Chapter 36

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Ross' POV

We just finished up our meeting with our manager and our agent. Basically it was just about what our set lists for the first couple of nights were going to be and to see what places we are going to be performing. Things like that.

"Make sure you call me if you want to make any sudden changes or guest appearances before making it finalized." Our agent, John said.

"Alright. We will be sure to do so." Riker said as we stood up to go back on the bus.

"Thank you for letting us bring our god-sister and a couple of her friends." Rydel thanked them.

"Youre welcome now skid-addle along now. You still need to pick them up and stay on schedule. Go on now." John said.

Laughing we all walked back to the busses. We decided to bring another bus just for Delly and the girls. Meaning Us boys get a bus to ourselves!

"Hey Riker! We should lock Rydel out this bus!" Rocky said after he got on the bus. "Okay!" Riker said. Immediately Riker got up and shut the door and stood there so she couldnt get her stuff.

Rydel's POV

"Riker!!!" I whined. I am standing outside the tour bus all my stuff is on. Along with my brothers and Ratliff. Last time i left my brothers and Ratliff alone with my stuff they got into it. Especially my diary and my make up. Its a long story behind the make up ill explain it another time.

"What's the password?" Riker said trying to fight back a laugh.

"Let me on the bus now Riker!" I commanded my older brother.

"Fine! I will ket you on the bus." Said Riker. "But first just know this was Rocky's Idea."

With that he stood behind the door and was letting me open the door. When i climbed on the bus i slapped Riker on the shoulder and went to the fridge.

"OW!" Riker said rubbing his shoulder acting like I actually had hurt him.

"Please! You are such a drama queen! Ross is one too." I stated rolling my eyes, as i took a seat in one of the chairs on the bus. I flung my legs onto the table in front of me and took a drink out of my water.

"Hey!!! What did I do?" Ross said playing as if he got his feelings hurt by what i had said. "Its not like you werent laughing the whole time." I replied to my younger brother.

"Shes right Ross you are a drama queen." Ellington said walking up behind Ross. "Thank you Ratliff." I simply stated before pulling out my phone and texting Hazelle.

Hazelle's POV

*bud dool ding* My phone went off letting me know i got a text message.

I stopped my dirt bike and sighed as I pulled my phone out. The text was from Rydel.

•hey just got out of the meeting and finally got back on the bus. We got another buss that me you and your friends will be on. The boys get the other bus. Heading your way now.•
I laughed as i read the text. Riker probably locked her out the bus again.

"Whats so funny and why did you stop the bike to let me catch up to you? You know that i could have won that race." Violet said stopping her dirt bike next to me.

"Nothing. I just got a text from Kyle. Hes just a goof. Made me laugh. " I replied to Violet. i hate lying to my best friend but I wasnt allowed to tell her I had delly's number.

I quickly sent a text back to Rydel that reads:
•Lol Did riker lock you off the bus again and blame on rocky? He does that too much. Girl struggles. Alright. Im at the dirt bike arena. Fixing to go home and get everything together. See ya soon sis.•

"Oh My God!!! We have to go!!!" I said taking a look at the time.  Its 4:15 pm, we are supposed to be ready by 6:00.

When I said that i made Violet jump. Haha I love when I do that. She is so skiddish, its hillarious. Shes also very Gullible.

"Why?" Violet said. "Its 4:15! I still have to finish packing and now shower!! Then we have to go to your house and finish packing. We have little time left! Lets go!" I hurriedly said  while starting my dirtbike up again.

We drove the dirtbikes back to the garage. "Thanks Brian. Take good care of my baby while im gone." I said throwing my key on his desk. I ran out and back into my car before he could reply. Violet did the same.

"Im driving. Can i have my key?" I asked to violet. She gave me my key and i drove us to her house.


Hey guys. Sorry that this chapter sucks. I couldnt think of much to write right now but i needed to update.

Also, i pulled a couple parts of a couple R5 TV episodes and put it into this chapter. Im going to try my best to do that in more chapters too. So i hope you like that part.

Anyway, i hope you like this chapter. Please comment, Vote, share, recommend this book.

Im slowly coming out of my writers block now. Yaay!

Just one more thing. I want to write a Rydellington fanfiction but i dont know what to make it about. If you have any ideas please fill me in! Open to all ideas.

Have a happy and blessed day! Remember that even if i dont know you, i do care and love each and everyone of you! Also if you need someone to talk too, feel free to message me.

~ Destiny

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