Chapter 3

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Continuation from last chapter
Warning: triggering
Luke's POV
I ran up to the bathroom and slam the door shut crying my eyes out. It hit me in realization that I lost my Bestfriend. I cried harder opened the cabinet door and found the box lifted the lid up then lifted my sleeve up and started cutting. I watched the blood come out of my cuts then cleaned them. Calum knocked on the door "Luke are you okay? I need to use the bathroom so if you could hurry up and finish that would be great."  I responded back "yeah just gimme a minute Calum." I cleaned the razor putting it back in the box and put the box away. I bandaged the cuts up and cleaned the blood off the floor and made sure it looked like as if nothing ever happened. I opened the door and walked past Calum "the bathrooms all yours now." I called Alexis and she picked up and said "Luke baby I miss you already." She said and I responded back "yeah I miss you to." Alexis started talking again "shouldn't you be packing?" "Yes, I gotta go love you." Then I hung up the phone I saw Calum helping Ashton pack and I walked to my room trying my best not to cry again. He hates me, after everything we had been through in our friend ship he hates me. "Who am I gonna go to for girlfriend advice?" I thought to myself and started packing my bags. I thought to myself "this is gonna be a long ass tour." Calum walked in "Luke are you done packing yet?" I nodded as a response and sat on my bed. "Why does Ashton hate me?" Calum shrugged and I sighed. "Get some sleep. Night Luke." I laid down and shut my eyes and went into a deep slumber.

I wrote this before bed oops good night

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