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You guys are amazing! Now I have over 5.6 K reads, thank you so much!! I love you guys! Remember, if you have any suggestions on improvement, don't hesitate to tell me!

Percy POV

Interrupting the conversation between the three of us, I asked, "Kronos, would you be so kind as to excuse Luke and I for a brief moment of private conversation?"

For a moment, my question seemed to confuse Kronos, but then the Lord of Time blinked and replied, "Um... Sure, I suppose."

Whooooaaaa! Kronos was granting me a request! That was a first!

I practically gave Luke whiplash as I jerked him away from Kronos and pulled him to the side of the battle. Nico, I noticed, kept his eye on Kronos for us to make sure he did nothing to hurt Luke or me.

There, with a battle raging around us, I pulled Luke close to me and whispered in his ear my plan to defeat Kronos once and for all.

When I came to a finish, Luke's eyes widened and he shook his head vehemently. "No, no, no, you can't do that! Everybody at Camp just got you back - they can't lose you again!"

Glancing around to make sure no one had heard, I held my finger up to his mouth. "Hush! I may not die!"

"But the chances-"

"Luke. Shut up for once, please." Duh, that was rude, but we were in the middle of the biggest crisis of our lives. I wasn't going to sit here and argue with him while our friends fought for us. "That's an order. Just stay out of sight until I tell you to complete your part of the plan, okay?"

Luke opened his mouth, about to protest again, but he managed to shut his mouth and nod, though reluctantly.

I clapped him on the shoulder. "I don't mind giving up my life if it's for my family. Last time, I did it for myself. I was selfish. Not this time."

Before Luke could say anything else, I whirled around and stomped over to Kronos. The god raised his sword, about to attack, but I held up my hand, dropped Riptide, and blurted, "Wait. I have a proposition."

Seeing me weaponless told Kronos I was dead serious. So he dropped his weapon and crossed his arms over his chest. I could tell he was still ready for anything I might throw his way, but he was willing to listen, for once.

"State your business," he growled, clearly angered at being stalled from his fight.

Fear threatened to fill me, but I pushed it aside. This could end in a disaster, or it could destroy Kronos once and for all. Either way, the chances of me winning were small.

However, I wasn't alone in this. I had Luke, and Annabeth, and Nico, and Jason, and even Chaos. With their help, I could win this!

"I can give you power," I finally managed to get out. Kronos perked up at that. "If you want it. And, if you promise not to attack camp or earth anymore."

"Not to attack you guys, huh?" Kronos pretended to be contemplating what I was saying, but I saw that look in his golden eyes. Over the last five years, I'd learned to read people well, and right now, I saw the betrayal in Kronos's eyes.

This was why I couldn't saved him.

Why I had to kill him.

His heart and mind were filled with too much evil to ever become good again, otherwise I already would have tried to save him. But alas, the only way to save him was to destroy him.

"I accept." Kronos interrupted my thoughts with what seemed like a genuine smile. But I saw the corruption behind that smile.

Just for a minute, I doubted my plan. If he saw Luke, or he figured out...

No. I had to do this, to at least give hope to my friends and my family. Bracing myself for what was about to come, I explained, "Okay, I need to be able to touch you for this, so... shall I take your arm?"

"Whatever you need to do," Kronos agreed, giving me that creepy smile again. He held out his arm, and I encircled my fingers around his wrist.

Then I began to give up my power.

All that power Chaos had given me was extracted from my body and centered on my fingers, where the power then flowed into Kronos, who straightened up as more and more power entered him. His maniacal laugh reverberated around the battlefield, causing campers and monsters alike to turn and face him. Nico shouted my name, realizing what I was doing.

Each heartbeat saw me weakened drastically, as the power and strength was drained out of me. Nico's screaming intensified as he could feel my life force rapidly expiring.

But not yet... Not yet...

Several long seconds later, I screamed, "Luke!", and my best friend raced out of no where and slammed into Kronos, who was preoccupied with crowing in triumph.

I staggered to my knees, gripping Riptide tightly in my hands, and together, Luke from the back, me from the front, we stabbed Kronos in the heart until our swords interlocked.

Light blasted out from Kronos as the power inside him literally tore him apart, so bright it nearly blinded me, and caused a blast so powerful I found myself unable to think clearly for a long couple of seconds.

When my vision finally cleared, Annabeth and Nico's faces sharpened into focus.

"Hi?" I gasped weakly.

Nico let out a very unNico-like squeal and pulled me into his tight embrace. "Dude, don't ever do that again! You almost killed yourself a second time, and I was not about to allow that. Oh, man! You killed him! You really did!"

A wan smile crossed my face as I patted Nico on the back. Standing to my right, Luke grinned widely and gave me a huge thumbs up.

When Nico released me, Annabeth took his place. Her embrace was much longer though. "Oh, Percy! You gave up your powers to save the camp! What a sacrifice! You may be a Seaweed Brain, but you're a brave boyfriend. I wouldn't ask for anyone better!"

Chiron trotted up on his centaur hooves and stated, "Well, that was quite a battle, if I do say so myself, though I hope not to see such a battle again." Chiron leaned down and hauled me up onto his back, a privilege that few got. It warmed me to see all my friends around me, smiling and clapping and laughing. I may have lost Chaos's power, but there was something the others didn't know.

Chaos's power wasn't temporary. Even though I'd just used it all up, it would eventually come back in time. Months, years, who knew? But I couldn't be Chaos's heir without the power. That was why I'd always have it inside me.

Chiron carried me all the way to my cabin, where Annabeth and Nico fawned over me like some injured invalid. I didn't mind, though, because they were my friends.

And that was what friends were for.

Second Chance (Percy Jackson Chaos Theory Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα