and held it on his as he looked at Lena's red face. "Huh?"

"Dah." She said and my brother pouted, he frowned and looked back at us, more specifically at Jo.

"She's been trying to speak all week." She said. "Right now she walks better than she talks." Günther nodded as if to support his mother.

"Mmhmm..." Tom looked worried, he swallowed and brought Lena's little hand to his lips giving it a kiss before she pulled her hand out and put it back on his beard, she made a kissy face we all - except for Angie - knew and he put his face closer to hers so she kissed him. She did and when I turned to Angie she was hypnotized by my brother and his daughter.

"I am sold, I want kids now." She said out loud. Jo rolled her eyes.

"The kids are not the problem, you know? It's the husband..." Angie stared at Jo with raised brows and then turned to me.

My phone started ringing and I brought it out of my jeans' pocket. Looking down at the caller ID I read Mark's name and saw his smiling face on my screen. Angie and Jo stared at me with questioning looks on their faces.

"Not gonna answer that?" Angie asked me just as I pressed on the red button.

"Nee, it's not important." I said with a smile, Tom was too distracted with Lena on his arms to even look at me, he would have known in a second but he seemed to be someplace else.


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Hope to upload real soon!

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