Chapter 12

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Luke's POV

I got on the bus with Dan and smiled holding his hand. Ashton looked at me and Dan "whose he?"  I looked at him "this is Dan, I let him at the club last night."  Ashton scoffed " of course, you can't just bring random people on the bus Luke! He could kills us or something for all you know!" I rolled my eyes "it's not different than you bring Connor on the bus, and you met him at a cafe!"  Ashton glared at me " don't you fucking bring Connor into this, he loves me and I fucking love him, that kiss we had the other day was a mistake anyway, your birth was a mistake! No wonder why people hate you and don't love you. Nobody's ever loved you, we've all felt sorry for you because you're a prick and a low life and a dumb ass."  I teared up and cleared my throat "excuse me." I ran to my bunk climbing into with Dan calling out my name. Michael looked at Ashton with a disappointed look "Ashton I have no idea what's gotten into you but you've turned into a monster." Connor looked at Ashton in disgust and rolled his eyes "Ashton maybe you need to get your head out of your ass for a change." I cried into my stuffed penguin and heard the curtain open. "Luke, are you okay? Don't listen to Ashton he's a prick you know? You have me." Dan said and I sniffled and nodded "yeah I'm okay I just got called a prick, low life and was just told nobody loved me. So yeah I'm definitely okay."  Dan sighed and climbed into my bunk cuddling me "he's just jealous because he isn't me." I chuckled and wiped my eyes planting a chaste kiss on Dans lips. "Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot." Dan blushed and I chuckled " it's no problem."  I smiled at him and cuddled up to him for the rest of the day.

Time skip from the concert

"You did amazing baby!" Dan jumped into my arms and I smiled. "I smell like sweat." I chuckled and he giggled and wiggled his eye brows "sweat looks sexy on you." I blushed and chuckled and Dan smiled getting out of my arms and grabbing my hand. "How about you go shower when we get to the bus and I take you out for dinner? After all you're my little rockstar and you've earned it considering you work your ass off along with the rest of the boys."  Dan said and I nodded at him "that sounds perfect." We walked to the bus hand in hand. "Luke! I'm sorry!" I heard Ashton's voice and Dan turned around and said "fuck off mate, you broke Luke's heart by saying those things. Go back to your precious little boyfriend." Ashton scoffed "i will beat the fuck out of you!" I rolled my eyes and kept pulling Dan along with me. We arrived to the bus after ashton and Dan arguing and I went to the bathroom jumped into the shower quickly and hummed Vapor. I washed my hair then my body and rinsed off.  I got out and dried off putting on a suit and tie and putting my hair in a quiff. I came out of the bathroom and Dan whistled at me and wiggled his eye brows "looks spiffy Mr Hemmings." I giggled at him and replied "not looking to bad yourself."  He smiled and kissed my cheek. We walked hand and hand off the bus  and I giggled at small little things he said to me. " Luke you can't go with him." Ashton said and I looked at him "yea I can he loves me and I love him. Why won't you understand that? He makes me happy." He teared up "I give up."  We walked past Ashton and went inside to a little restaurant "Dan? Babe I've been waiting for you." Another mans voice said and my face dropped letting go of his hand and I looked at him "babe? You had another person on the side? To think I thought you loved me." Dan looked at me "Luke I can explain." I backed away  and looked at the other guy "I hope you to have a lovely night." I walked out of the restaurant and continued walking to the bus. I felt a rain drop hit my face and I thought to myself "great. Can this night get any worse?" I finally arrived to the bus avoiding the looks of the boys and took off my suit and tie and changed into pajamas. "I told you so." Ashton said and I shrugged showing no emotion. "You're right Ashton nobody loves me. I'm used to getting hurt anyway."  I caught Ashton looking at my wrists and he pointed at the bandages "what's that?" I shrugged "it's nothing. I'm going to bed." I got in my bunk and ignored the concerned looks on everybody's faces and went into a deep slumber.

Happy Easter. Hope everybody has a wonderful time with their families!

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