50 Facts About Me

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Okay so here is my 50 facts about me! I hope you all like it.

1. My name is Lydia-Nicole but I go by Nicole.

2. I have been on wattpad since the 4th of February 2014

3. I personally think Nutella is the most important food group.

4. I don't know if Nutella is a food group but if it isn't it should be.

5. I have one sibling.

6. I live with my mum

7. I am from England

8. I am only a quarter English.

9. I am also a quarter Irish, a quarter welsh, a seventh American and an eighth Australian.

10. Now this one seems like a lie but if you go far enough back into my family tree it's there, I am related to John.F.Kennedy.

11. I'm related to him on my dad's side because he was my dad's grandfather's cousin.

12. I'm in over ten fandoms

13. They are Scream:TheTVSeries, TMR, Divergent, 5sos, Dylan O'Brien, Shailene Woodley because come on she's amazing, miles teller because he's my future husband, Dylan Sprayberry, One Direction, TWD, American Horror Story, Shadow Hunters, Chandler Riggs, Michael Clifford, Halsey and Taken (The band, not the movie).

14. I'm pretty confident I spend more time on the internet than with my own family.

15. I'm also pretty confident I have more internet friends than actual friends too.

16. When I'm older I would like to be either a Writer, a journalist or a actress.

17. I'm a girl.

18. I'm straight but I don't care about the gender of the people I fall in love with, it's not a big detail.

19. I'm a brunette

20. I've ombre'd the ends of my hair blonde

21. I'm known at my school for continuously dying my hair different colours.

22. I go to public school.

23. It sucks balls.

24. I fell out with my best friend recently because he threw a bottle at my head.

25. I used to suffer with severe depression and anxiety but over the past year I've become a lot happier and more accepting of myself.

26. I suffer from mild acne, you know the struggle.

27. I have like 97 OTP's.

28. They are Stydia(TeenWolf), Violate(AHS), Layden(TeenWolf), Malisaac(TeenWolf), Bellarke(The 100), Fourtris(Divergent), Malec(ShadowHunters), Scallison(TeenWolf), Caryl(TWD), Richonne(TWD), Glaggie(TWD), Sutter and Aimee(TheSpectacularNow), Miles and Alaska(LookingForAlaska) O'Broden(DylanO'Brien&HollandRoden), Sizzy(ShadowHunters), Trenda(TMR), Newtmas(TMR) and Matheo(TeenWolf)

29. That took me ten minutes to list.

30. My female role models are Holland Roden, Emma Watson, and Lia Marie Johnson because they're so empowering towards women.

31. I like Cheese but only on pizza, please and sometimes on a homemade quesadilla, otherwise it smells like feet to me

32. That was a quote from camp rock but it's true and I relate to it on a spiritual level.

33. I once kissed a guy at my friend's house but he was so much shorter than me that he had to stand on a step...

34. I love music like a lot.

35. I love to draw and I think I'm partly good at it.

36. If I were to be any character in the walking dead it would be Glenn because he's survived dying so many times and I'm starting to thinking he's immortal.
(Update: Its a year later and I'm regretting this decision 😂)

37. I've only ever had six pets in my life.

38. The first was a hamster called spike and he lived for 5 years, the second was a bowl of sea monkeys but my sister killed them, the third and fourth I bought together they were called bubbles and squeak and they were goldfish Squeak lived till the age of five and Bubbled lived till it was ten, then I got a bird named Gromit named after the dog from Wallace and Gromit, he's still alive and I currently also have another goldfish called Marcel.
(Update: Marcel died shortly after I wrote this, so I just wanna take a moment to say RIP to the best pet)

39. I'm going to a Vamps concert on April 16th with LeanneJones25 and rachelvjackson

40. I'm getting braces soon.

41. I have a 5sos concert six days after the Vamps one.

42. I based the character Luke in this story off of Luke hemmings

43. I also based the character Sophie of my own best friend ShadowsDies

44. It's currently 2:50am and I haven't slept in three days.

45. Im hella broke but need divergent merch so I am beginning an official off-grid pickpocket.

46. I'm not actually becoming a pickpocket don't call the authorities.

47. I own a Olaf the snowman onesie from frozen.

48. I recently fainted and broke a radiator made of metal in my house with my head.

49. I have a stuffed pig called porkers which I can't sleep without.

50. I can weirdly move my ears.

So this was 852 words long and I'm tired so I'm gonna go I hope you found this... Interesting... Anyway goodbye!

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