Day 1

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                                                                        Day 1 

‘’Alex! Wake up!’’

Alexandre felt a hand slightly kicking his back. He groaned and opened his eyes, it was still dark.


Rubbing his eyes, he rolled over to Amélie, confused at her scared expression. Had someone broken into the apartment?

‘’There’s a huge spider on the wall above, throw it out of the window. Please.’’

Although he wanted to laugh at her fear of spiders and bugs, he heard the desperation in her voice. She probably couldn’t sleep because of the spider and now when it’s closer to her, she decided to wake him up.

‘’Seriously? That is the smallest spider I’ve seen in my life. Just relax and try to sleep, he’ll get out himself.’’

Amélie stared at him, crossing her arms. Ever since she saw a tarantula near her she has been afraid of any kind of spiders. This one was just above her head and could fall on her face pretty easily. She doubted her screams wouldn’t wake up the whole Paris. Alex returned her stare but sighed, defeated. He walked into the bathroom and got a towel to grab the spider with. By the time he got back to the bedroom, Amélie opened the window and stood behind it, as if it could protect her from the spider. Silently laughing in himself, Alex grabbed the spider with a towel, careful not to crush its fragile body and let him go outside the window.

‘’Is it outside?’’

‘’Yeah, problem solved. Now, does my damsel in distress need anything else or can I return to peaceful sleep?’’

Irritated and amused at his words at the same time, Amélie played along.

‘’You may return to bed, my Knight.’’

They both lied down once again, but couldn’t sleep. The sound of a clock kept them awake, it was past midnight. If they were going to walk around Paris in the morning, they would need a lot of sleep. Apparently, that wasn’t an option.

Alex turned to Amélie, noticing she wasn’t asleep. He wondered if the spider scared her so much.

‘’Can’t sleep either?’’

‘’I don’t know why, but I’m not even tired.’’

‘’The same here. Plus, that clock is annoying me and I can never go back to sleep after being woken up.’’


Her whisper sent a shiver down his spine. He didn’t want to say it was her fault, but it came out the wrong way. In the past few days, everything between them was so awkward, including the conversation. There was only hope that the City of love can change that. Or a love lock on Seine’s bridge.

‘’Nah, it’s alright. Everyone’s afraid of something, but I got to say that that spider was barely visible so I’m impressed you even noticed it.’’

‘’Oh, believe me, I notice them quite easily unfortunately. My dad usually threw them out of my room, but now he’s so far away.’’

‘’Britain’s not far. If you’d like, we can go there in August.’’

‘’Really? That would be great…if we survive this month.’’

He laughed, she was still uncomfortable with being here.

‘’I know you already like it. If you didn’t, you would already be on the train for Bayeux.’’  

He was right, although she hadn’t seen much, she wasn’t so nervous anymore, at least until they enter the metro.

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