"Hello there Heisuke and Hajime san." We turned to see Kenji senpai.

"Kenji, what are you doing out here?" Hajime questioned. Kenji continued to walk until he saw the children playing with Katie.

"I've come to see the children play, and to get some fresh air." Kenji spoke. "How is the search going?" I sighed.

"Not well. We've searched everywhere we think queen Cornilia could have hidden the blade, but still come up empty handed." I responded. Kenji hummed.

"We're just not looking hard enough." Hajime spoke.

"That's not true." Kenji said. Hajime and I looked at Kenji in interest of what he just said.

"Kenji, what do you mean?" Hajime asked.

"Someone has been up very late at night, and using their spare time researching about the demon blade. In hopes of finding information that could lead us right to it." Hajime looked confused, but my thoughts went straight to Katie.

"Katie," I whispered.

"That's right, she asked me for books on the blade the day she woke up. I gladly gave her what I had, and she's been reading nonstop for the past few days. She's determined to find this blade in hopes of stopping the darkness from rising." Kenji senpai explained.

"Do you know how much she's found?" Hajime asks. Kenji shook his head.

"No, I don't, but I know if she finds something; she'll let you know." With that said Kenji strolled back inside. I returned to watching the children play until dinner time rolled around.
We were all sitting in the dining hall, all except Katie.

"She's not eating with us again?" Saizo questions. Everyone's gaze fell upon Katie's seat.

"No, she's eating in her room tonight with Mikki." Kenji spoke up. Everyone continued to eat until Saizo spoke up.

"I've received word that another village has been destroyed. If they keep this up, they'll be here in three days time."

"Do you think they're any closer to finding the blade?" Goemon asks. Saizo shook his head.

"So what, we just sit back and watch as innocent lives are being killed, villages destroyed? We have to find the blade soon or there will be nothing left. Panic will rise, and then what?" Souji burst out.

Everyone shut up instantly when Kenji sat his bowl down roughly. All eyes were on him, as Kenji is usually the calm person.

"Now, don't go being a hot head and running into battle. As I've told some of you earlier, the princess has been doing research for awhile now. She's been doing this for us, as you train to prepare to fight Jinoskue and Nobunaga." Kenji spoke.

"Yeah, but what about keeping the villagers calm?" Goemon questions. Kenji sighed before responding,

"Since you've arrived in Japan, have you seen the villagers panic?" Everyone shook their head. "That's because the princess is here. Have you seen her lately? She's been playing with the villagers children. When the children are happy, then the parents are as well. With the princess being calm and happy, then the village is calm."

Kenji had a point. Katie would always play with the children, and every time I see them, I see smiles. She's truly an amazing princess. Everyone resumed with their food in silence.
~~~~(Katie's POV)~~~~
The next day I was outside watching the children play. I was taking a short break from all the research. I heard someone approach me.

"Good morning princess." By the voice I knew it was Souji. Souji walked and sat next to the tree.

"Souji," I said in acknowledgement in response to his greeting. It was silent until Souji broke it.

"I'm surprised to see that you're out of your room and not playing with the children."

"Why is that Souji?" I was confused as to what he's getting at.

"A normal princess doesn't play with village children. A princess stays in the temple doing tasks for the country, for her people. In your case, you are reckless, don't care that the world is about to end." Souji explained his point.

I just stared down at the village in silence. Souji's words hurt me, but I didn't show it. I need to get back to researching if I'm ever going to find the blade.

"Excuse me, but I'm needed else where." I parted and headed back to the temple. The sound of laughter filled the air.
I sat there eating my bowl of rice as I skimmed page after page.

"Katie, you should rest." I paused my findings and looked at Mikki. She was helping me in my search, and would always bring me my food. She's a great friend.

"I'm alright, if your tired why don't you rest in here?" She shook her head.

"If you stay up looking, I will do the same." Then she grabbed a book and started reading. I smiled at her determination. I'm glad she and her friends are my friends. Here I don't feel so lonely, than when I was in the United States.

After about two hours later, I heard soft snores from behind me. I turned around to see Mikki, is laying on the floor with a book beside her. I smiled and took the book away from her. I grabbed an extra blanket, and placed it over her.

I looked at the book that Mikki had, and read the title 'Demon Blade'. How could I've missed this? I began to read, but as I was reading one thought stayed at the front of my mind. 'The only person who can find it is you, the princess of not just Japan, but of demons as well. Once you've found your true self, will the demon blade make its appearance'.

I was brought out of my thoughts, by a soft knock on my door.

"Come in," I said softly so I didn't wake Mikki. The door opened to reveal Heisuke with a smile on his face. "Oh hello Heisuke."

"Hello Katie, what are you doing up so late?" He asked.

"I thought I could help everyone by focusing my attention on the demon blade. Everyone is counting on me, and I don't wish to let them down." I said.

"Katie, how could you let us down?" Heisuke asked. My thoughts wondered to my discussion with Souji earlier today.

"Because as a princess, it's my duty to find the demon blade. It's not anyone else's responsibility, it's mine." I said flipping through another page.

"Somethings bothering you, want to tell me about it?" Heisuke sounded concern.

"I assure you, nothing is bothering me." I gave him the best smile I could give. But when I met his eyes, my heart clenched at the sadness in his eyes. I really want to ask him, does he like me?

I have to know, I can't understand these mixed signals or feelings. Should I ignore him or confront him? Maybe I shouldn't say anything at all and carry on with my findings.
Sorry for the late update, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy late Easter!
So what should Katie do next? Only you can decide.
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