Annabeth Gives Us More Wisdom

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So I finally decided what the plot of the second book of this series is going to be!! Let me just say, I'm really mean to Percabeth. So. Just a little hint. It'll be funnn!
This also means that I will be wrapping up this book in probably ten chapters or less. Thank you all so much for the support, the votes, and comments, and the reads! If you enjoyed this one, then when I start the second book, be sure to read it! Thanks! Love you all!

Percy POV

It was a couple of days later when everything was finally revealed. The truth was known. The betrayer was known.

What was the truth?

Triton was working for Kronos, who had apparently never really died in that blast Luke created when he cut himself. It was if all of Luke's efforts had been one dumb failure. I mean, sure, he had managed to keep Kronos off of us for a means of nearly seven years, but still. Everything felt like it had just been thrown down the drain.

And then we found out the real truth.

Kronos had been killed by Luke, but he hadn't been as far gone as we expected. Void (a.k.a. End [we found out that tidbit later]), lovely dead universe ruler that he was, had brought Kronos back to life.

Now, I know you may be thinking "but you defeated Kronos once, you can defeat him again!" and blah blah blah. But the thing was, having been brought back by Void, he was much, much stronger than before. Like, thirty times more powerful than last time stronger.

It was so difficult for us to keep Luke in check. He wanted nothing more than to charge off wherever Kronos was hiding and slay him once and for all. To be completely honest, I would have loved to have joined him, but Chiron as usual, made sense of his three thousand years of experience.

"Perseus, Luke, I would advise you not to go out there, especially when we are on the verge of a battle anyway. We have learned through a spy that Kronos and Triton are planning to attack sometime within the next two days. Why not just wait for him then? Besides, we can't afford to lose anyone right now, not in the eve of destroying our enemies once and for all! No, I ask you once to stay with us, please."

How could we say no to such amazing words? It was like he knew exactly how to hit you right between the eyes and shove some common sense up your face. Harsh.

So the two of us decided to wait. But we had also decided that we were taking Kronos. Together.

This was our battle, and ours alone: no one else was going to help us finish what we had begun.

Luke and I now sat with Annabeth inside the Poseidon cabin. Again, now that Bryson was gone, I was alone.

Luke and I had decided to bring Annabeth with us for memories, moral support, and extra wisdom. It turned out it was the best decision we made in the entire world.

She was what saved us.

"Percy, I know you're afraid of this coming battle," were her first words when she joined us. "It's natural to be. But don't let your fear get the better of you, or you may have already lost before you've even begun."

Luke leaned forward in the chair he had brought in. Annabeth sat next to him in another chair, near the fountain, and I rigidly clasped the edge of my bed, on which I was positioned. "She's right, you know, man," he added. "You better be glad Annabeth is your girlfriend, or you'd be far worse off than you are now."

"Yeah," I murmured, releasing some of the tension in my clenched hands. A gentle smile crossed my lips as I met Annabeth's gaze. "I know. She's the best."

Annabeth returned the gesture, but there was an underlying feeling that obviously unsettled her. I couldn't place it, but what she said next told me she knew exactly why she was so nervous. "Percy, you know Kronos is stronger than ever, what with Void's help and his former power combined into one."

I rubbed my face ruefully. "How could I not know that? I knew that from the very beginning."

"Percy." Annabeth reached out and placed her fingers around my wrists, carefully prying them apart until she could lock eyes with me. "Even though Kronos may seem unbeatable this time, just know that everybody has some sort of weakness. It's not even necessary a fatal flaw, but sometimes it's the smallest thing. Like fear of spiders," she admitted, casting hr gaze down to the ground. Then her stormy eyes fixed on my green ones again. "Nobody is invincible. Nobody is strong in every area. Which leads me to point out that Kronos must have some sort of weakness. If we can find that, then we can win!"

"Yes," Luke agreed, and I nodded. "But the question is, what is Kronos's weakness?"

A/N Sorry this one is a little short: this is kind of like the break before the storm, yah know? Next chapter, the battle begins!!

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