My eyes roamed her body before looking back into her expectant azure eyes. "Why of course." I bowed my head slightly, a smirk returning to my face.

"As soon as we leave I want those answers!" She yelled at my retreating figure.

"Anything you want, babe." I called back closing the door. She was going to be a handful.

* * * *

I dressed slowly, dreading the drive back to my house. I looked at my still wrapped wrist. The gauze was a stark contrast to my tan skin. My father had said that I had somehow cut it in the rec room, yet I distinctly remember Knight biting me in the hall. My eyebrows came down into a frown. I was tempted to unwrap it, but before I could start, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey sunshine, you've been in there a while. Need any help getting dressed?" I heard his chuckle through the door.

"Arrogant, pompous bastard." I muttered to myself. "I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself. Thank you very much!" I said raising my voice enough for him to hear.

"If you say so, sweetheart."

I picked up my sweatshirt. Contemplating putting it on. I was back into my shorts and sports bra. I didn't feel comfortable not wearing something over myself, but it was too hot to wear the heavy sweatshirt. Deciding against putting it on, I laid it over my arm and opened the door. Knight leaned against the wall beside the door. His eyes traveling up and down my body, an approving look in his eyes. He seemed to look at my body a lot.

I knew I wasn't unattractive. My long dark hair reached the middle of my back. My eyes shifted between blue and green on a daily basis. I had a nice face, full lips, smallish nose, and perfectly trimmed eyebrows. My body, in my opinion wasn't too bad off either. My years of being on the cheering squad and being a part of track and field had toned my body. But despite that, I still had an hourglass figure. Full, but not fat. Slim, but not stick thin.

"Ready?" He asked, pulling out a set of keys from his pocket.

"As ready as I'm ever gonna be."

I followed him out of the hospital, walking faster than normal to keep up with his long stride. I was able to admire him from behind. A strong back, and broad shoulders. His dark hair was tousled, as if he had been running his hands through it. His dark blue shirt clung to his body, his dark jeans hung low on him. I had to admit though, he had a nice ass.

We walked up to a sleek black Aston Martin. My eyes widened. He came from money, not that it surprised me. He opened my door and gestured me in. It surprised me, and confused me. especially after last night. I was still wary of him, despite his good looks. He had been all over me not even twelve hours ago.

As he started the engine I looked out the window to the hospital. This would be the last time I would see it for a while. Not that I was really upset or anything. I just didn't really like change. And me being sent to who knows where with a stranger was one of the biggest changes I had ever really gone through.

I turned in my seat to face him. The words in my mouth freezing. Knights side profile was even more enticing than his backside. He had high cheekbones, and a straight nose. His lips were drawn up in a smile. That's when I noticed he was looking at me. His eyes twinkling in amusement.

"Like what you're seeing?" He asked.

I could feel a blush creeping into my cheeks. I had been doing that a lot, maybe too much. Avoiding the question I asked one of my own. "So, are you going to answer my questions?"

He sighed. His hands gripping the steering wheel a little harder. "My name, as you know, is Knight Quinn Cancel. My father is Ashton Cancel, my mother is Rose Cancel. I grew up in Germany, before my family moved to northern Maine."

"But I thought my mother grew up with your father?" I asked.

"We moved to Germany when I was six, and came back two years ago." He explained. I nodded my head, letting him continue. "I was in the basement because your father sent me down to meet you."

"So then why did you sexually assa-" I began.

"Now that is a question that is best answered when we are not driving."

"Bullshit. You sexually assaulted me, a complete stranger, I might add." I crossed my arms over my exposed stomach. "I want answers. And I know that this," I said holding up my gauze wrapped arm. "Was not caused by me. I didn't cut myself, you bit me. Why?" I could feel his frustration. But mine was so much more. I could feel my anger making my blood boil.

"Renee," he began, but he sighed. "We're here." He gestured towards the large house in front of us. Shutting the car off he stepped out. Opening my door he waved his hand for me to get out.

"So?" I asked, leading him up the stairs and into the house.

"So.... Renee, I come from a world that is so different than yours, most believe it to be fictional." He was following me up the staircase to the second floor.

"So you've made a choice for a different lifestyle, and you think that that gives you an excuse to attack me?" I asked, stopping in front of my bedroom door. I turned to him, searching his face for answers.


I closed my eyes, clenching my jaw shut.

"....Anne. It isn't a choice. I am what I am and I can't change that. Just, pack your things and put it in the car."

"Then what are you?" I asked angrily. He was avoiding the question. And he knew I knew.

"Renee, I am an Alpha Werewolf. And you are my mate. My Luna."

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