Void Revealed

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Percy POV

Five am in the morning brought pretty much the whole camp to the Big House- so many so that we had to move from the Big House to the dining pavilion. The other campers were complaining of the cold. Winter had arrived, after all, and despite the magic borders, a chilling wind cut through the camp. I, however, didn't mind so much. The cold was my favorite time of year. That happens when you've lived and gone to planets that almost never get cold.

Chaos had arrived in his full aura of Supreme Awesomeness. Wondering what that is? It's Chaos. Just seeing him spreads the aura to others. Which is why the only people in Camp brave enough to sit near him were the Army and me.

"As I'm sure my dutiful commander has announced, my brother Void is somewhere on Earth, preparing to destroy this camp over a single camper," Chaos was saying. He had the attention of everyone in the room. Including the gods. I completely ignored my father, but boy, he did not ignore me. His stare burned into me through the entire meeting.

Chiron spoke up. "Yes, your... Commander... has told us that particularly important piece of information."

Chaos winked at me. Sarcastic wink? Definitely. "That's a first."

I pretended to have a coughing attack. All heads turned toward me and I stopped coughing. "Sorry, Chaos. I'm allergic to lies."

A single laugh cut through the stillness. Three hundred seventy-six campers turned to stare at the boy who had broken the silence. Nico di Angelo. I suppose not everyone in Camp had realized he'd had a complete make-over in personality. Hm.

"Sorry, sorry," Nico apologized, clearly not sorry. "That was just..." He burst out laughing, and his mood spread. Soon everyone except Chiron, Chaos, and a few specific gods, who I won't name (Hera, Dionysus, cough cough) was laughing like they did in the old days when I was around.

I smoothed my black cape. "Yes, well. I'm famous for my rather inconsistent mood swings back at HQ."

Alpha snorted. "Amen."

Laughter started again. This was fun! It was great to hear the whole camp laughing like nothing had ever happened to me. It reminded me of the good times.

Chaos had had enough. He banged Athena's table with his fist. I wasn't surprised when Annabeth didn't jump. She was practically never scared. Malcolm's reaction was absolutely priceless. He literally jumped so high he banged his knees on the edge of the table. "Ow!"

And once more, laughter filled the camp. I smiled at Alpha, who gave me a discreet nod. It had been our goal to make the campers laugh. It would start a building of trust despite the fact that almost no one knew who anyone from the Army was.

"Attention!" Chaos shouted. I saw the warning and had my ears thoroughly covered when Chaos shouted. When he shouts, it creates complete him. That is to say, Chaos. "If we are mature enough to settle down, I have an important announcement to make."

Quietness encircled the pavilion as the campers came to attention. Even without personally knowing Chaos, they were smart enough to know that defying his orders probably wasn't good. Unless you were me, in which case you could defy orders and get away with a week in bed. Don't ask.

Either way, I knew Chaos wouldn't hurt any of the campers without having a good reason. He could be harsh at times, true, but that was only verbally, and it was always to give good advice. Well, almost always.

"What is it that you wish to say?" Chiron inquired. He alone seemed undaunted by the powerful figure that could probably blast him to shreds in about 0.00000000000001 seconds.

Chaos let a dramatic pause slip into the conversation. "I've found Void. I know who the camper is. In fact, it isn't even a camper at all."

Annabeth stood, the strangest expression I have ever seen on her face. "How did you find Void?"

"My dear Annabeth," Chaos sighed, "you think I wouldn't be able to know my own brother when I feel him? And yes, I did just say feel, not see. For in this case, I cannot see him, nor can any of you. He's actually been living at camp for five years."

Shocked exclamations rose from every area of the pavilion before Chaos quieted them with the loudest shout I have ever heard from him. I wasn't prepared for it that time, and my ears were left to ringing.

Chaos continued. "Void has been harboring inside a camper here, one that is very familiar to all, and even to my Commander, Omega." Chaos snapped his fingers, and Bryson appeared by Chaos's feet, bound and gagged. Angry shouts rang out. I was quiet. Thoughts were swirling through my head. I waited for Chaos to say what I wanted him to say.

"Bryson Willhelm is Void!"

He said it. That meant that everything that had happened to me in the past was a mistake. It was no one's fault but Void's.

My friends, Thalia and Grover and Annabeth, were never the ones to blame for betraying me.

It was Bryson's fault.

Void's fault.

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