I'm Offered A Position

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Here's just a short little chapter for you, since I don't have too much time. Next chapter will be longer, I promise!

Percy POV

The faces of the three pranksters were hilarious. Travis and Connor just looked bewildered, but Leo was absolutely horrified. He backed away from me into the wall, practically hyperventilating.

At last, Travis stuttered, "H-how did you know?"

I laughed. "Just a tip for your future pranks, guys: next time, don't leave your door open for everyone to hear you talking. I was walking by and heard you guys planning to prank me, so I decided I'd go ahead and surprise you first."

Connor's jaw dropped open. "You... are amazingly insane. We've always had our door open when talking about pranks, but no one's ever heard us before. Or if they have, they've never pranked us back. You're different.. in a good way, I suppose."

"Yeah," Travis agreed. "You didn't mind the fact that we, you know, tried to prank you, right?"

"No, no!" I assured. "Not at all. In fact, I rather enjoy pranks, whether directed at me or not. Gives for a little fun, huh? In fact, I've done a few pranks myself."

Leo seemed to deflate at my words. "You've done pranks on other people?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "How boring would it be if I didn't? Seriously though. How lame is it to not prank?"

Travis jumped in the air. "Yes! We've found a new recruit!"

I held up my hands. "Whoa, whoa, I didn't say I wanted to prank any of the campers," I protested. "It's not like I know any of them that well."

Such a liar. But how was I supposed to hide myself from them? At least I'd be able to tell them at some point in the future. And yes, I had decided to reveal myself. If everything was Void's fault and my friends were, well, still my friends, then what reason had I to hide?

I just wasn't ready yet.

Connor held up the spray paint. "Who said we were going to prank campers? Why not Chiron?"

"Would he like that?" I tilted my head in thought. "Cause I don't really want to find myself on bad terms with the camp director."

"Nah," Connor replied. "Travis and I have pranked Chiron before and we only spent two weeks in the infirmary."

"That's not exactly helpful," I pointed out with a laugh.

Connor clapped his hands together. "Please?! Join us? You can be our assistant pranker!"

"You sure? We might be too busy for any pranking until Void's gone. Even then, that might not work. Chaos is going to need me after the fight."

"Just if you have free time!" Travis pleaded. "Like tonight!?"

"Please!!!" Leo sniffed, bowing in mock respect.

I rolled my eyes. "Augh! Swamped by the pranksters! Help!"

Travis and Connor gave me the evil eye. Leo stuck out his lower lip in the pouty face.

"It'll be so much more fun with you!" Leo exclaimed. "Come on!"

"Oh, fine!" I threw up my hands in surrender. "I'd be glad to join you."

The three pranksters high-fived. "Yes!"

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