New Life

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No One's Pov:

The 4 mermaids and their respective partners sat along the edge of the moonpool long after Cassie went back to heaven, watching the water rippling with the reflection of the sun bouncing around. All was silent eyes staring, all thinking. "Do you think we should believe her, i mean about staring another war?" Cleo asked looking to the others worry surrounding her otherwise calm exterior "Yes, couldn't you tell she was worried and we should be too" Emma replied walking towards the steps into the moon pool, taking one last look she jumped into the water transforming and disappearing into the sea. "I guess it's final, we have to start a war" Rikki looked at everyone remourse on her face before she too swam of into the sea. "Does it really have to come to this, i mean is there another way?" Cleo was almost crying frantically wanting an answer "I hope there is another way, i don't know how this would work" Lewis responded taking Cleo's hand and leading her out of the entrance waving at the remaining members. "I better be going, got to find Emma before anything happens" Ash was worried but why wouldn't he Emma was due to give birth any day soon, all that was left was Will, Zane, and Bella shock all over their faces.

Emma's Pov:

I had to get away i had to think there is no way we are going to war, we need to find another way around it i can't put my family in danger. I was nearing the octopus garden watching the sea urchins playing, the dolphins swimming past me when suddenly one whipped me with it's fin i lost balance and then everything went black.

Ash's Pov:

I looked everywhere for Emma, well everywhere on land she wasn't at home, she wasn't with Rikki i was starting to get worried what if she had gone into labour she was due to give birth any time soon i just need to be there with her, no matter what. I tried ringing Bella straight to answer machine they're probably at Mako. That was it, i untied my boat from the side of the sea and got comfortable, packing Will's scubba gear and starting the engine sending him a text so he didn't get angry. I hope i find her.

No One's Pov:

The three of them still sat in peace along the moon pools edge, Will conforting Bella and Zane watching with a sad look on his face. They were staring again at the water. That was until the pressense of Cassie disrupted them "I'm sorry, there's a problem" She practically shouted running up to the remaining members of the once eight piece group "What are you talking about?" Bella asked running towards Cassie as she slipped to the floor "Emma she's in trouble, by the octopus garden, HURRY!" Worry etched on their faces "I'll meet you there find Ash" Bella shouted as she jumped into the moon pool swimming towards the octopus garden. Bella was nearly there when a net caught her slowly dragging her up, not far from the net was a tail sticking out from behind a rock "EMMA! EMMA!!!" Bella shouted as she tried in vain to escape the net capturing her. Not long later a tail flickered next to Bella "What happened Will told me to come find you?" Cleo asked untiying Bella from the net "Come on!" Bella pulled Cleo to where the tail was. Before the two mermaids was a slightly smaller mermaid with a small cut along her tail, unconcious at the bottom of the sea. EAch mermaid took hold of the mermaid and swam back to the surface meeting Rikki along the way who also helped carry the heavy girl with a tail back to shore. They were halfway to the surface when something happened, something magical, All three mermaids turned to the one they were carrying to be blinded by  a bright white light coming from her stomach, They were all stunned into silence, they kept going never the less. A stronger light emmited from Emma as her back arched at the same time. Rikki pointed upwards where they all swam faster only to be stunned when they entered the shore that they didn't just bring Emma with them, The light died down revealing a very small mermaid child lying on top of her. It was Emma's baby it had a light blue tail with orange specks on it, Ash came running over with shock, love and adoration on his face when he saw the mermaid child.

Emma's Pov:

I woke on the shore with my tail surrounded by the seven faces i wanted to see. "Emma you're ok" Bella wrapped her arms around me as everyone had smiles on their face. I don't know why but looking down at my self i suddenly felt weightless like i did 9 weeks ago. "You left yourself a surprise" Rikki said drying me off and helping me into a seated position, my head ached "What happened?" I asked rubbing the back on my head, they were all puzzled "We don't know you blacked out underwater, we found you brought you on shore and someone else too" Cleo responded. "What do you mean someone else?" I asked worry in my voice. "Here you go sweetie meet mummy" Ash handed me a blanket, i pulled back the covers which had a small child inside with it's eyes closed with a small net of dark hair "It's a girl" He said smiling at me and our beautiful girl. "Congrats Emma" were the replies from the rest of our group "I think we'll call you Gracie" I said smiling at Ash, he really was the best boyfriend and was bound to be a great father i just know it.

Bella's Pov:

looking down at the small mermaid child in Emma's arms makes me want to see our wonderful child soon. I know i don't have long to wait i hope i have it on land and am fully concious i don't want to miss a thing.

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