Chapter 5: Climbing trees

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Tazuna shifts from his spot on the floor.

“C’mon!” he drawls “You’re over thinking this aren’t you?”

“No with all the suspicion we will prepare before it’s too late. That’s a shinobi rule. Plus whether Zabuza is dead or alive there are no assurances that Gato hasn’t hired an even stronger shinobi”

“Hold on!” Sakura demands, holding up a hand “A little last minute training isn’t gonna make us any stronger! You could barely defeat Zabuza, even with your Sharingan! We have to be reasonable about this!”

“Sakura, why do you think I was able to stop Zabuza?” Kakashi asks her, continuing without waiting for an answer “Because, you all helped me. You’ve grown. Naruto! You’ve grown the most”

“So you noticed!” he exclaims proudly, as Kakashi sends him a closed eye smile. “Now things are gonna get better. Believe it!”

“I don’t believe it! And nothing’s gonna be good!” a voice cries angrily. Everyone turns to the door in surprise. A little brown haired boy with a white hat is standing in the doorway, glaring at everyone. Naruto jabs a finger in his direction.

“Who are you?!” He blows, as Tazuna scurries to his feet.

“Inari! Where have you been?!” He cries happily as the little boy runs to him.

“Welcome back grandpa!” he replies excitedly, hugging Tazuna tightly. Tsunami walks over to him, hands on her hips.

“Inari, that was very rude!” she scolds him “These ninja helped your grandpa back here safely!”

“It’s okay! I’m rude to them too!” he laughs, while patting Inari’s head. The kid just glares back at us, before turning to his mother.

“Mother, don’t you see?! These people are gonna die!” he tells her frantically, making Naruto clench his fists. “Gato and his men are gonna come back, find them and kill them all!”

“What’d you say brat?!” he questions angrily, jumping to his feet “Listen up! You know what a super ninja is?!”

“Well, it’s me, only a lot better! I’m gonna be Hokage someday!” he states “This Gato or Blato or whatever his name is, is no match for a hero like me!” Believe it!”

Inari glares up at Naruto.

“Huh, there’s no such thing as a hero!” he yells. “You’re just full of stupid ideas!”

Naruto stares at Inari wide eyed, before growing angry, pointed teeth.

“What’d you say?!” he yells, struggling to get away from Sakura, who is struggling to him back.

“Naruto stop it! He’s just a kid!” she cries, as Inari turns to leave the room.

“If you all wanna stay alive, you should go back where you came from” he informs us, before turning around and leaving the room.

Tazuna sighs.

“Sorry about that” he grumbles. Naruto follows after him.

“Alright! Training starts now!” Kakashi tells us, leaning on a wooden crutch.

“Right!” Naruto salutes him. We were now in a forest close to the village. It was full of tall green trees.

“We will begin with a review of chakra, the ninja’s basic source of power. Understanding chakra, and how it works, is essential” Kakashi continues, as Sasuke puts his hands in his pockets.

“We already know that” the Uchiha sighs, while Naruto grins his eyes closed.

“He’s right!” the blonde agrees brightly “A long time ago we learned about catra!”

“It’s chakra” Kakashi corrects, making Naruto sweat drop. “Go ahead Sakura”

She goes explaining what chakra is, and I doze off admiring the woods around us.

“Sara!” I am brought back from my thoughts by Kakashi.


“Can you show them how to climb a tree without hands?” he tells me, I think this is his way of telling me it’s no use hiding what I know now.

“Fine” I do a hand sign, gathering chakra to the bottom of my legs before I walk to a tree and start climbing, till I reach the first branch I stand there to see the looks of amazement the three are giving me.

I jump down Kakashi explains the point of the training and how to do it. He hands each of them a kunai, telling them, to mark the highest point they reach.

“Who exactly are you?” Sasuke asks me making the others look at me as well.

“That Zabuza guy called you some nickname” he states

“And come to think of it” Sakura joins the conversation “When you fought against his clones, you moved really fast, and when we were back at the house, you knew all about those needles”

“And now you know this tree climbing thing” Naruto adds.

I sigh before I sit down, motioning for them to sit down.

They four of us sit in a circle while Kakashi sensei, sits at the feet of tree resting his back on it.

“Well” I start talking, and they look at me curiosity written all over their faces “how do I say this? I am what people call a prodigy”

 There face were now one of shock.

“I became a ninja, when I was 6 years old” I continue “Right now; I am at jounin skill level, as for the reason on why I remained a Genin or why I joined your team, well I don’t plan on telling you right now”

“And the nickname, the light princess?” Sakura asks me

“That was given to me by other ninja’s and has to do with some stuff related to my clan, which I’m not telling you about it now too” When I see them about to argue with that “Look I told all I plan on telling you at the moment, as for rest I will tell when the time is right ok? I wasn’t planning on telling you about this anytime soon, but this mission is an A rank now, which means I can’t hold back” they nod before standing up to start the training, I can see they have a lot of questions, but where is the fun in telling all  of it at once, I smile at that thought.

“Since you’re not very experienced with this, you should run at the tree to gain momentum” Kakashi informs them, and they start running at the tree, after they gathered chakra to the bottom of their feet.

“Chaaaaarge!” Naruto shouts running at the tree. He takes two steps onto the tree and slides down, landing heavily on his back. Sasuke runs about three meters up a tree, before slicing it and doing a flip, landing back on the ground.

“Well, that’s about what I expected from Sasuke…. And Naruto” I hear Kakashi mumble, I just sit on the ground watching them.

“Hey, this is fun!” Sakura giggles. I glance up at a tree, only to see her sitting on a branch, about twenty meters up. Sasuke and Naruto look shocked, and slightly annoyed.

“Well, looks like out of the three, that Sakura has the best chakra control” Kakashi compliments.

“Well done Sakura” Kakashi praises the pinkette, making her smile.

“Yeah! Way to go Sakura-Chan!” Naruto cheers, making Sakura sweat drop. “I always knew you were awesome! Believe it!”

“Whatever” Sasuke mumbles jealousy, looking away.

I zone out for the rest of training as I lay on my back watching the clouds.

Balance of Light and Dark (Naruto Fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz