Save Omega!

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That last chapter was literally the favorite chapter I have ever written in my entire life, so I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :D

Nico POV

"NO!" I shouted my heart out when Percy disappeared in Void's Black Mist. Annabeth and Thalia screamed just as loudly, and Jason shouted in hatred.

And then there was a light. Beautiful light of gray and blue and green. Even as we watched it expanded outward until it swept through me and protected every single camper that was in danger. Percy appeared twenty feet in front of me, tense, obviously surging with power.

And then he said all those things! The impact of those words will never leave me. He wasn't just the heir of Chaos, as we thought, but both Chaos and Order. That meant Percy would have the power of Order and Chaos combined when he inherited the earth.

Void was terrified. Anybody could tell that. Then, Percy leaped at Void, a golden sword forming in his hands, and he stabbed Void directly in the heart.

We could all hear his words even though they were barely spoken above a whisper. "You. Can't. Kill. Love."

My heart swelled in gratitude at that statement. The only reason Percy had been able to defeat Void was because of his love for us. Good old Percy. Even after five years, his loyalty still lay with us.

Void vanished in a burst of black mist, his last cry echoing throughout the camp.

Percy turned toward us, looking so regal and powerful. I could only think, How is this the Percy I know?

His newly created wings stirred in the breeze. His Omega chain bumped against his chest. His eyes... Oh, man. His eyes weren't green. They were silver, and gold, and red, each color blended into the other. Percy Jackson was Chaos and Order's heir.

Then Percy seemed to deflate before us. His eyes reverted to their normal sea-green color. The sword made of pure light clanged against the ground. He locked eyes with Annabeth.

Then swayed.

And collapsed on the ground.

He didn't move.

I was the first to rush forward, dreading what I was going to find. Another figure kept pace with me, and I was surprised to find it was Annabeth.

But I knew.

I knew even before I reached him.

Percy was dead.


Alpha POV

I couldn't just let Percy die. So I threw myself in front of the sword that was about to take my hero's life.

Yes. Percy is my hero. He is worthy of the title more than anyone else in the world.

The pain that blasted through me caused me to black out instantly, but I still heard the ring of Percy's cry.

And I drifted in blackness.

Until a soothing feeling washed over me, and I was lifted from my blackness to blink my eyes open to a blue sky.

I was alive? But how? How could I have lived through a stab like that?

Then the answer came to me when I sat up and saw Percy. The shield of light that he had created had just passed through me. It wasn't just a shield! It was a healing light! Percy had healed me because of his love!

That was why Percy was my hero.

For a few minutes I was disoriented, unable to think clearly. But then the shield disappeared and I glanced over at Percy. Wow...

He looked like royalty, looked like what I had always pictured him as.

But the next thing I knew he had collapsed and wasn't getting up.

Nico and Annabeth ran forward first.

Then I was on my feet and running. Percy had saved my life! He couldn't be dead now!

But what I saw dispelled all thoughts of his living.

Percy was dead.


Annabeth POV

Omega was dead.

Nico threw himself over the body on the ground and began sobbing. I was surprised; since when had Nico grown so close to the commander of Chaos's Army?

I understood, though. I barely knew Omega, yet my heart felt like it was shattering into thousands of pieces. This boy had just saved Alpha. He had saved me. He had saved every single one of us here.

And what was the price?

His death.

"No!" Alpha flew past me and launched himself onto his Commander. "No, no, Omega, please, you can't be dead!" His fingers clenched against Omega's shoulder. "Please, no." He sobbed, tears trickling down his cheeks. I had seen deaths before, but this...

I had to turn away before I too began to bawl. Omega couldn't be dead after what he had done. He had seemed so powerful in that single moment after he defeated Void, but now he was pale and lifeless.

I knelt beside Omega's body and covered my mouth. Despite my efforts, I began crying. Sadness threatened to overwhelm me. This was just as bad as the time I'd learned Percy had died...

That was when it hit me. The reason Omega's death was so hard on me. It wasn't just because he had saved me.

It was because I loved him. Only a week and already my heart was breaking over his death.

"No," I whispered, and leaned down until my forehead touched Omega's mask. I desperately wanted to take off the mask, see who our hero was, but he hadn't granted us permission. Even now, I would uphold his wishes.

None of us noticed the flash of red light that opened up to our right. That is, not until Chaos gently touched Alpha's shoulder.

Alpha jerked around so quickly he nearly fell over. He tangled his hands in Chaos's robes, burying his face against his master's chest. "Chaos, please... You have to save him." Alpha whimpered like a little kid, but I didn't blame him. The boy's cries resounded throughout the camp.

Chaos kindly pulled Alpha off him and knelt by his heir. Those beautiful green eyes were closed, the chest still with no breath to force in or out.

I stopped crying as Chaos gently placed a hand on his heir's neck, feeling for a pulse. Finding none, Chaos frowned, and a look of such sorrow crossed his face that my heart nearly broke again.

Then Chaos placed his hands over Omega's chest, over his heart, and began chanting in a strange language. Slowly, the color returned to Omega's face, and his neck began throbbing as his heart began to do its work again.

His chest began rising and falling as life returned to him. His fist clenched and opened.

Then those beautiful eyes snapped open.

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