Accepting of the Truth

Start from the beginning

His brother sighed and nodded “I guess you’re right. We need something though!”

That’s when Castiel spoke up “If you’re parents won’t listen to you, but you don’t want to give too much away to the poor guy who is doomed... Why don’t you try and convince him? I mean, just tell him everything you know about him from the dream minus the part about him dying.”

Dean stared at him “So describe him, tell him you saw him coming to help. Then what? Explain to our parents the truth and leave him out of it?”

Cas shrugged “More or less.”

He turned back to his brother “What do you think?”

“I think it may work. We’ll have to sound pretty convincing and serious though.” Sam nodded; he looked out the peephole again anxiously.

Dean rolled his eyes “Don’t we always.”

Sam laughed “Come on, if we’re going to get in we need to move now.” He opened the door and ran out. Dean looked over at Cas and then followed his brother out, Castiel close behind.

They stopped in front of the door as his dad was closing it. He looked at the boys and sighed “Come in, but keep your mouths shut okay?”

“We can’t Dad. There is a lot I need to tell you and you need to listen.” Sam argued, crossing his arms over his chest.

Dean recognized it as his stubborn stance. His dad must’ve too because he nodded and said “Okay, explain. And please don’t give us the same crap as yesterday Sam.”

Sam huffed “It isn’t crap Dad!”

John stared at the boy, his face obviously saying he didn’t believe Sam. Dean stepped in then “It’s true Dad. That visitor you just got? The one with the tattoo? Sam saw him last night.” He dropped his voice to a whisper “He saw him die Dad.”

A stunned look came over John “Die?” He looked over at the visitor “Should I tell him?”

“No, we can’t tell him his future.” Dean said hurriedly “We all agreed it would be best not to. But we can try and save him!” He shrugged “We can try, it would be best if he doesn’t come on the hunt.”

His dad ran a hand over his face “Say I believe you, say what you say is really going to happen to Don; we need him on this hunt. He is the best vampire hunter we know.” He looked back and then to his sons “Your mother and I will just have to watch over him.”

Sam looked down at his feet; Dean looked back at him helpless. Cas reached out and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. Dean nodded at him and then looked back up at his Dad “We need to go with you. We told you about the dream where you two die already. We need to be there to help you. Please Dad, you need to believe us.” Dean knew he was too old to be begging like this, but he had to. He had to get his dad to listen to him. To understand.

His dad turned away and looked at the other two adults in the room. His mom was talking with the man, Don, and had a sweet smile on her face. The two of them were obvious friends and had known each other for a long time. He could see on his dad’s face that they had known him for a long time. He was a long time family friend.

Then why had they never met him before?

However that didn’t matter right now. What mattered was convincing his dad to bring them along, to keep Don here and believe them. Just believe them. That was the most important part about this!

John turned back to them and his shoulders slumped “Okay. I get that you boys want to come on the hunts and all... But they’re dangerous. You shouldn’t even know about the dark creatures that lurk in the dark.” He sighed “I believe you, I guess I have to. I mean considering my night job.” He let out a dark chuckle and beckoned Mary over. “Our Sammy here saw Don die.”

Mary gave him an exhausted look “Sam, this really isn’t funny.”

Their dad laughed “No, Mary. I know it isn’t. But I think we need to start taking them seriously. They aren’t acting like they want to be here.” He looked the trio over “A little more like they have to be. That’s not the same as wanting to hunt.”

She looked up at her husband and then at her sons and their friend “Okay. What do we do then?”

“Let them come, keep them safe.” John replied and then walked away.

Mary cast them a nervous glance before following him.

The trio stood there in triumph. It was short lived of course, but it was better than nothing. They gathered together. Sitting on the edge of the bed. Dean hung an arm around Cas’ shoulders and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. His dad looked at him in confusion but said nothing.

Good, Dean wasn’t in the mood to explain. Cas was grinning brightly though, he looked at Dean out of the corner of his eyes and leaned against him.

His body was warm against Dean’s and he had to admit that it felt good. He had missed this warmness the night before. Sleeping all by himself. He never thought he would think that, but he had.

As the adults talked for a brief moment, he dropped his voice to a whisper. He leaned in close to Cas and said into his ear “Tonight you are sleeping in my bed tonight. I missed you last night.”

Cas’ silent laugh vibrated through his body and into Dean’s. He looked up at him and grinned “I missed you too. It would be my pleasure to sleep beside you once again.”

Without thinking about the world around him, or the people in the room who didn’t know. He dropped his head further and placed a sweet kiss on Castiel’s lips. Cas kissed him back softly, bringing his hand up and resting it on Dean’s face for a brief moment. When they pulled apart, all eyes were on them.

John’s eyebrows were so high Dean had to give him a small smile. “Well,” John said slowly “This is certainly a surprise.”

“Not really how I would have wanted you to find out. But this is my boyfriend, Castiel.” Dean said with a short laugh.

Mary looked at John and shook her head “I guess we should have seen the signs. No girlfriends, nonchalance toward them.” She shrugged “But then that was it.”

Dean looked between his parents and rolled his eyes “You guys are weird.”

They both laughed and then went on to explain the plan.

“That went well.” Cas noted.

Dean nodded “Better than I ever thought it would go.” He shrugged “I guess we should be grateful for it shouldn’t we?”

“Yup. We got off easy with the coming out part.”

Dean couldn’t help but agree. At least his parents accepted it; that was all he could ask for. The people he was seriously worried about though were the kids at school. They were not as forgiving as parents were. The stereotypes that surrounded their world would give people a new view on him. He didn’t know if he was ready for that.

He would do it though he supposed, for Cas. He’d do anything for him.

“I just realized something.” Castiel whispered.

“Hm?” Dean said snapping out of his thoughts “What is that?”

“You called me your boyfriend.”

“So I did.” Dean replied poking Cas in the cheek playfully. “Is that okay?”

“Perfectly okay.” Cas replied and leaned against Dean once again. 

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